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We see x^2+y^2 in the second and third equations. We simplify those making use of the first equation,.

At last, we substitute thesthe above expressions in the first equation and solve it in r.

We see x^2+y^2 in the second and third equations. We simplify those making use of the first equation,

At last, we substitute thes expressions in the first equation and solve it in r.

We see x^2+y^2 in the second and third equations. We simplify those making use of the first equation.

At last, we substitute the above expressions in the first equation and solve it in r.

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One of ways is as follows. We start from

Expand[x^2 +  y^2 == (r - 65)^2 && (x - 85)^2 + (y + 185)^2 == (r - 
  55)^2 && (x - 150)^2 + (y + 45)^2 == (r - 35)^2]

x^2 + y^2 == 4225 - 130 r + r^2 && 41450 - 170 x + x^2 + 370 y + y^2 == 3025 - 110 r + r^2 && 24525 - 300 x + x^2 + 90 y + y^2 == 1225 - 70 r + r^2

We see x^2+y^2 in the second and third equations. We simplify those making use of the first equation,

Simplify[ 41450 - 170 x + x^2 + 370 y + y^2 == 3025 - 110 r + r^2 && 
24525 - 300 x + x^2 + 90 y + y^2 == 1225 - 70 r + r^2, 
Assumptions -> x^2 + y^2 == 4225 - 130  r + r^2]

2 r + 17 x == 4265 + 37 y && 4 (r + 5 x) == 1835 + 6 y

Now we can express x and y through r by solving a system of linear equations

Solve[2  r + 17 x == 4265 + 37 y && 4 (r + 5 x) == 1835 + 6  y, {x,  y}]

{x -> 1/638 (42305 - 136 r), y -> 1/638 (-54105 - 28 r)}}

At last, we substitute thes expressions in the first equation and solve it in r.

x^2 + y^2 == (r - 65)^2 /. {x -> 1/638  (42305 - 136  r),  y -> 1/638  (-54105 - 28  r)}

(42305 - 136 r)^2/407044 + (-54105 - 28 r)^2/407044 == (-65 + r)^2

Solve[(42305 - 136 r)^2/407044 + (-54105 - 28 r)^2/407044 == (-65 + r)^2, {r}, Reals]

{{r -> (11109660 - 1595 Sqrt[162728790])/193882}, {r -> ( 11109660 + 1595 Sqrt[162728790])/193882}}

The rest is left on your own.