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Sjoerd C. de Vries
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Graph[{1 -> 2, 2 -> 3, 3 -> 4, 4 -> 1, 4 -> 5, 5 -> 6, 
  6 -> 7, 7 -> 8, 8 -> 1},
 EdgeShapeFunction -> 
   ({drawArrow[{{-6.5`, 1}, {-4, 1/2}, {-6, 
        0}, {-2, 0.2`}, {-2, 0.5`}, {-2, 1}, {-2, 1.1`}, {-1, 1}, {0, 
      0}}, #1[[1]], #1[[2]], 
       ArrowFillColor -> RGBColor[1, 1, 0], 
       ArrowFillOpacity -> 0.5`, 
       ArrowEdgeThickness -> 0.1`, 
       ArrowEdgeColor -> RGBColor[1, 0.5`, 0], 
       ArrowEdgeOpacity -> 1, 
       LeftArrowSpacing -> 0.2, 
       RightArrowSpacing -> 0.2]} &), 
 VertexShapeFunction -> None, EdgeStyle -> Automatic]
 Graph[GraphData["DodecahedralGraph", "EdgeRules"], 
  VertexShape -> Graphics@{Red, Disk[]}, 
  EdgeShapeFunction -> 
   Function[{p$, v$}, 
    drawArrow @@ {{{-6.2059999999999995`, 
        0.3650000000000002`}, {-4.052`, 1.045`}, {-6.156`, 
        0.`}, {-1.5380000000000003`, 
        0.2549999999999999`}, {-0.9879999999999995`, 
        0.46499999999999986`}, {-2, 1}, {-1.428`, 1.435`}, {-1, 
        1}, {0, 0}}, 
      p$$[[1]], p$[[2]], {ArrowFillColor -> 
      {ArrowFillColor -> RGBColor[0.`, 0.61538109407187`, 0.1625391012436103`], 
       ArrowFillOpacity -> 0.462`, 
       ArrowEdgeThickness -> 0.0616`, 
       ArrowEdgeColor -> 
        RGBColor[0.06968795300221256`, 0.30768291752498667`, 0.`], 
       ArrowEdgeOpacity -> 1}}], 
  VertexCoordinates -> 
    MapIndexed[First[#2] -> #1 &, 
    GraphData["DodecahedralGraph", "VertexCoordinates"]]],
 Method -> {"ShrinkWrap" -> True}
Graph[{1 -> 2, 2 -> 3, 3 -> 4, 4 -> 1, 4 -> 5, 5 -> 6, 
  6 -> 7, 7 -> 8, 8 -> 1},
 EdgeShapeFunction -> ({drawArrow[{{-6.5`, 1}, {-4, 1/2}, {-6, 
        0}, {-2, 0.2`}, {-2, 0.5`}, {-2, 1}, {-2, 1.1`}, {-1, 1}, {0, 
        0}}, #1[[1]], #1[[2]], ArrowFillColor -> RGBColor[1, 1, 0], 
      ArrowFillOpacity -> 0.5`, ArrowEdgeThickness -> 0.1`, 
      ArrowEdgeColor -> RGBColor[1, 0.5`, 0], ArrowEdgeOpacity -> 1, 
      LeftArrowSpacing -> 0.2, RightArrowSpacing -> 0.2]} &), 
 VertexShapeFunction -> None, EdgeStyle -> Automatic]
 Graph[GraphData["DodecahedralGraph", "EdgeRules"], 
  VertexShape -> Graphics@{Red, Disk[]}, 
  EdgeShapeFunction -> 
   Function[{p$, v$}, 
    drawArrow @@ {{{-6.2059999999999995`, 
        0.3650000000000002`}, {-4.052`, 1.045`}, {-6.156`, 
        0.`}, {-1.5380000000000003`, 
        0.2549999999999999`}, {-0.9879999999999995`, 
        0.46499999999999986`}, {-2, 1}, {-1.428`, 1.435`}, {-1, 
        1}, {0, 0}}, p$[[1]], 
      p$[[2]], {ArrowFillColor -> 
        RGBColor[0.`, 0.61538109407187`, 0.1625391012436103`], 
       ArrowFillOpacity -> 0.462`, ArrowEdgeThickness -> 0.0616`, 
       ArrowEdgeColor -> 
        RGBColor[0.06968795300221256`, 0.30768291752498667`, 0.`], 
       ArrowEdgeOpacity -> 1}}], 
  VertexCoordinates -> 
   MapIndexed[First[#2] -> #1 &, 
    GraphData["DodecahedralGraph", "VertexCoordinates"]]],
 Method -> {"ShrinkWrap" -> True}
Graph[{1 -> 2, 2 -> 3, 3 -> 4, 4 -> 1, 4 -> 5, 5 -> 6, 
  6 -> 7, 7 -> 8, 8 -> 1},
 EdgeShapeFunction -> 
   ({drawArrow[{{-6.5`, 1}, {-4, 1/2}, {-6, 0}, {-2, 0.2`}, {-2, 0.5`}, {-2, 1}, {-2, 1.1`}, {-1, 1}, {0, 0}},  
       #1[[1]], #1[[2]], 
       ArrowFillColor -> RGBColor[1, 1, 0], 
       ArrowFillOpacity -> 0.5`, 
       ArrowEdgeThickness -> 0.1`, 
       ArrowEdgeColor -> RGBColor[1, 0.5`, 0], 
       ArrowEdgeOpacity -> 1, 
       LeftArrowSpacing -> 0.2, 
       RightArrowSpacing -> 0.2]} &), 
 VertexShapeFunction -> None, EdgeStyle -> Automatic]
 Graph[GraphData["DodecahedralGraph", "EdgeRules"], 
  VertexShape -> Graphics@{Red, Disk[]}, 
  EdgeShapeFunction -> 
   Function[{p$, v$}, 
    drawArrow @@ {{{-6.2059999999999995`, 0.3650000000000002`}, {-4.052`, 1.045`}, {-6.156`, 0.`}, {-1.5380000000000003`, 0.2549999999999999`}, {-0.9879999999999995`,  0.46499999999999986`}, {-2, 1}, {-1.428`, 1.435`}, {-1, 1}, {0, 0}}, 
      p$[[1]], p$[[2]], 
      {ArrowFillColor -> RGBColor[0.`, 0.61538109407187`, 0.1625391012436103`], 
       ArrowFillOpacity -> 0.462`, 
       ArrowEdgeThickness -> 0.0616`, 
       ArrowEdgeColor -> RGBColor[0.06968795300221256`, 0.30768291752498667`, 0.`], 
       ArrowEdgeOpacity -> 1}}], 
  VertexCoordinates -> 
    MapIndexed[First[#2] -> #1 &, GraphData["DodecahedralGraph", "VertexCoordinates"]]],
 Method -> {"ShrinkWrap" -> True}
replaced with
Source Link

I was not satisfied with the behavior of the line thickness in the arrow definition. The problem was discussed in this questionthis question. I implemented the Inset idea of Mr.Wizard and also improved the clipboard copying, based on Simon's idea, but got rid of his Sequence that ended up as junk in the copied code. At the bottom the new code. A result is shown here:

I was not satisfied with the behavior of the line thickness in the arrow definition. The problem was discussed in this question. I implemented the Inset idea of Mr.Wizard and also improved the clipboard copying, based on Simon's idea, but got rid of his Sequence that ended up as junk in the copied code. At the bottom the new code. A result is shown here:

I was not satisfied with the behavior of the line thickness in the arrow definition. The problem was discussed in this question. I implemented the Inset idea of Mr.Wizard and also improved the clipboard copying, based on Simon's idea, but got rid of his Sequence that ended up as junk in the copied code. At the bottom the new code. A result is shown here:

added 6702 characters in body
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Sjoerd C. de Vries
  • 66k
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Update: added a version using Inset below the original answer

Options[drawArrow] = {ArrowFillColor -> Black, 
   ArrowEdgeThickness -> 0.02, ArrowEdgeColor -> Black, 
   ArrowFillOpacity -> 1, ArrowEdgeOpacity -> 1, 
   LeftArrowSpacing -> 0, RightArrowSpacing -> 0};

drawArrow[{shaftEndLeft_, shaftMidLeft_, shaftEndMid_, baseMidLeft_, 
   innerMidLeft_, innerBaseLeft_, outerBaseLeft_, outerMidLeft_, 
   top_}, pstart_, pend_, OptionsPattern[]] :=
 Module[{baseMidRight, outerMidRight, innerMidRight, innerBaseRight, 
   outerBaseRight, shaftEndRight, shaftMidRight},
  shaftEndRight = {1, -1} shaftEndLeft;
  shaftMidRight = {1, -1} shaftMidLeft;
  baseMidRight = {1, -1} baseMidLeft;
  innerBaseRight = {1, -1} innerBaseLeft;
  outerBaseRight = {1, -1} outerBaseLeft;
  outerMidRight = {1, -1} outerMidLeft;
  innerMidRight = {1, -1} innerMidLeft;
   If[OptionValue[ArrowEdgeColor] === None, EdgeForm[], 
   If[OptionValue[ArrowFillColor] === None, FaceForm[], 
      Line[{shaftEndMid, shaftEndLeft}],
      BSplineCurve[{shaftEndLeft, shaftMidLeft, baseMidLeft}],
      BSplineCurve[{baseMidLeft, innerMidLeft, innerBaseLeft}],
      Line[{innerBaseLeft, outerBaseLeft}],
      BSplineCurve[{outerBaseLeft, outerMidLeft, top}],
      BSplineCurve[{top, outerMidRight, outerBaseRight}],
      Line[{outerBaseRight, innerBaseRight}],
      BSplineCurve[{innerBaseRight, innerMidRight, baseMidRight}],
      BSplineCurve[{baseMidRight, shaftMidRight, shaftEndRight}],
      Line[{shaftEndRight, shaftEndMid}]
     ], FindGeometricTransform[{pstart, 
       pend}, {shaftEndMid + {-OptionValue[
            LeftArrowSpacing] EuclideanDistance[shaftEndMid, top], 0},
        top + {OptionValue[RightArrowSpacing] EuclideanDistance[
           shaftEndMid, top], 0}}][[2]]

DynamicModule[{top, fill, edge, arrowFillColor, arrowEdgeColor, 
  arrowFillOpacity, arrowEdgeThickness, arrowEdgeOpacity},
  top = {0, 0};
  shaftEndMid = {1, 0} shaftEndMid;
   h = drawArrow2[{shaftEndLeft, shaftMidLeft, shaftEndMid, 
      baseMidLeft, innerMidLeft, innerBaseLeft, outerBaseLeft, 
      outerMidLeft, top}, shaftEndMid, top,
     ArrowFillColor -> If[fill, arrowFillColor, None], 
     ArrowFillOpacity -> arrowFillOpacity,
     ArrowEdgeThickness -> arrowEdgeThickness, 
     ArrowEdgeColor -> If[edge, arrowEdgeColor, None], 
     ArrowEdgeOpacity -> arrowEdgeOpacity
   h /. {drawArrow2 -> drawArrow},
   PlotRange -> {{-7, 2}, {-2, 2}},
   GridLines -> {Range[-7, 2, 1/4], Range[-2, 2, 1/4]},
   GridLinesStyle -> Dotted,
   ImageSize -> 800,
   AspectRatio -> Automatic
  {{shaftEndLeft, {-6.5, 1}}, Locator},
  {{shaftMidLeft, {-4, 1/2}}, Locator},
  {{shaftEndMid, {-6, 0}}, Locator},
  {{baseMidLeft, {-2, 0.2}}, Locator},
  {{innerMidLeft, {-2, 0.5}}, Locator},
  {{innerBaseLeft, {-2, 1}}, Locator},
  {{outerBaseLeft, {-2, 1.1}}, Locator},
  {{outerMidLeft, {-1, 1}}, Locator},
     {Style["Fill", Bold, 16], 
      Control@{{fill, True, "Fill"}, {True, False}}, "  ", 
      Control@{{arrowFillColor, Yellow, "Color"}, Yellow}, "  ", 
      Control@{{arrowFillOpacity, 0.5, "Opacity"}, 0, 1}, "", ""},
     {Style["Edge", Bold, 16], 
      Control@{{edge, True, "Edge"}, {True, False}}, "  ", 
      Control@{{arrowEdgeColor, Orange, "Color"}, Orange}, "  ", 
      Control@{{arrowEdgeThickness, 0.02, "Thickness"}, 0, 0.1}, "  ",
       Control@{{arrowEdgeOpacity, 1, "Opacity"}, 0, 1}}
   , Alignment -> Left,
   Dividers -> {{True, True, {False}, True}, {True, True, {False}, 
  Button["Copy to clipboard",
    h /. {drawArrow2 -> Defer[drawArrow]}
   ImageSize -> Automatic


I was not satisfied with the behavior of the line thickness in the arrow definition. The problem was discussed in this question. I implemented the Inset idea of Mr.Wizard and also improved the clipboard copying, based on Simon's idea, but got rid of his Sequence that ended up as junk in the copied code. At the bottom the new code. A result is shown here:

 Graph[GraphData["DodecahedralGraph", "EdgeRules"], 
  VertexShape -> Graphics@{Red, Disk[]}, 
  EdgeShapeFunction -> 
   Function[{p$, v$}, 
    drawArrow @@ {{{-6.2059999999999995`, 
        0.3650000000000002`}, {-4.052`, 1.045`}, {-6.156`, 
        0.`}, {-1.5380000000000003`, 
        0.2549999999999999`}, {-0.9879999999999995`, 
        0.46499999999999986`}, {-2, 1}, {-1.428`, 1.435`}, {-1, 
        1}, {0, 0}}, p$[[1]], 
      p$[[2]], {ArrowFillColor -> 
        RGBColor[0.`, 0.61538109407187`, 0.1625391012436103`], 
       ArrowFillOpacity -> 0.462`, ArrowEdgeThickness -> 0.0616`, 
       ArrowEdgeColor -> 
        RGBColor[0.06968795300221256`, 0.30768291752498667`, 0.`], 
       ArrowEdgeOpacity -> 1}}], 
  VertexCoordinates -> 
   MapIndexed[First[#2] -> #1 &, 
    GraphData["DodecahedralGraph", "VertexCoordinates"]]],
 Method -> {"ShrinkWrap" -> True}

(Note the "ShrinkWrap". Using Inset apparently generates a lot of white space that has to be cropped)

Mathematica graphics

The code:

Options[drawArrow] = {ArrowFillColor -> Black, 
   ArrowEdgeThickness -> 0.02, ArrowEdgeColor -> Black, 
   ArrowFillOpacity -> 1, ArrowEdgeOpacity -> 1, 
   LeftArrowSpacing -> 0, RightArrowSpacing -> 0};

drawArrow[{shaftEndLeft_, shaftMidLeft_, shaftEndMid_, baseMidLeft_, 
   innerMidLeft_, innerBaseLeft_, outerBaseLeft_, outerMidLeft_, 
   top_}, pstart_, pend_, OptionsPattern[]] :=
 Module[{baseMidRight, outerMidRight, innerMidRight, innerBaseRight, 
   outerBaseRight, shaftEndRight, shaftMidRight},
  shaftEndRight = {1, -1} shaftEndLeft;
  shaftMidRight = {1, -1} shaftMidLeft;
  baseMidRight = {1, -1} baseMidLeft;
  innerBaseRight = {1, -1} innerBaseLeft;
  outerBaseRight = {1, -1} outerBaseLeft;
  outerMidRight = {1, -1} outerMidLeft;
  innerMidRight = {1, -1} innerMidLeft;
     If[OptionValue[ArrowEdgeColor] === None, EdgeForm[], 
     If[OptionValue[ArrowFillColor] === None, FaceForm[], 
       Line[{shaftEndMid, shaftEndLeft}],
       BSplineCurve[{shaftEndLeft, shaftMidLeft, baseMidLeft}],
       BSplineCurve[{baseMidLeft, innerMidLeft, innerBaseLeft}],
       Line[{innerBaseLeft, outerBaseLeft}],
       BSplineCurve[{outerBaseLeft, outerMidLeft, top}],
       BSplineCurve[{top, outerMidRight, outerBaseRight}],
       Line[{outerBaseRight, innerBaseRight}],
       BSplineCurve[{innerBaseRight, innerMidRight, baseMidRight}],
       BSplineCurve[{baseMidRight, shaftMidRight, shaftEndRight}],
       Line[{shaftEndRight, shaftEndMid}]
    PlotRangePadding -> 0,
    PlotRange -> {{-7, 1}, {-2, 2}}
   pstart, {-7, 0}, EuclideanDistance[pstart, pend], pend - pstart

DynamicModule[{top, fill, edge, arrowFillColor, arrowEdgeColor, 
  arrowFillOpacity, arrowEdgeThickness, arrowEdgeOpacity},
  top = {0, 0};
  shaftEndMid = {1, 0} shaftEndMid;
   drawArrow[{shaftEndLeft, shaftMidLeft, shaftEndMid, baseMidLeft, 
     innerMidLeft, innerBaseLeft, outerBaseLeft, outerMidLeft, 
     top}, {-7, 0}, {1, 0},
    ArrowFillColor -> If[fill, arrowFillColor, None], 
    ArrowFillOpacity -> arrowFillOpacity,
    ArrowEdgeThickness -> arrowEdgeThickness, 
    ArrowEdgeColor -> If[edge, arrowEdgeColor, None], 
    ArrowEdgeOpacity -> arrowEdgeOpacity
   PlotRange -> {{-7, 1}, {-2, 2}},
   GridLines -> {Range[-7, 1, 1/4], Range[-2, 2, 1/4]},
   GridLinesStyle -> Dotted,
   ImageSize -> 800,
   AspectRatio -> Automatic
  {{shaftEndLeft, {-6.5, 1}}, Locator},
  {{shaftMidLeft, {-4, 1/2}}, Locator},
  {{shaftEndMid, {-6, 0}}, Locator},
  {{baseMidLeft, {-2, 0.2}}, Locator},
  {{innerMidLeft, {-2, 0.5}}, Locator},
  {{innerBaseLeft, {-2, 1}}, Locator},
  {{outerBaseLeft, {-2, 1.1}}, Locator},
  {{outerMidLeft, {-1, 1}}, Locator},
     {Style["Fill", Bold, 16], 
      Control@{{fill, True, "Fill"}, {True, False}}, "  ", 
      Control@{{arrowFillColor, Yellow, "Color"}, Yellow}, "  ", 
      Control@{{arrowFillOpacity, 0.5, "Opacity"}, 0, 1}, "", ""},
     {Style["Edge", Bold, 16], 
      Control@{{edge, True, "Edge"}, {True, False}}, "  ", 
      Control@{{arrowEdgeColor, Orange, "Color"}, Orange}, "  ", 
      Control@{{arrowEdgeThickness, 0.02, "Thickness"}, 0, 0.1}, "  ",
       Control@{{arrowEdgeOpacity, 1, "Opacity"}, 0, 1}}
   , Alignment -> Left,
   Dividers -> {{True, True, {False}, True}, {True, True, {False}, 
  Button["Copy to clipboard",
     params = {shaftEndLeft, shaftMidLeft, shaftEndMid, baseMidLeft, 
       innerMidLeft, innerBaseLeft, outerBaseLeft, outerMidLeft, top},
     opts = {ArrowFillColor -> If[fill, arrowFillColor, None], 
       ArrowFillOpacity -> arrowFillOpacity, 
       ArrowEdgeThickness -> arrowEdgeThickness, 
       ArrowEdgeColor -> If[edge, arrowEdgeColor, None], 
       ArrowEdgeOpacity -> arrowEdgeOpacity}
     Defer[EdgeShapeFunction -> 
         v}, (drawArrow @@ {params, p[[1]], p[[2]], opts})]]]
   ImageSize -> Automatic
  ], SaveDefinitions -> True
Options[drawArrow] = {ArrowFillColor -> Black, 
   ArrowEdgeThickness -> 0.02, ArrowEdgeColor -> Black, 
   ArrowFillOpacity -> 1, ArrowEdgeOpacity -> 1, 
   LeftArrowSpacing -> 0, RightArrowSpacing -> 0};

drawArrow[{shaftEndLeft_, shaftMidLeft_, shaftEndMid_, baseMidLeft_, 
   innerMidLeft_, innerBaseLeft_, outerBaseLeft_, outerMidLeft_, 
   top_}, pstart_, pend_, OptionsPattern[]] :=
 Module[{baseMidRight, outerMidRight, innerMidRight, innerBaseRight, 
   outerBaseRight, shaftEndRight, shaftMidRight},
  shaftEndRight = {1, -1} shaftEndLeft;
  shaftMidRight = {1, -1} shaftMidLeft;
  baseMidRight = {1, -1} baseMidLeft;
  innerBaseRight = {1, -1} innerBaseLeft;
  outerBaseRight = {1, -1} outerBaseLeft;
  outerMidRight = {1, -1} outerMidLeft;
  innerMidRight = {1, -1} innerMidLeft;
   If[OptionValue[ArrowEdgeColor] === None, EdgeForm[], 
   If[OptionValue[ArrowFillColor] === None, FaceForm[], 
      Line[{shaftEndMid, shaftEndLeft}],
      BSplineCurve[{shaftEndLeft, shaftMidLeft, baseMidLeft}],
      BSplineCurve[{baseMidLeft, innerMidLeft, innerBaseLeft}],
      Line[{innerBaseLeft, outerBaseLeft}],
      BSplineCurve[{outerBaseLeft, outerMidLeft, top}],
      BSplineCurve[{top, outerMidRight, outerBaseRight}],
      Line[{outerBaseRight, innerBaseRight}],
      BSplineCurve[{innerBaseRight, innerMidRight, baseMidRight}],
      BSplineCurve[{baseMidRight, shaftMidRight, shaftEndRight}],
      Line[{shaftEndRight, shaftEndMid}]
     ], FindGeometricTransform[{pstart, 
       pend}, {shaftEndMid + {-OptionValue[
            LeftArrowSpacing] EuclideanDistance[shaftEndMid, top], 0},
        top + {OptionValue[RightArrowSpacing] EuclideanDistance[
           shaftEndMid, top], 0}}][[2]]

DynamicModule[{top, fill, edge, arrowFillColor, arrowEdgeColor, 
  arrowFillOpacity, arrowEdgeThickness, arrowEdgeOpacity},
  top = {0, 0};
  shaftEndMid = {1, 0} shaftEndMid;
   h = drawArrow2[{shaftEndLeft, shaftMidLeft, shaftEndMid, 
      baseMidLeft, innerMidLeft, innerBaseLeft, outerBaseLeft, 
      outerMidLeft, top}, shaftEndMid, top,
     ArrowFillColor -> If[fill, arrowFillColor, None], 
     ArrowFillOpacity -> arrowFillOpacity,
     ArrowEdgeThickness -> arrowEdgeThickness, 
     ArrowEdgeColor -> If[edge, arrowEdgeColor, None], 
     ArrowEdgeOpacity -> arrowEdgeOpacity
   h /. {drawArrow2 -> drawArrow},
   PlotRange -> {{-7, 2}, {-2, 2}},
   GridLines -> {Range[-7, 2, 1/4], Range[-2, 2, 1/4]},
   GridLinesStyle -> Dotted,
   ImageSize -> 800,
   AspectRatio -> Automatic
  {{shaftEndLeft, {-6.5, 1}}, Locator},
  {{shaftMidLeft, {-4, 1/2}}, Locator},
  {{shaftEndMid, {-6, 0}}, Locator},
  {{baseMidLeft, {-2, 0.2}}, Locator},
  {{innerMidLeft, {-2, 0.5}}, Locator},
  {{innerBaseLeft, {-2, 1}}, Locator},
  {{outerBaseLeft, {-2, 1.1}}, Locator},
  {{outerMidLeft, {-1, 1}}, Locator},
     {Style["Fill", Bold, 16], 
      Control@{{fill, True, "Fill"}, {True, False}}, "  ", 
      Control@{{arrowFillColor, Yellow, "Color"}, Yellow}, "  ", 
      Control@{{arrowFillOpacity, 0.5, "Opacity"}, 0, 1}, "", ""},
     {Style["Edge", Bold, 16], 
      Control@{{edge, True, "Edge"}, {True, False}}, "  ", 
      Control@{{arrowEdgeColor, Orange, "Color"}, Orange}, "  ", 
      Control@{{arrowEdgeThickness, 0.02, "Thickness"}, 0, 0.1}, "  ",
       Control@{{arrowEdgeOpacity, 1, "Opacity"}, 0, 1}}
   , Alignment -> Left,
   Dividers -> {{True, True, {False}, True}, {True, True, {False}, 
  Button["Copy to clipboard",
    h /. {drawArrow2 -> Defer[drawArrow]}
   ImageSize -> Automatic

Update: added a version using Inset below the original answer

Options[drawArrow] = {ArrowFillColor -> Black, 
   ArrowEdgeThickness -> 0.02, ArrowEdgeColor -> Black, 
   ArrowFillOpacity -> 1, ArrowEdgeOpacity -> 1, 
   LeftArrowSpacing -> 0, RightArrowSpacing -> 0};

drawArrow[{shaftEndLeft_, shaftMidLeft_, shaftEndMid_, baseMidLeft_, 
   innerMidLeft_, innerBaseLeft_, outerBaseLeft_, outerMidLeft_, 
   top_}, pstart_, pend_, OptionsPattern[]] :=
 Module[{baseMidRight, outerMidRight, innerMidRight, innerBaseRight, 
   outerBaseRight, shaftEndRight, shaftMidRight},
  shaftEndRight = {1, -1} shaftEndLeft;
  shaftMidRight = {1, -1} shaftMidLeft;
  baseMidRight = {1, -1} baseMidLeft;
  innerBaseRight = {1, -1} innerBaseLeft;
  outerBaseRight = {1, -1} outerBaseLeft;
  outerMidRight = {1, -1} outerMidLeft;
  innerMidRight = {1, -1} innerMidLeft;
   If[OptionValue[ArrowEdgeColor] === None, EdgeForm[], 
   If[OptionValue[ArrowFillColor] === None, FaceForm[], 
      Line[{shaftEndMid, shaftEndLeft}],
      BSplineCurve[{shaftEndLeft, shaftMidLeft, baseMidLeft}],
      BSplineCurve[{baseMidLeft, innerMidLeft, innerBaseLeft}],
      Line[{innerBaseLeft, outerBaseLeft}],
      BSplineCurve[{outerBaseLeft, outerMidLeft, top}],
      BSplineCurve[{top, outerMidRight, outerBaseRight}],
      Line[{outerBaseRight, innerBaseRight}],
      BSplineCurve[{innerBaseRight, innerMidRight, baseMidRight}],
      BSplineCurve[{baseMidRight, shaftMidRight, shaftEndRight}],
      Line[{shaftEndRight, shaftEndMid}]
     ], FindGeometricTransform[{pstart, 
       pend}, {shaftEndMid + {-OptionValue[
            LeftArrowSpacing] EuclideanDistance[shaftEndMid, top], 0},
        top + {OptionValue[RightArrowSpacing] EuclideanDistance[
           shaftEndMid, top], 0}}][[2]]

DynamicModule[{top, fill, edge, arrowFillColor, arrowEdgeColor, 
  arrowFillOpacity, arrowEdgeThickness, arrowEdgeOpacity},
  top = {0, 0};
  shaftEndMid = {1, 0} shaftEndMid;
   h = drawArrow2[{shaftEndLeft, shaftMidLeft, shaftEndMid, 
      baseMidLeft, innerMidLeft, innerBaseLeft, outerBaseLeft, 
      outerMidLeft, top}, shaftEndMid, top,
     ArrowFillColor -> If[fill, arrowFillColor, None], 
     ArrowFillOpacity -> arrowFillOpacity,
     ArrowEdgeThickness -> arrowEdgeThickness, 
     ArrowEdgeColor -> If[edge, arrowEdgeColor, None], 
     ArrowEdgeOpacity -> arrowEdgeOpacity
   h /. {drawArrow2 -> drawArrow},
   PlotRange -> {{-7, 2}, {-2, 2}},
   GridLines -> {Range[-7, 2, 1/4], Range[-2, 2, 1/4]},
   GridLinesStyle -> Dotted,
   ImageSize -> 800,
   AspectRatio -> Automatic
  {{shaftEndLeft, {-6.5, 1}}, Locator},
  {{shaftMidLeft, {-4, 1/2}}, Locator},
  {{shaftEndMid, {-6, 0}}, Locator},
  {{baseMidLeft, {-2, 0.2}}, Locator},
  {{innerMidLeft, {-2, 0.5}}, Locator},
  {{innerBaseLeft, {-2, 1}}, Locator},
  {{outerBaseLeft, {-2, 1.1}}, Locator},
  {{outerMidLeft, {-1, 1}}, Locator},
     {Style["Fill", Bold, 16], 
      Control@{{fill, True, "Fill"}, {True, False}}, "  ", 
      Control@{{arrowFillColor, Yellow, "Color"}, Yellow}, "  ", 
      Control@{{arrowFillOpacity, 0.5, "Opacity"}, 0, 1}, "", ""},
     {Style["Edge", Bold, 16], 
      Control@{{edge, True, "Edge"}, {True, False}}, "  ", 
      Control@{{arrowEdgeColor, Orange, "Color"}, Orange}, "  ", 
      Control@{{arrowEdgeThickness, 0.02, "Thickness"}, 0, 0.1}, "  ",
       Control@{{arrowEdgeOpacity, 1, "Opacity"}, 0, 1}}
   , Alignment -> Left,
   Dividers -> {{True, True, {False}, True}, {True, True, {False}, 
  Button["Copy to clipboard",
    h /. {drawArrow2 -> Defer[drawArrow]}
   ImageSize -> Automatic


I was not satisfied with the behavior of the line thickness in the arrow definition. The problem was discussed in this question. I implemented the Inset idea of Mr.Wizard and also improved the clipboard copying, based on Simon's idea, but got rid of his Sequence that ended up as junk in the copied code. At the bottom the new code. A result is shown here:

 Graph[GraphData["DodecahedralGraph", "EdgeRules"], 
  VertexShape -> Graphics@{Red, Disk[]}, 
  EdgeShapeFunction -> 
   Function[{p$, v$}, 
    drawArrow @@ {{{-6.2059999999999995`, 
        0.3650000000000002`}, {-4.052`, 1.045`}, {-6.156`, 
        0.`}, {-1.5380000000000003`, 
        0.2549999999999999`}, {-0.9879999999999995`, 
        0.46499999999999986`}, {-2, 1}, {-1.428`, 1.435`}, {-1, 
        1}, {0, 0}}, p$[[1]], 
      p$[[2]], {ArrowFillColor -> 
        RGBColor[0.`, 0.61538109407187`, 0.1625391012436103`], 
       ArrowFillOpacity -> 0.462`, ArrowEdgeThickness -> 0.0616`, 
       ArrowEdgeColor -> 
        RGBColor[0.06968795300221256`, 0.30768291752498667`, 0.`], 
       ArrowEdgeOpacity -> 1}}], 
  VertexCoordinates -> 
   MapIndexed[First[#2] -> #1 &, 
    GraphData["DodecahedralGraph", "VertexCoordinates"]]],
 Method -> {"ShrinkWrap" -> True}

(Note the "ShrinkWrap". Using Inset apparently generates a lot of white space that has to be cropped)

Mathematica graphics

The code:

Options[drawArrow] = {ArrowFillColor -> Black, 
   ArrowEdgeThickness -> 0.02, ArrowEdgeColor -> Black, 
   ArrowFillOpacity -> 1, ArrowEdgeOpacity -> 1, 
   LeftArrowSpacing -> 0, RightArrowSpacing -> 0};

drawArrow[{shaftEndLeft_, shaftMidLeft_, shaftEndMid_, baseMidLeft_, 
   innerMidLeft_, innerBaseLeft_, outerBaseLeft_, outerMidLeft_, 
   top_}, pstart_, pend_, OptionsPattern[]] :=
 Module[{baseMidRight, outerMidRight, innerMidRight, innerBaseRight, 
   outerBaseRight, shaftEndRight, shaftMidRight},
  shaftEndRight = {1, -1} shaftEndLeft;
  shaftMidRight = {1, -1} shaftMidLeft;
  baseMidRight = {1, -1} baseMidLeft;
  innerBaseRight = {1, -1} innerBaseLeft;
  outerBaseRight = {1, -1} outerBaseLeft;
  outerMidRight = {1, -1} outerMidLeft;
  innerMidRight = {1, -1} innerMidLeft;
     If[OptionValue[ArrowEdgeColor] === None, EdgeForm[], 
     If[OptionValue[ArrowFillColor] === None, FaceForm[], 
       Line[{shaftEndMid, shaftEndLeft}],
       BSplineCurve[{shaftEndLeft, shaftMidLeft, baseMidLeft}],
       BSplineCurve[{baseMidLeft, innerMidLeft, innerBaseLeft}],
       Line[{innerBaseLeft, outerBaseLeft}],
       BSplineCurve[{outerBaseLeft, outerMidLeft, top}],
       BSplineCurve[{top, outerMidRight, outerBaseRight}],
       Line[{outerBaseRight, innerBaseRight}],
       BSplineCurve[{innerBaseRight, innerMidRight, baseMidRight}],
       BSplineCurve[{baseMidRight, shaftMidRight, shaftEndRight}],
       Line[{shaftEndRight, shaftEndMid}]
    PlotRangePadding -> 0,
    PlotRange -> {{-7, 1}, {-2, 2}}
   pstart, {-7, 0}, EuclideanDistance[pstart, pend], pend - pstart

DynamicModule[{top, fill, edge, arrowFillColor, arrowEdgeColor, 
  arrowFillOpacity, arrowEdgeThickness, arrowEdgeOpacity},
  top = {0, 0};
  shaftEndMid = {1, 0} shaftEndMid;
   drawArrow[{shaftEndLeft, shaftMidLeft, shaftEndMid, baseMidLeft, 
     innerMidLeft, innerBaseLeft, outerBaseLeft, outerMidLeft, 
     top}, {-7, 0}, {1, 0},
    ArrowFillColor -> If[fill, arrowFillColor, None], 
    ArrowFillOpacity -> arrowFillOpacity,
    ArrowEdgeThickness -> arrowEdgeThickness, 
    ArrowEdgeColor -> If[edge, arrowEdgeColor, None], 
    ArrowEdgeOpacity -> arrowEdgeOpacity
   PlotRange -> {{-7, 1}, {-2, 2}},
   GridLines -> {Range[-7, 1, 1/4], Range[-2, 2, 1/4]},
   GridLinesStyle -> Dotted,
   ImageSize -> 800,
   AspectRatio -> Automatic
  {{shaftEndLeft, {-6.5, 1}}, Locator},
  {{shaftMidLeft, {-4, 1/2}}, Locator},
  {{shaftEndMid, {-6, 0}}, Locator},
  {{baseMidLeft, {-2, 0.2}}, Locator},
  {{innerMidLeft, {-2, 0.5}}, Locator},
  {{innerBaseLeft, {-2, 1}}, Locator},
  {{outerBaseLeft, {-2, 1.1}}, Locator},
  {{outerMidLeft, {-1, 1}}, Locator},
     {Style["Fill", Bold, 16], 
      Control@{{fill, True, "Fill"}, {True, False}}, "  ", 
      Control@{{arrowFillColor, Yellow, "Color"}, Yellow}, "  ", 
      Control@{{arrowFillOpacity, 0.5, "Opacity"}, 0, 1}, "", ""},
     {Style["Edge", Bold, 16], 
      Control@{{edge, True, "Edge"}, {True, False}}, "  ", 
      Control@{{arrowEdgeColor, Orange, "Color"}, Orange}, "  ", 
      Control@{{arrowEdgeThickness, 0.02, "Thickness"}, 0, 0.1}, "  ",
       Control@{{arrowEdgeOpacity, 1, "Opacity"}, 0, 1}}
   , Alignment -> Left,
   Dividers -> {{True, True, {False}, True}, {True, True, {False}, 
  Button["Copy to clipboard",
     params = {shaftEndLeft, shaftMidLeft, shaftEndMid, baseMidLeft, 
       innerMidLeft, innerBaseLeft, outerBaseLeft, outerMidLeft, top},
     opts = {ArrowFillColor -> If[fill, arrowFillColor, None], 
       ArrowFillOpacity -> arrowFillOpacity, 
       ArrowEdgeThickness -> arrowEdgeThickness, 
       ArrowEdgeColor -> If[edge, arrowEdgeColor, None], 
       ArrowEdgeOpacity -> arrowEdgeOpacity}
     Defer[EdgeShapeFunction -> 
         v}, (drawArrow @@ {params, p[[1]], p[[2]], opts})]]]
   ImageSize -> Automatic
  ], SaveDefinitions -> True
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