It's an easy question and @Henry basically answered it. However, I think it would be nice to *add some intuition* on the second equation:


The idea is to represent the new value $x_k$ value by a part that is equal to the previous mean $\mu_{k-1}$ plus the remaining part $x_k-\mu_{k-1}$. For the new mean $\mu_k$ we then have $k$ times the previous mean plus one $k$-th of the remaining part of the new value. Okay, so how to get there?

Let's say you already have the mean $\mu_{k-1}$ for the elements $x_0,...,x_{k-1}$. Of course, we can easily incorporate an additional value $x_k$ by undoing the division, adding the new value, and redoing the scaling (but the new count):


Now, let's represent the new value by the previous mean and the difference to the previous mean:


Putting that into our first equation:


Look how we now got $k$ times the previous mean:


The nice thing is that we don't have to undo and redo the division on the previous mean it anymore:


As you can see, we still have to do the division on the difference of the new value to the previous mean. Since the new value comes in "sum-space" already, we don't have to undo anything on it, just divde by the total count.

A practical application of the formula can be found in the field of *reinforcement learning* where a value function is approximated over many experienced rewards. Since we usually don't know the total number of experiences here, we multiply by a learning rate instead of dividing by $k$.