
I have table headings here:

How is it Possible to Optimize the Shichman-Hodges Slope Parameters from the Left and Right using Least Square Linear Regression Approaches

That I copied and pasted from my answer here (where they render fine)!


Why is the math not rendering fine on the Math site?

  • $\begingroup$ Somewhat off topic: On MathSE, to exhibit a table of math &/or text, I follow the approach of Glen_b's answer in the MathSE Formatting Sandbox. Text may be inserted into any cell via \text{Description}. Of course, this doesn't adequately resolve the issue in the posted question, because you would have to significantly edit your MathJax as you transferred it from one forum to another. Your posted answer is directly on point here. $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 3 at 21:42

1 Answer 1


The reason the formatting did not transfer correctly for the heading on the table is that Stack Exchange Electronics requires "\\$" versus the Mathematics Stack Exchange site that requires "\$" to start and complete formatting for inline-math for each header element.

As soon as I made the adjustments, everything displays correctly as follows:

$ X_{V\text{ }SD}\left(Volts\right) $ $Y_{I\text{ }SD}(Amps) $ $ I_{SD\text{ hand-modeled}} $ $\frac{ΔY}{ΔX} $
1.00000000 0.71261233 0.70234478 0.71261233
1.12515652 0.77522725 0.76905370 0.50029284
1.25814426 0.83691174 0.83474886 0.46383569
1.41560924 0.89661342 0.90561485 0.37914252
1.58292711 0.96057391 0.97267991 0.38226956
1.78104079 1.01345909 1.04109907 0.26694372
1.99155068 1.03700638 1.10071766 0.11185810
2.24080634 1.08575487 1.15384483 0.19557653
2.50565815 1.11098194 1.18949735 0.09524947
2.81925774 1.14553201 1.20392942 0.11017279
3.17210603 1.17214799 1.20527661 0.07543153
3.54703307 1.18115664 1.20670807 0.02402785
3.99096727 1.18115664 1.20840311 0.00000000
4.46267939 1.20860028 1.21020412 0.05817875
5.02121258 1.19938219 1.21233678 -0.01650394
5.61469460 1.20860028 1.21460271 0.01553207
6.31741047 1.19938219 1.21728575 -0.01311768
7.06409597 1.21788907 1.22013676 0.02478532
7.94821405 1.23668146 1.22351241 0.02125556
8.88765240 1.22724938 1.22709930 -0.01004023
10.00000000 1.24618614 1.23134637 0.01702422

The updated table text for copying and pasting is as follows:

| $ X_{V\text{ }SD}\left(Volts\right) $ | $Y_{I\text{ }SD}(Amps) $ | $ I_{SD\text{ hand-modeled}}  $ | $\frac{ΔY}{ΔX} $ |
| 1.00000000 | 0.71261233 | 0.70234478 | 0.71261233 | 
| 1.12515652 | 0.77522725 | 0.76905370 | 0.50029284 | 
| 1.25814426 | 0.83691174 | 0.83474886 | 0.46383569 | 
| 1.41560924 | 0.89661342 | 0.90561485 | 0.37914252 | 
| 1.58292711 | 0.96057391 | 0.97267991 | 0.38226956 | 
| 1.78104079 | 1.01345909 | 1.04109907 | 0.26694372 | 
| 1.99155068 | 1.03700638 | 1.10071766 | 0.11185810 | 
| 2.24080634 | 1.08575487 | 1.15384483 | 0.19557653 | 
| 2.50565815 | 1.11098194 | 1.18949735 | 0.09524947 | 
| 2.81925774 | 1.14553201 | 1.20392942 | 0.11017279 | 
| 3.17210603 | 1.17214799 | 1.20527661 | 0.07543153 | 
| 3.54703307 | 1.18115664 | 1.20670807 | 0.02402785 | 
| 3.99096727 | 1.18115664 | 1.20840311 | 0.00000000 | 
| 4.46267939 | 1.20860028 | 1.21020412 | 0.05817875 | 
| 5.02121258 | 1.19938219 | 1.21233678 | -0.01650394 | 
| 5.61469460 | 1.20860028 | 1.21460271 | 0.01553207 | 
| 6.31741047 | 1.19938219 | 1.21728575 | -0.01311768 | 
| 7.06409597 | 1.21788907 | 1.22013676 | 0.02478532 | 
| 7.94821405 | 1.23668146 | 1.22351241 | 0.02125556 | 
| 8.88765240 | 1.22724938 | 1.22709930 | -0.01004023 | 
| 10.00000000 | 1.24618614 | 1.23134637 | 0.01702422 | 

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