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From robjohn's answer to a related question, I found a workaround that solved the main issue and the first of the secondary issues. Using the code $\quad$ \sqrt[\raise{7pt}\Large3]{\frac ab} $\quad$ enclosed in \$\$s$$\sqrt[\raise{7pt}\Large3]{\frac ab}$$, we get $$\sqrt[\raise{7pt}\Large3]{\dfrac ab}.$$$$\sqrt[\raise{7pt}\Large3]{\frac ab}.$$

From robjohn's answer to a related question, I found a workaround that solved the main issue and the first of the secondary issues. Using the code $\quad$ \sqrt[\raise{7pt}\Large3]{\frac ab} $\quad$ enclosed in \$\$s, we get $$\sqrt[\raise{7pt}\Large3]{\dfrac ab}.$$

From robjohn's answer to a related question, I found a workaround that solved the main issue and the first of the secondary issues. Using $$\sqrt[\raise{7pt}\Large3]{\frac ab}$$, we get $$\sqrt[\raise{7pt}\Large3]{\frac ab}.$$

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John Bentin
  • 19k
  • 16
  • 21

From robjohn's answer to a related question, I found a workaround that solved the main issue and the first of the secondary issues. Using the code $\quad$ \sqrt[\raise{7pt}\Large3]{\frac ab} $\quad$ enclosed in \$\$s, we get $$\sqrt[\raise{7pt}\Large3]{\dfrac ab}.$$