22 memorable moments of 2021 when people stood up for the least powerful among us

Just like last year, 2021 shaped up to be a year of social activism.
By Siobhan Neela-Stock and Chase DiBenedetto  on 
Choir members walk through an audience as they perform for We are Resilient: A Rally for George Floyd to celebrate his life.
In 2021, people around the world joined to mourn, celebrate, and demand change. Credit: Erin Clark / The Boston Globe via Getty Images

If 2020 was the year of activism, then 2021 surely followed in its footsteps.

While many of 2020's protests took place online given the pandemic, the dam broke over the summer as people took to the streets, many in face masks, to call out police violence and systemic racism. This year, COVID-19 vaccinations have paved the way for even more people to stand up for those without privilege IRL again.  

Workers' rights, reproductive health, and racial justice were definitive issues galvanizing people on the streets and online. During the pandemic, the world was forced to take note of many societal inequalities that had been present, but largely ignored, all along. 

The following, in no particular order, is a look at some of the most noteworthy moments in 2021 when people stood up for the afflicted. While not exhaustive, these photos demonstrate what can happen when a collective is courageous enough to support the least powerful among us.

1. India's farmers protest

A large crowd of people protest with their hands raised.
The farmers' protests brought attention to the exploitation of India's agricultural laborers. Credit: Raj K. Raj / Hindustan Times / Shutterstock

Indian farmers protested new laws that they said would hurt their livelihood. The protests, called some of the largest in world history, began in 2020 but continued into early 2021. In response to marches in February, the government cut off the internet at protest sites around New Delhi. Delhi police went so for as to launch a criminal investigation against the creators of an online toolkit aimed at helping the farmers' cause. The agricultural sector employs more than half of India's population.

2. Colombians protest tax hikes

At the end of April, protesters took to the streets in Colombia after the government decided to raise taxes as citizens complained of struggling to feed their families. COVID-19 had wreaked havoc on Colombia's economy. The mass protests, which saw 42 deaths, led to officials rescinding the tax markups days later. Demonstrators also called for more public education funding, better jobs, and improved healthcare.

A group of protesters carrying Colombian flags gather in front of a building.
Credit: Daniel Garzon / Getty Images

3. Amazon workers try to form a union in Alabama

In April, Amazon employees in Bessemer, Alabama, tried to form a union, but the effort was ultimately defeated. Prior to the unionization vote, Amazon hired a law firm with a reputation for union busting.

A person takes a picture of three Amazon workers holding signs asking for unionization.
Credit: Elijah Nouvelage / Getty Images

4. Rep. Cori Bush explains the racism she faced while pregnant

In May, Missouri Rep. Cori Bush shared her personal experience as a Black mother during a hearing on the Black maternal mortality crisis. Black people in America are three times as likely to die during or after birth than white people. "Every day, Black birthing people and our babies die because our doctors don't believe our pain," Bush said in a tweet after the hearing.

Representative Cori Bush speaks into a microphone during a congressional hearing.
Credit: Tom Williams / CQ-Roll Call / Getty Images

5. McDonald's employees fight for a $15 minimum wage

McDonald's employees marched for a $15 minimum wage in Fort Lauderdale in May. McDonald's announced that month that it'd raise some hourly wages as it competes for workers. Entry level crews at corporate stores now start at $11 per hour, and shift managers start at $15 per hour. The company expects average hourly wages (but, crucially, not the minimum) to be $15 an hour by 2024.

A man wears a red shirt that reads, "Fight for $15 and a union." He also carries a black sign that reads, "McDonald's, pay $15 now!"
Credit: Chandan Khanna / Getty Images

6. The one-year anniversary of George Floyd's murder prompted reflection across the country

On May 25, cities across the country, and some internationally, hosted commemorative events both in person and online on the anniversary of George Floyd's death. His murderer, officer Derek Chauvin, was found guilty just weeks prior to the anniversary.

Angela Harrelson, aunt of George Floyd, and Paris Stevens, cousin of George Floyd, can be seen speaking in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on May 25, in the photo below.

Two women in gray shirts, one holding a microphone, speak to a crowd in front of a George Floyd memorial billboard.
Credit: Brandon Bell / Getty Images

7. Texas valedictorian speaks out against "dehumanizing" abortion law

In June, Paxton Smith, a high school valedictorian, delivered an unapproved graduation speech against Texas' heartbeat bill, which would ban abortions after six weeks, a time when most people don't know they're pregnant.

"I have dreams, and hopes, and ambitions. Every girl graduating today does," she said. "And we have spent our entire lives working towards our future, and without our input, and without our consent, our control over that future has been stripped away from us." 

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8. Palestine supporters rally at Lincoln Memorial

In May, supporters of Palestine gathered at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., to call for an end to the U.S. funding Israeli weapons and providing general aid, and to raise awareness of a growing humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The demonstration came after 11 days of brutal fighting between Israelis and Palestinians that killed more than 200 Palestinians, about a third of whom were children, and at least 12 Israelis, including two children. The fighting also destroyed water, sewer, and electricity systems in Gaza. Israel had been widely criticized for waging a disproportionate response to rocket fire from Hamas militants before a cease-fire was set. Israeli officials defended the country's actions, and U.S. President Joe Biden at one point said that Israel wasn't overreacting.

An overhead shot of the Washington memorial, with a large crowd standing in front of the reflection pool.
Credit: Andrew Caballero-Reynolds / Getty Images

9. Tulsa Race Massacre survivors gather on 100-year anniversary

In June, the last three survivors of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, when a white mob set a Black community ablaze and killed hundreds of residents, joined together during a rally memorializing the tragedy. Along with activist Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, the survivors and a crowd sang to honor the anniversary.

"Ain't gonna let no racism turn me around," the crowd sang. "I'm gonna keep on walking, keep on talking, walking up to freedom land.

An older woman sits in a wheelchair clapping while others stand around her.
Credit: Brandon Bell / Getty Images

10. Activists protest oil sands pipeline

Police in riot gear arrested environmental activists at the Line 3 oil sands pipeline pumping station near the Itasca State Park in Minnesota in early June.

Environmentalists and Indigenous groups have been fighting the $4 billion Line 3 oil pipeline for years.

A police officer in riot gear holding a gun stands in the foreground as a group sits behind him in front of construction equipment.
Credit: Kerem Yucel / Getty Images

11. Keystone XL pipeline shuts down

In June, after Indigenous tribes, local environmentalists, and ranchers rallied together for more than a decade against the Keystone XL pipeline, the pipeline's developer pulled the plug. The pipeline, 300 miles of which had already been built, was to transport oil from Canada to the U.S. Gulf Coast.

"It's a great day for Mother Earth," said Larry Wright Jr., chairman of the Ponca Tribe of Nebraska, according to NPR.

The sun rises behind an abandoned oil tanker truck parked awkwardly on a grass field.
Credit: Bloomberg via Getty Images

12. Marching for trans youth

Demonstrators gathered in New York in June for the Brooklyn Liberation March in support of Black trans and gender-nonconforming youth. They carried signs that said "Protect Trans Youth," "Black Trans Lives Matter" and "Trans Youth Power." The march was in response to a slew of state laws targeting trans youth, blocking them from healthcare access and school sports.

A photo of demonstrators standing in a line with their left hands raised. One holds a sign that reads, "Protect trans youth."
Marchers gather in prayer at the Brooklyn Liberation event. Credit: Alexi Rosenfeld / Getty Images

13. High school grad tells his coming-out story

A high school valedictorian continued to tell his coming-out story and talk about his struggles with mental health during his graduation speech in June, even after the principal tried to stop him by crumpling up his prepared remarks. Bryce Dershem of New Jersey said he was glad to recite his speech — which he had memorized — to help people feel less alone.

14. Stop AAPI Hate campaign 

The #StopAAPIHate campaign and its parent organization Stop AAPI Hate were created in 2020 to respond growing racist rhetoric towards Asian Americans during the pandemic. In the first few months of 2021, amid a string of hate crimes against these groups across the United States, the campaign once again brought people together in community. Protesters called out white supremacy on the streets, while supporters started fundraisers for local Asian American businesses and families. People even convened safety groups in California's Bay Area to escort frightened community members home safely. Celebrities and brands also joined in the movement to protect and uplift the voices of vulnerable community members and encourage people to report these crimes.

A group of protesters hold various colored signs calling out white supremacy and discrimination against Asian American communities.
People across the country organized to protect Asian American communities. Credit: Alexi Rosenfeld / Getty Images

15. Simone Biles steps down from the mat and up for mental health

Olympic gymnast Simone Biles stirred headlines after pulling out from the Olympic team gymnastics finals in July, citing her own mental and physical health as factors in her decision to end her Olympic journey early. "We also have to focus on ourselves, because at the end of the day, we're human, too," Biles told the Associated Press. "We have to protect our mind and our body, rather than just go out there and do what the world wants us to do." While the response online was mixed, it stoked an important online conversation about mental health and self-care among athletes of all levels, and the majority of Bile's supporters stood up for her decision to prioritize her well-being over Olympic gold. 

Simone Biles leans on a balance beam during the Tokyo Olympics.
Biles' vulnerable decision to leave the team finals was proof that even the GOAT needs time for self care. Credit: Marijan Murat / Picture Alliance via Getty Images

16. Meghan Markle writes to Congress for Paid Leave for All

President Joe Biden's Build Back Better plan, a $1.75 trillion social spending package currently being discussed by Congress, was a prominent news feature of the year's latter half, including its proposal for four weeks of national paid leave for all Americans. The paid leave provision is still at risk of being cut from the package. Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle made her own plea for this social support in an open letter to congressional leaders published on Oct. 20. Her letter was a personal reflection on both her childhood and her current privilege, uplifting the voices of many Americans who struggle to live, work, and parent without federal financial support.

A group of paid leave for all supporters hold large signs in front of the United States Capitol Building.
Families, including children, asked lawmakers to finally join the global community in offering federal paid leave. Credit: Paul Morigi / Getty Images

17. National Women's Soccer League players stand in solidarity against sexual assault 

Players across the National Women's Soccer League stopped play on Oct. 6 to honor fellow players who came forward with personal stories of sexual assault by a league coach. Teams met in the center of the field during the sixth minute of each game, an acknowledgment of the six years it took for the women to get attention to their complaint, and formed a large circle before taking a moment of silence. The National Women's Soccer League Players Association made an official statement on Twitter, demanding action from officials. "Systemic transformation is not something you say. It is something you do," the National Women's Soccer League Players Association wrote in a Tweet posted before the game.

18. Josh Cavallo comes out as first openly gay men's soccer player

Australian soccer player Josh Cavallo took a historic step this year as the only current professional men's player in the world to come out as gay. A player for Adelaide United, Cavallo posted his story on the club's official Twitter account in a moment of honesty with the sport's fans. "I want to inspire and show people it's OK to be yourself and play football, it's OK to be gay and to play football," he said in the announcement. With more than 10 million views, the video received an outpouring of support from the soccer community and Cavallo's fellow players.

19. Protesters call out global leaders at COP26

From young activists skipping school for Friday protests to Indigenous activists calling out UN leaders for not including their demands, as well as a diverse group of activists from the Most Affected People and Areas (MAPA) looking for recognition from international leaders — attendees of the COP26 Global Climate Summit were met with fierce pushback in Glasgow this year. Climate activists Vanessa Nakate and Greta Thunberg, among others, spoke to those gathered, the former asking for continued hope among young climate activists and the latter calling out leaders for engaging in too much "blah, blah, blah" and not enough action. It was proof that even in dire times, people will still step up for climate justice.

An overhead shot of a large crowd marching through the streets of Glasgow.
Thousands of protesters showed up for COP26 organizing, urging global leaders to do more for the environment. Credit: Jeff J. Mitchell / Getty Images

20. #FreeBritney wins

With support from fans and members of the public rallying behind the #FreeBritney campaign, Britney Spears' personal and financial conservatorship was officially terminated on Nov. 12. The years-long battle was aided by mental health and women's rights activists who used Spears' experiences as an example of the coercive, often abusive, state of mental health care for women. If one of the most famous pop stars of our time can be treated like this, even while in the public eye, what is happening to the "normal" people behind closed doors?

A young woman stands in a crowd of people as pink confetti rains down on her.
Britney's supporters and mental health advocates came out in force outside the Los Angeles courthouse. Credit: Chelsea Guglielmino / Getty Image

21. Reproductive justice activists rally for safe abortion access 

Texas' new abortion law, a fetal heartbeat bill that vastly limits abortion access and targets related care providers, went into effect on Sept.1. Shortly after, amid the devastation of reproductive justice advocates, many supporters around the country rallied for donations for abortion funds and other reproductive health organizations, and shared resources for those affected by the ban. Nationwide, protesters took to the streets. In December, the Supreme Court heard opening arguments in a case that could potentially overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade decision, sending even more activists out in force to defend the right to safe abortions. As the right to an abortion and more questions of reproductive rights come before the Court, the work of reproductive justice activists and their supporters will continue to serve a historic role in getting people life-saving medical care.

A person in a mask stands next to another person holding a sign that reads, "Abortion saves lives."
Reproductive rights activists protested multiple times this year in defense of the right to a safe abortion. Credit: Mandel Ngan / AFP via Getty Images

22. Kyle Rittenhouse verdict sends people to the streets

Groups across the country protested the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse, a 20-year-old on trial for killing two men and injuring a third during the Kenosha, Wisconsin, protests of the shooting of James Blake. Rittenhouse's verdict was a sobering moment after more than a year of racial justice organizing. The judge's strange decisions about court processes and dated understandings of technology commanded attention from online spectators. It was a testament to many that the judicial system still needs intense reform.

A protester holds a sign that reads, "Wtf is justice when murder is lawful?"
Gun reform and racial justice activists joined in protest after the acquittal of Rittenhouse. Credit: Scott Olsen / Getty Images

This post was originally published on July 5, 2021. It was updated with more activist moments and republished on Dec. 10, 2021.

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Siobhan Neela-Stock

Siobhan was the Social Good reporter at Mashable, writing about everything from mental health to race to the climate crisis. Before diving into the world of journalism, she worked in global health — most notably, as a Peace Corps volunteer in Mozambique. Find her at @siobhanneela.

Chase sits in front of a green framed window, wearing a cheetah print shirt and looking to her right. On the window's glass pane reads "Ricas's Tostadas" in red lettering.
Chase DiBenedetto
Social Good Reporter

Chase joined Mashable's Social Good team in 2020, covering online stories about digital activism, climate justice, accessibility, and media representation. Her work also touches on how these conversations manifest in politics, popular culture, and fandom. Sometimes she's very funny.

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