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Marvel Database

Quote1 There's no Spider-Man here. Quote2
—Miles Morales of Earth-1610B[src]


Earth-42 from Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse 001

This world never had its Spider-Man because its Radioactive Spider was teleported into another reality, which consequentially led to rampant crime and allowed this universe's Sinister Six to form a cartel. Captain Jefferson Morales had passed away, leaving Aaron Davis to help raise his nephew Miles G. Morales, who eventually became this world's Prowler.

After an alternate Miles Morales accidentally travelled to this universe, Aaron mistakes Miles for his own and takes him to the roof, where following a text, Miles G. (equipped with the Prowler's Suit) ambushed his alternate self. Following the capture of the alternate Miles, Aaron and Prowler took him to Aaron's apartment for interrogation. Prowler revealed himself and threatened his alternate self, putting his armored fist up to the other Miles' head.[1]



See Also

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