Powered by Adobe Commerce 2.4.7-p1


Cloudinary Image & Video Management

This is an Integration with a Third Party Service. Other charges and fees may be required to use this extension on your Store


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Cloudinary enables you to automate the entire lifecycle of images and videos, from management to manipulation, optimization, and delivery of engaging visual experiences across any touchpoint—whether it’s lifestyle images and videos that tell your brand’s story on your homepage, images on product listing page, or a gallery of images and videos on product pages to showcase the product.

Images and videos tell a story, persuade, and engage potential buyers. When was the last time you bought a product online without looking at its images or videos? The chance of customers making a purchase increases by an order of magnitude if you effectively showcase your brand and products with images and videos. The biggest challenge, however, lies in doing that well—that is, serving high-quality, fast-loading, and responsive media—at scale and with agility. If not done right, it can significantly affect the user experience and conversions or delay product or campaign launches.


Account & Pricing

To use this extension, you need a Cloudinary account. Sign up for free. You can start with a free plan with generous usage limits. As your requirements grow, you can easily upgrade to a plan that best fits your needs. See our pricing details.



As you deliver a frictionless path to purchase with the Magento platform, Cloudinary makes that path visually engaging and high-performant:

  • Go From Photoshoot To Web In Record Time - Automate the creation of image and video variants using dynamic manipulations for display across your online store and beyond: homepage, product listing, and detail pages, product galleries, and other marketing channels with no delays or dependencies on other teams.
  • Boost Conversions With Optimized Media - Make your images and videos look high-quality and load fast on any device at any bandwidth by using automation to deliver them in the most optimal format, resolution, and quality.
  • Effortlessly Use Videos To Engage Customers - Simplify the entire video workflow, from uploading raw videos at high resolution to dynamically converting them to web-friendly formats, optimized for smooth streaming on all devices at any bandwidth with a custom video player.
  • Eliminate Silos With A Single Source Of Truth - Leverage digital asset management capabilities to maintain an organization-wide single source of truth that’s easy to browse with AI-based search and tagging, boosting operational efficiency with workflow automation, sharing, and collaboration across teams.
  • Deliver An Interactive Shopping Experience - Effectively showcase your products with an on-brand, responsive gallery of images and videos that are automatically optimized for fast loading, boosting conversions on product pages.
  • Deliver Media Through Multiple CDNs - Accelerate delivery of images and videos through leading CDNs—Akamai, Fastly, and CloudFront—with dynamic switching between providers to select the best-performing network. Whether to organize media assets and share them across teams, add images and videos to product listings, or improve your site performance with media optimization—manage the entire media lifecycle—you can do that directly from within the Magento platform with no integration hassles.

Technical Specifications

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Current Version


Adobe Commerce platform compatibility

Adobe Commerce (cloud): 2.4 (current), 2.2 (obsolete), 2.3 (obsolete)

Adobe Commerce (on-prem): 2.4 (current), 2.1 (obsolete), 2.2 (obsolete), 2.3 (obsolete)

Magento Open Source: 2.4 (current), 2.1 (obsolete), 2.2 (obsolete), 2.3 (obsolete)


Stable Build


16 June, 2024


Extensions, Site Optimization


Reference Manuals

License Type

MIT License (MIT)


Privacy Policy

Quality Report

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Installation & Varnish Tests


Coding Standard


Plagiarism Check


Malware Check


Marketing Review


Manual Testing


All tests were conducted on the latest versions of Adobe Commerce that existed for the compatible release lines at the moment of the extension submission. Latest versions of all other software were used, as applicable.

Release Notes

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  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    * Updated instructions for obtaining new Cloudinary account credentials.
    * Fixed Product Gallery Widget to display images using delivery hostname (CNAME) settings.


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    * Added Cloudinary Video Player which is supported only on PDP
    * Added support for video analytics
    * Added support for Magento v2.4.7
    * Fixed "Undefined variable $result" errors logs when plugin is disabled


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    * Improved file type extension detection by updating parseCloudinaryUrl method

    * Updated csp_whitelist.xml policies for better Vimeo support


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    * Fix composer support PHP SDK version <= 2.11.0


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    * Updated Cloudinary PHP SDK to version 2.11.0


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    Added WYSIWYG support within the Magento Admin panel. This feature allows to seamlessly replace images using the Cloudinary console and have them reflected within the Magneto admin


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    * Fixed an error message When disabling the Cloudinary extension
    * Fixed an Unknown API key error message when Adding an image to a product
    * Fixed Call to undefined method error message when syncing assets


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    Updated Vimeo URLs to https://player.vimeo.com/api/player.js
    Fixed Class is deprecated message in ZendClient.php on line 27
    Fixed duplication of the asset when adding from Cloudinary
    Fixed cname support


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    * Added cld_mag_plugin contextual metadata to uploaded/synced files

    * Fixed Error while upgrading PHP 8.1


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    * Fixed an issue where an empty list of blocks excluded from lazy loading in PHP versions greater than 7.4 caused an exception
    * Fixed an issue where clicking on the jQuery Lazy Load plugin link would open in the same tab overriding the Magento admin
    * Fixed an issue where the “Preview custom transformation” button was enabled even when no preview was available


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    * Added new API method to remove gallery items by url
    * Fixed bug with getLazyloadIgnoredCmsBlocksArray method at class Configuration


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    * Minor composer update


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    * Added PHP 8.2 support
    * Updated Cloudinary SDK up to 2.8.1
    * Refactor Magento extension to support new SDK methods
    * Added support for Magento v2.4.4
    * General bug fixes and improvements


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.2 2.3
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.2 2.3 2.4
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    * Performance improvement
    * Fixes "Cloudinary Credentials incorrect" error when running config:import
    * Fixes Vimeo.js URL


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.2 2.3
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.2 2.3 2.4
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    * Allow applying products-global transformation.
    * Fix for Transformations keep_frame is not working (GH issue #105).
    * Applied GraphQL support for query Cloudinary images (beta).
    * Fixed video URL validation on Page Builder to support Magento v2.4^.


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.2 2.3
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.2 2.3 2.4
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    * Fix of an encoding issue on video thumbnail generation


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.2 2.3
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.2 2.3 2.4
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    * Trigger auto-upload directory mapping using a button instead of manual config on Cloudinary.


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.2 2.3
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.2 2.3 2.4
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    * Removed Automatic Login User.
    * Added API endpoints for getting product Cloudinary media URLs.
    * Improved symlinked media dir support on manual upload migration.
    * Allowed manual sync from CLI without enabling Cloudinary.
    * Added a fallback for missing video thumbnail.
    * Queries optimization for synchronization table.
    * Added jpeg format to ImageRepository (for BulkUpload).
    * Added registry cache to transformation queries.
    * Bug fixes.


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.2 2.3 2.4
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.2 2.3 2.4
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    * Cloudinary media selection available in Page Builder.
    * Improved product-gallery-api - now supporting background processing using cronjobs.
    * CSP whitelist added.
    * Product Gallery - 360 spinset support added.
    * Support for displaying product videos without specifying explicit file extension.
    * Fixes inn WYSIWYG and parseCloudinaryUrl().


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.2 2.3
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.2 2.3
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.1 2.2 2.3
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    * New lazy loading mechanism.
    * Auto sync on upload is now offered to Magento supported image types.
    * Extension is added to public IDs in the product gallery.
    * Added extension version to system configuration area.


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.2 2.3
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.2 2.3
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.1 2.2 2.3
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    * Additional support for Cloudinary URLs (images & videos) on Magento imports.
    * Improved support for roles on Product Gallery API.
    * Fixed Cloudinary icon on Store Configuration.


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.2 2.3
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.2 2.3
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.1 2.2 2.3
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    * New API endpoints for adding CLD Urls to product gallery.
    * Cloudinary-Media-Library improvement: Now mapping ML/API assets to their original CLD publicID in order to avoid duplicated assets.


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.2 2.3
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.2 2.3
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.1 2.2 2.3
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    EE compatibility
    ECE compatibility


  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.1 2.2 2.3
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    * Cloudinary Media Library implementation
    * Cloudinary Product Gallery implementation
    * Manual reversed migration
    * Global transformations preview fix
    * Global transformations - Override behavior is used instead of append behavior


  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.1 2.2 2.3
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    * Support for product videos from Cloudinary (on admin & on product page).
    * Fixes and improvements to the "Auto upload mapping" functionality.
    * Fixed "URLs are not being changed to Cloudinary urls on static pages".
    * Moved Cloudinary tab outside of Services.
    * Added new 'Advanced' section to Cloudinary's configuration tab on admin panel.
    * Support for "Use Root Path".
    * Support for "Remove version number from URLs".
    * Removed website & store scopes from system.xml & cleaned store/website specific configurations.
    * Added "Magento's Default" option in the extension's configuration for bypassing the quality transformation code.
    * Support using signed URLs.
    * Improved support for Cloudinary sub-accounts.
    * Minor changes on "Store > Configuration".
    * Removed 'Faces' related options from default gravity dropdown.
    * Changed config validation for environment variable in order to use Cloudinary\Api::ping().

    * Support Magento 2.3:
    ** Added new plugin for \Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\ImageFactory::create() in order to use cloudinary url on products.
    ** Fixed "product page gallery images not loading from Cloudinary".
    ** Fixed "custom transformations not working" on category & product pages.


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.1 2.2
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.1 2.2
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    - Fix issue when importing products
    - Fix issue when creating new products


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.1 2.2
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.1 2.2
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    - Improvements to manual migrations
    - Handle cancelled migrations
    - If image already exists migration will continue
    - Automatic retry if network issues occur during a manual migration
    - Logging of any migration errors
    - Image improvements
    - Preserve image extensions
    - Format and quality set to 'auto' by default
    - Auto upload mapping option to automatically migrate images
    - Option to reset all module data
    - Image transformations
    - Add transformations to all images
    - Add transformations to product images individually
    - Show preview of custom transformations

    Note: Customers who used the previous version (1.0.0) of the extension will have to re-migrate the media assets or turn on and use auto upload mapping.


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.1 2.2
  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.1 2.2
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    - Improvements to manual migrations
    - Handle cancelled migrations
    - If image already exists migration will continue
    - Automatic retry if network issues occur during a manual migration
    - Logging of any migration errors
    - Image improvements
    - Preserve image extensions
    - Format and quality set to 'auto' by default
    - Auto upload mapping option to automatically migrate images
    - Option to reset all module data
    - Image transformations
    - Add transformations to all images
    - Add transformations to product images individually
    - Show preview of custom transformations

    Note: Customers who used the previous version (1.0.0) of the extension will have to re-migrate the media assets or turn on and use auto upload mapping.


  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.2
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    Initial Magento 2 release.


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The best place to start if you need help with a specific extension is to contact the developer. All Adobe Commerce developers have both a contact email and a support email listed.

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