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Where K12 school marketing and communications professionals learn and grow - together.

Join the MarCom Society Today!

Surround yourself with passionate, dedicated, and hardworking marketing and communication professionals just like you!

Imagine a place where the buzz of productive collaboration never ends, where time flies as you engage in meaningful conversations, exchange ideas, and share invaluable resources with like-minded colleagues. It's that feeling of professional growth, inspiration, and empowerment that makes us truly thrive in our careers. Now, envision being part of a community that amplifies this experience, making it readily accessible whenever you need it.

The MarCom Society is precisely that place, tailor-made for professionals like you who are passionate about marketing and communications in the K-12 sphere. It brings together MarCom leaders, uniting us through training, support, and community to be the best versions of ourself to help our school be the best version of itself.

By joining the MarCom Society, you'll not only tap into this rich source of professional development but also contribute your own expertise, enriching the collective knowledge of the community. Together, we can elevate marketing and communications strategies in K-12 education, ensuring that our schools are better resourced and ready to make a lasting impact. Don't miss out on the opportunity to be part of this dynamic network of MarCom professionals – join us today and let's create a brighter future for K-12 schools.

How do we do that?

  • An opportunity to be part of a private online community of K12 marketing and communication leaders where you can connect, share ideas, and get regular feedback.
  • Monthly Guest Expert Presentations from experts and leaders in marketing, communications, and enrollment.
  • Pick My Brain - the ability to ask me, Brendan Schneider, private questions about your unique situation.
  • Mastermind Groups with other members of the community that meet on a regular basis and follow the hot seat format.
  • Over 60 PDF resources covering topics including inbound marketing, social media, productivity, and blogging.
  • Unlimited access to on-demand courses designed to help you in your professional journey including Exploring ChatGPT for Content Marketing, How To Upgrade to GA4, and the Inbound Marketing Inquiry System.
  • Quarterly Book Club with past books including Crisis Communication Strategies: Prepare, Respond and Recover Effectively in Unpredictable and Urgent Situations, The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 Months, and Atomic Habits.
  • And access to all of the presentations from ALL of the VirCons.

Boost Your Skills. Join The MarCom Society.

MarCom Society Preview

Some Past Guest Experts

The recordings are available NOW in the MarCom Society for you to watch!

Rebecca Malotke-Meslin
Chuck English
Tara Claeys
Andy Lynch
Lori Kriegel
Kaitlin Resler
Guest Expert Dylan Bridger v2
Guest Expert Dana Nelson-Isaacs v2
Guest Expert Andrea Gribble
Guest Expert Rick Newberry (1)
Guest Expert Rebecca Kidd

What you’ll discover on this webinar:

  • The simple method you must apply before you build any new landing page, homepage or layout. This is the most important step to ensure that you aren't wasting your time.
  • Get the copywriting hacks that will turn your pages and content from boring to "take my money!" riveting. And yes: you can do this even if you aren't a professional copywriting geek.
  • Why the most profitable online businesses use landing pages & how you can do the same, to your advantage! Plus: watch live how easy it is to copy the principles and strategies from top landing pages, for your own site.
  • Explain exactly what this module will teach them, and use names of individual lessons if you can. You might want to include the number of lessons, the length of each lesson, or any other information. But make sure you focus on the benefits that the customer would get just by taking this module on it’s own.

On Demand Courses

Current Course:

Exploring ChatGPT for Creative School Content Marketing

Course Description:
Unlock the power of AI and revolutionize your school's content marketing strategy with our comprehensive course, Exploring ChatGPT for Creative School Content Marketing. Designed specifically for school marketers, this course will empower you to harness the capabilities of ChatGPT and other AI tools to create compelling and engaging content.

Course Outcomes:

  • Master AI Tools: Learn to use ChatGPT for generating content ideas, writing blog posts, creating YouTube scripts, and developing podcast episodes.
  • Enhance Your Creativity: Understand how AI can complement your creativity by speeding up your workflow and providing new perspectives.
  • Effective Content Creation: Generate high-quality content for social media, marketing funnels, and newsletters with ease.
  • Advanced AI Techniques: Dive into advanced features of ChatGPT, including custom GPTs, prompt templates, and data analytics.
  • Practical Applications: Gain hands-on experience with practical examples and downloadable resources, including prompts and content calendars.
  • Cost-Effective Marketing: Discover how AI tools can save time and reduce costs, making your marketing efforts more efficient.

Why Take This Course?

  • Real-World Applications: Apply what you learn to real-life scenarios in school marketing, ensuring you can immediately implement these strategies.
  • Engaging Content: Interactive lessons, downloadable resources, and community support will keep you motivated and engaged.
  • Stay Ahead of the Curve: Equip yourself with cutting-edge AI skills that are increasingly in demand in the marketing world.

Whether you're new to AI or looking to enhance your existing skills, this course offers valuable knowledge and practical tools to transform your school's content marketing. Enroll now and start your journey to becoming a more efficient and innovative school marketer!

Meet Brendan Schneider

Over 14 years ago, I started my blog,, in order to help the school MarCom professional. The blog was a place to share my journey, my successes, as well as my failures, with the goal of helping all MarCom professionals learn and grow. In that time, I've written hundreds of blog posts, spoken in front of thousands of school professionals, organized 10 VirCons (virtual conferences), and, in total, helped thousands of school MarCom professionals from around the globe.

But it wasn't enough!

I repeatedly heard that marketing and communications professionals wanted a community created expressly for the MarCom professional.

It was from this desire that my dream for The MarCom Society was born. It's taken me years to get this idea off the ground, and I'm so proud to bring it to you!


Annual membership



MarCom Society

The membership includes:

  • Access to all courses
  • Access to all PDF resources
  • Access to all presentation recordings from VirCon 1 - VirCon10
  • Members-only community forum
  • Access to LIVE Guest Expert Presentations
  • Access to Pick My Brain - privately ask me your specific questions
  • Members-only MasterMind Groups
  • Quarterly Book Club
  • Access for 9 colleagues from your school


How does enrollment in The MarCom Society work?

The MarCom Society is an annual subscription fee that will be automatically renewed each year.

How many registrations/people are included in the MarCom Society Annual Membership?

With your annual membership to the MarCom Society, you can add up to nine other people from your team to The MarCom Society. As a result, your professional development dollars achieve maximum results.

Is membership a calendar year or one year from when you join?

Your membership is one year from when you join.

How do I add my colleagues to our membership?

You'll be able to add your colleagues by yourself once you join and each colleague will have their own individual login and access.

Ready to join the MarCom Society?