The Lone Survivor

The Lone Survivor
The Lone Survivor
Colton Lively

When a global blackout plunges society into chaos, Judy Green's horseback quest becomes a beacon of hope. Amid biting cold and desolate small towns, Judy's 900-mile journey to her Ohio hometown transforms her into a fearless leader. Facing brutal gangs, she unites the town's inhabitants in a valiant stand.


About the Author

Colton is a writer, prepper enthusiast, and survivalist. He enjoys writing EMP and other disaster thrillers!

Colton is a writer, prepper enthusiast, and survivalist. He enjoys writing EMP and other disaster thrillers!

Colton is a writer, prepper enthusiast, and survivalist. He enjoys writing EMP and other disaster thrillers!

Colton is a writer, prepper enthusiast, and survivalist. He enjoys writing EMP and other disaster thrillers!

Colton is a writer, prepper enthusiast, and survivalist. He enjoys writing EMP and other disaster thrillers!

Colton Lively