Announcing the Second Cohort (2024 Q1) of the WordPress Contributor Mentorship Program

We are thrilled to share the exciting news about the launch of the second cohort of the WordPress Contributor Mentorship program, starting next week, Monday, February 19th! This program offers a special chance for those enthusiastic about WordPress to immerse themselves in the project and make impactful contributions.

Who Are the Mentees?

This cohort is made up of over 50 diverse contributors, each either matched with a mentorEvent Supporter Event Supporter (formerly Mentor) is someone who has already organised a WordCamp and has time to meet with their assigned mentee every 2 weeks, they talk over where they should be in their timeline, help them to identify their issues, and also identify solutions for their issues. or part of a task-focused project under the guidance of multiple mentorsEvent Supporter Event Supporter (formerly Mentor) is someone who has already organised a WordCamp and has time to meet with their assigned mentee every 2 weeks, they talk over where they should be in their timeline, help them to identify their issues, and also identify solutions for their issues.. These participants were chosen from a pool of 76 applicants from around the globe. All those who submitted an application should have an email waiting for them with the application results.

Program Breakdown

This cohort will span over a six-week period:

  • Weeks 1 and 2 (February 19 – March 3): Kick-off session, initial mentor/mentee check-in, setting contribution goals, and online workshops.
  • Weeks 3 and 4 (March 4 – March 17): Focus on onboarding mentees to their chosen Make/WordPress teams, with support from team representatives, to make their initial contributions.
  • Weeks 5 and 6 (March 18 – March 29): Wrap up, set a 30-60-90-day goal, and a graduation session.

After these six weeks, mentees will gain a solid understanding of the WordPress project, contribute to their chosen Make/Teams, and prepare for continued involvement. Following the pilot cohort’s success, this cohort’s timing is again aligned with the WordPress 6.5 release, providing mentees with a firsthand look at the release process of WordPress.

Our Mentors

The success of this program is largely due to our dedicated mentors who provide one-on-one support, guiding mentees through their WordPress journey.

6.5 DocumentationAnand Upadhyay @anandau14
Bengali Polyglots OnboardingMuhibul Haque @devmuhib
Community ThemesMargarita Cabrera Ramirez @onemaggie
Ganga Kafle @kafleg
Community/Polyglots/SupportArthur Kasirye @thehopemonger
CoreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress.Kira Schroder @kirasong
Anne McCarthy @annezazu
Benjamin Zekavica @benjamin_zekavica
Docs SprintJenni McKinnon @ninianepress
India Event ReactivationAditya Kane @adityakane
Alexander Gounder @gounder
Aravind Ajith @aravindajith
Yogesh Londhe @yoga1103
Learn WordPress Content TranslationJenny Dupuy @jdy68
MetaMeta Meta is a term that refers to the inside workings of a group. For us, this is the team that works on internal WordPress sites like WordCamp Central and Make WordPress.Steven Dufresne @dufresnesteven
Courtney Robertson @courane01
Photo Directory Reviewer TrainingTopher DeRosia @topher1kenobe
Polyglots & SupportTor-Bjorn Fjellner (Tobi) @tobifjellner
Polyglots Documentation OnboardingEstela Rueda @estelaris
Spanish Community + WPTVNilo Velez @nilovelez
Spanish Community Mentoring and Community OnboardingJuan Hernando @unintended8
Spanish Polyglots OnboardingJosep Morán @josepmoran/
SupportKavya Gokul @properlypurple
Sustainable ContributionPatricia Brun Torre @patricia70
TestOlga Gleckler @oglekler
Pooja Derashri @webtechpooja

Join and Follow Along

In the spirit of openness and collaboration, we invite the WordPress community to follow our cohort’s progress. While not everyone can be assigned a specific mentor,  those interested are welcome to join the #contributor-mentorship channel on Make/WordPress SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at Here, you can engage in public sessions and stay informed about the developments of the WordPress 6.5 release and the broader contributor community.

For future updates on this program, you can check come back to this URLURL A specific web address of a website or web page on the Internet, such as a website’s URL (RSS)


This program couldn’t happen without the tireless efforts of our mentors, the Contributor Working Group, and all involved in organizing and supporting this initiative. Your dedication to fostering growth and learning within the WordPress community is invaluable. Let’s make this cohort a success together to enhance mentorship within the WordPress project and empower more contributors!

@adityakane @angelasjin @hellosatya @javiercasares @KafleG @kirasong @nao @oglekler @onealtr @patricia70 @ratneshsonar @unintended8 @webtechpooja @yoga1103 @coachbirgit @josepmoran @harishanker @alexcu21 @alexdeborba @annezazu @askdesign @gusa @nilovelez @tobifjellner @tokyobiyori @topher1kenobe @voboghure @ninianepress @malgra @soberbanda @anandau14 @devmuhib @leogopal @matteoenna @lumiblog @krupajnanda

#wpcontributors, #5ftf, #contributor-working-group, #five-for-the-future, #mentorship-cohort-july-2023, #mentorship-program #contributor-mentorship-program