WordPress Management

Without the SaaS!

Manage WordPress Sites with MainWP's Free, Self-Hosted Dashboard

Install MainWP Now!

Install and self-host MainWP as easily as any WordPress plugin.

No complex server configurations required - enjoy the power of centralized WordPress management entirely under your control.

Why choose MainWP for your site manager?

MainWP is different than other WordPress Managers!


Self Hosted
As a self-hosted WordPress Manager, install the MainWP Dashboard plugin on your WordPress site, not on our hosting.


MainWP puts your privacy first. Your data stays yours - total data sovereignty to protect your operations.


Customize your MainWP Dashboard to fit your style! Easily change fonts, colors, and button placements across your managed WordPress sites.


Connect sites with MainWP's robust security protocols utilizing OpenSSL asymmetric encryption and backed by the SHA-256 signature verification algorithm.

Dev Friendly

Dev Friendly
MainWP is built with developers in mind, featuring extensive actions, filters, and API for enhanced customization

Open Source

Open Source
Review all code installed on your multiple WordPress sites via Github. Have an idea or fix? Pull requests accepted.

CLI Enabled

CLI Enabled
Use built-in CLI commands to automate and speed up repetitive WordPress management tasks in your MainWP Dashboard.


Manage MainWP data with our REST API—perform create, read, update, and delete operations through simple JSON formats.

The Private​ WordPress Manager

Loved by Agencies, Developers, & Freelancers to manage multiple WordPress sites

All Managed WordPress Sites on One Screen

MainWP Manage Sites
MainWP brings all your WordPress management tasks under one Dashboard. Create your clients’ profiles, add sites, organize them with Tags, and MainWP will act as your sites manager.

Effortless Update Management

Stop wasting time updating your WordPress sites one by one. The MainWP WordPress site manager makes it simple and super easy to run updates across all your managed WP sites.
MainWP Updates Management

Simplified Financials with the Cost Tracker

MainWP Cost tracker Widget
The MainWP Cost Tracker is designed to help you efficiently manage and track costs associated with your websites within the MainWP Dashboard. This tool provides a centralized view to monitor, add, and analyze expenses, making your cost management more streamlined and effective.

Comprehensive Overview at a Glance

The Dashboard Insights module introduces a comprehensive analytics feature to the MainWP Dashboard, enabling in-depth insights into your usage and activity on the MainWP Dashboard, the performance and status of all connected Child Sites at a glance.
MainWP Dashboard Insights Widget

Plugins & Themes Management

MainWP Plugins and Themes Management
MainWP also acts as a WordPress maintenance plugin, allowing you to install, activate, deactivate, update, or delete plugins and themes across all your managed WordPress sites. It also tracks changes made outside the MainWP Dashboard.

Extend Your MainWP Dashboard Functionality

MainWP Extensions
Browse MainWP Extensions for Backups, Marketing, SEO, Maintenance, Security, Monitoring, and other tools to streamline your WordPress management tasks.

Monitor your Websites from One Place

MainWP Monitoring
Things can quickly go wrong with your WordPress sites and you can't be around all the time to monitor them, your MainWP Dashboard alerts you to any SSL, domain, or vulnerability issues that need your attention.

Unlock the Power of MainWP

Explore the Core Modules Designed to Simplify, Organize, and Amplify Your WordPress Management Tasks


Effortlessly manage and monitor all your WordPress sites from a single, powerful dashboard. The Sites module streamifies your workflow, ensuring easy access and complete control over each site.
  • Centralized Management
  • Real-time Monitoring
  • Bulk Actions


Organize and manage client information within MainWP. The Clients module provides a structured approach to storing client details, facilitating efficient site and project management.
  • Client Profiles
  • Direct Site Association
  • Access Control


MainWP Dashboard Insights provides you with an in-depth insights into your usage and activity on the MainWP Dashboard, the performance and status of all connected Child Sites at a glance.
  • Usage Summaries
  • Tailored Data Insights
  • Customized View

Cost Tracker

Keep your project budgets in check with the MainWP Cost Tracker module. Monitor expenses, forecast costs, and manage financials, ensuring your projects remain profitable.
  • Expense Tracking
  • Budget Forecasts
  • Financial Reporting

Forever Free

MainWP is a fully functional GPL licensed WP sites manager plugin with premium extensions available. See free features.

Unlimited sites

MainWP is a free WordPress management plugin, we don’t charge based on the number of sites. See how MainWP makes money.


MainWP WordPress website management plugin is installed on your site on your hosting. There is never any data sampling!

Top Rated

With 2200 5-Star Reviews, MainWP boasts a 4.9 rating, reflecting our reliability, user-friendly design, and exceptional support.

Stay Updated

Try out the MainWP Browser Extension for Chrome or FireFox today and stay informed with all the latest updates.


Flexible to fit any workflow, MainWP adapts seamlessly, ensuring efficient management with customizable controls.

Trusted by World-Renowned Brands, Municipalities, Universities, NPOs, and Agencies Around the World!


But we respect our clients privacy too much to show you the logos!

We really care about privacy!
"Privacy laws apply to businesses that collect personal information. Since no personal information is collected by the MainWP plugins, no privacy laws apply to the MainWP plugins. This includes GDPR, UK DPA 2018, PIPEDA, Australia Privacy Act 1988, LGPD, PIPL, and other privacy laws.​"
  • Donata Stroink-Skillrud​

    President of Agency Attorneys​
MainWP Plugins are Compliant with


and all other privacy laws!

Set-up Your WP Manager in 3 Easy Steps

Join professionals who use MainWP as their preferred sites manager!


Create a new WP site and install the MainWP Dashboard plugin.


Install the MainWP Child Plugin on all sites you want to manage.


Founder Run, Admin Focused

Dennis Dornon

As one of the only WP Management Systems not owned by a major corporation or hosting company, I understand the need to keep your client data private and secure.

I also know that sometimes you need to think outside the box for your clients, so we’re the only WordPress Manager that is open source and expandable, allowing you to create your own solutions.

But it’s not just me! Over the years, I’ve assembled a team from around the world who are just as committed to your success. The majority of the MainWP team has been working on MainWP for over 5 years, so they have an intimate knowledge of WordPress maintenance.

We’ve been here for you over the years and will continue to be here as a profitable, debt-free, and privately owned multiple WordPress sites manager!

Administrators Love MainWP

We have been using MainWP since 2014; we took a little break from it for less than a year testing out ManageWP but we were missing the flexibility, stability and control over our WordPress maintenance tool. So, in Sept 2019, we moved back over 75 sites back to MainWP and it was the best decision we ever make....
As WordPress Expert and WooCommerce Specialist I offer maintenance and service contracts to business customers. To keep track of updates, perform backups and bulk edit content I was in need of centralized, reliable and powerful management solution. Thank you MainWP for having my back...
MainWP makes it possible to have a business managing websites for others. I have tried other tools such as ManageWP and InfiniteWP but while those ultimately failed to work and let me down, MainWP has worked reliably and consistently for years. It's the best choice out there for my business.
As plugin developers we use a lot of websites with different setups etc so we can test our plugins. MainWP helps us manage all our testing and production environments from one central dashboard. It made it really easy for us to simply change the setup of a handful of websites with just a few clicks.
I absolutely love MainWP. It makes maintaining a fleet of WordPress websites a snap. It’s so easy, that once it is set up, there is not much else to do. Freeing up tons of time to roll out new website designs for your clients. But don’t think that the power of MainWP stops at maintenance, with dozens of extensions, it has the power to do so much more…
We have almost five years with MainWP pushing updates to Wordpress sites. By triggering a site-backup in Wordpress, restoring is a breeze without the hassle with server backups. MainWP has years of proven reliability and trouble-free usage for us!
MainWP is great for managing multiple WordPress sites. It has helped us simplify software installations and updates, backups management, security, reporting and so much more. Big time saver!

Choose a Smarter Way to Manage Multiple WordPress Sites!

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