
Advancing Open Science in Europe

EOSC Association Newsletter #37 | 02 July 2024

Inside the Association

Save the date: EOSC-A 9th General Assembly, 22 November

Four Board of Directors positions to be filled

We are pleased to announce that the 9th EOSC Association General Assembly will take place online on Friday, 22 November 2024. The virtual meeting gives you the opportunity to conveniently join us from your preferred location to vote on decision items and to contribute to critical discussions that impact the direction of EOSC-A.

Notably, we anticipate that four Board of Directors positions will be filled at GA#9 via direct election by the EOSC-A membership. This represents a significant turnover of the EOSC-A leadership at a critical time in EOSC’s development, and we encourage all qualified Members to strongly consider enrolling as candidates. A formal Call for Candidates, detailing the roles and responsibilities, requirements and process will be issued in due time.

Please mark your calendars for GA#9, and stay tuned for more details. In the meantime, you are welcome to revisit the wrap-up article of our last GA meeting held at the end of May in Leuven, Belgium. The minutes of GA#8 will be published on our General Assembly page by Friday, 12 July 2024.

Partnership with the European Commission

Reminder to register for the EOSC Symposium 2024 before the summer break

On-site spots for the EOSC Symposium 2024 are filling up quickly. If you are hoping to attend, please register today to ensure your on-site participation on 21-23 October in Berlin, and enjoy a stress-free summer break without worrying about available seats!

Results of the EOSC Symposium call for posters

We are thrilled to reveal the titles of 20 posters selected by the Programme Committee for presentation at the EOSC Symposium. The Programme Committee would like to thank everyone who participated in the call and looks forward to showcasing the impressive achievements of the EOSC community relative to the Partnership’s SRIA objectives. We are also adding session descriptions to the online programme to help you prepare for our discussions.

Practical information to plan your trip to Berlin

Visit the EOSC Symposium webpage to find information about the event venue, how to book your accommodation at a discounted rate, and where to join the community for a festive networking dinner to experience the atmosphere and cuisine of a traditional German Brauhaus. We look forward to having you with us!


Empowering the EOSC community through Switzerland’s direct democracy

Interview with Annika Glauner and Thomas Schulthess of ETH Zurich

Annika Glauner of ETH Zurich and Thomas Schulthess of the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS), operated by ETH Zurich, see their membership in the EOSC Association as an investment that will benefit the entire European research community. In this insightful interview, Glauner and Schulthess explain how Switzerland’s long-standing tradition of direct democracy supports the Open Science community in its grassroots efforts to deploy EOSC. The two representatives of the EOSC-A Mandated Organisation for Switzerland also describe the unique position of the country as a non-member of the European Union, and detail the most relevant Swiss national policies for Open Science. Read more.

Updates from Horizon Europe Projects
