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Dear Friends,

Last night, I had my first taste of Gone to Texas, UT’s traditional welcome event held before the first day of classes. I welcomed our incoming first-year students at our own Gone to Fine Arts event before we all ventured to the UT Tower to celebrate.
I was so heartened to see our students in real life (outside and masked, of course!) as we gathered as a Fine Arts community for the first time. After a year of online classes, these students were so excited to meet each other and to begin their Longhorn journey. Their presence breathes new life into a campus that has been so quiet for too long.
We just celebrated the beautiful new sculpture by Simone Leigh in front of the newly remodeled Anna Hiss Gym as part of our Landmarks public art program last month. We are now working diligently to bring our stages and exhibition spaces back to life, and you’ll be hearing more from me soon about our upcoming seasons in Texas Performing Arts, the Butler School of Music, the Department of Theatre and Dance and the Visual Arts Center. We have some incredible programming in store for you.

Dean Ramón H. Rivera-Servera

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