Welcome to the Chary Lab

I am an Instructor in Emergency Medicine and Medical Toxicology at Weill Cornell Medical College. I create computable representations of medical reasoning and develop softwatre to extract knowledge from text, with a specific focus on substance usage.

To this end, I use social media (Twitter, YouTube, etc) for syndromic surveillance and to construct computable knowledge representations. We also try to explain interesting patterns we observe in the context of known biochemical signaling as contained in repositories such as PubChem.

I am grateful for funding from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) in the form of their Loan Repayment Program and start-up funding provided by the Emergency Department at Weill Cornell Medical College.


11 Jun 2024

Our work on INTOXICATE and EKGs will be presented at NYACEP 2024!

11 Jun 2024

Our work on INTOXICATE and EKGs will be presented at NACCT 2024!

11 Apr 2024

We are presenting Jarvis at the ACMT Annual Meeting in DC.

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