Vail Media

Vail Media

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Creating video ads that turns viewers into customers ▫️ 📩 DM for a Free consultation.

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We are a creative agency that helps small business with their digital strategy and content creation starting at $350

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maketing، video production، graphic design، photography، videography، content strategy، content creation، social media marketing، growth hacking، و SMM

المواقع الجغرافية


  • أعاد Vail Media نشر هذا

    عرض ملف 🇺🇦Wail Mannad الشخصي، رسم بياني

    🚀 Creating videos that'll help you attract your ideal customers, to sell and build a community on social media.

    I hate goodbyes. Especially when you know that you may never meet that person again. A week after the earthquake hit Morocco and shook the whole nation. I came to Marrakesh without a plan except finding a way to help. And during this unexpected journey I've met a lot of amazing people some of them live in Marrakech and others from different nationalities backgrounds and religions We were a group of misfits, united by our desire to help. We lived together, worked together, fought sometimes and laughed more. We weren't friends, we were a family Almost every night after the work is done, we'll start a camp fire, sit around and just talk about work, life and everything in-between. These last 3 months I've spent between Marrakech and the mountains was the most amazing and fulfilling period in my life. But each time that someone leave, I can't help but feel that we may never meet again. but who knows, It's a weird world so, until I see you again.

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  • أعاد Vail Media نشر هذا

    عرض ملف 🇺🇦Wail Mannad الشخصي، رسم بياني

    🚀 Creating videos that'll help you attract your ideal customers, to sell and build a community on social media.

    Since the war against Ukraine started, I've been sharing exclusive news, and even helping with fundraising for the people of Ukraine. But 2 days ago, a devastating earthquake hit Morocco, where I'm from. The death toll now has surpassed 2,000, with 2,000+ injured making it the deadliest quake to hit the North African country in decades. Over 300,000 people have been displaced. Many are sleeping in the streets, parks, and their cars as they fear aftershocks may cause even more damage. It reminded me of the devastation I witnessed in Turkey earlier this year. Despite the fear, people rallied together. Even my favorite coffee shop in Kadikoy, Dino's, organized fundraisers and collected goods to support affected areas. Their proactive approach inspired those around them, shifting focus from blame to action. People were bringing covers, clothes, and canned foods from their homes to help, they rented vans to take the supplies to the affected area... The Moroccan authorities and NOGs are doing what they can but they can't do everything. Due to the bad state of roads linking some of the affected villages to civilization, it's hard to get there and provide the necessary help. We're aiming to provide them with the basics they need (food, water, clothes, and temporary housing) and do what it takes to get them there. We want to provide help, and we want to provide it now. Because the more we wait the worse it will get Let's turn words into action and help those in need. Share this post and join us in making change happen. Together, we can provide hope and relief. I'll keep you updated on how your donations make an impact. Ways to Help: Donate money If you're in Morocco, donate goods (canned food, clothes, diapers) Share this post with your network P.S.: if you are in Marrakesh or the surrounding areas providing help and need extra hands to help please message me, I just got yesterday to Sale, and I'll be in Marrakesh soon if the fundraiser works. Every amount counts. Let's make a difference. #MoroccoEarthquake #SupportMorocco #MoroccoRelief #MoroccoStrong #EarthquakeResponse #DisasterRelief #CommunitySupport #MoroccanSolidarity #MoroccoRecovery #HelpingMorocco #DonateForChange #EmergencyResponse #MoroccoAid #HumanitarianEfforts #MoroccoTogether

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Vail Media، رسم بياني

    ١٤٨ متابع

    عرض ملف 🇺🇦Wail Mannad الشخصي، رسم بياني

    🚀 Creating videos that'll help you attract your ideal customers, to sell and build a community on social media.

    Unmasking the Role of Russian Propaganda in the Ukraine Conflict 📰 Weaponized Information Russia's use of propaganda as a weapon can't be underestimated in this war. Russia uses state-controlled media, social platforms, and disinformation campaigns to promote its agenda, and influencers, with little to no regard for accuracy. 💔 The Power of Misinformation Russian propaganda in Ukraine relies on misinformation, disinformation, and the selective portrayal of events. By distorting facts and creating confusion, it not only prolongs suffering for those caught in the crossfire. 🌍 Worldwide Consequences The ripple effects of this propaganda extend far beyond Ukraine's borders. They challenge international norms, undermine conflict resolution efforts, and underscore the importance of defending truth and transparency on a global scale🌏 If we learned anything from history that would be that the Russian government will give promises and sign documents with the intention to break their promises and blame it on the other party. Examples of Russian propaganda fails: Crimea: When Russia invaded Crimea in 2014, it used a significant amount of propaganda to justify its actions. This included spreading false narratives about the Ukrainian government mistreating ethnic Russians in Crimea and presenting the annexation as a "protective" measure. These narratives were widely spread through Russian state-controlled media. the funny thing is that I've met with a lot of Crimean Tatars in Istanbul in protest and they'd rather live abroad than under Russian control. MH17 Plane Crash: After the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 over eastern Ukraine in 2014, Russian media and propagandists spread multiple conflicting narratives about the incident. Some claimed that Ukrainian forces shot down the plane, others suggested that it was a Western plot. Investigations later confirmed that a Russian-made missile was responsible for the tragedy. Fake News About Ukraine: Russian propaganda outlets have been known to fabricate stories about Ukrainian forces committing atrocities, including false reports of crucifixions and mass graves. These stories are designed to ruin the reputation of Ukrainian troops and manipulate public opinion, and they usually go all in on this when their crimes are exposed (Bucha is one example that I will never forget) Social Media: Russian troll farms and state-sponsored disinformation campaigns have been actively spreading false information on social media platforms. These campaigns often use fake accounts and organized actions to spread content that creates conflict and attack anyone who is supporting Ukraine through various methods, during this period I got hacked 2 times, and received countless hate and death threats, especially during the first days of war, and I'm sure many more have had the same experience. Tell me what you think in the comments. (I'll read and reply to all of them) Share to fight propaganda

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