XR & AI Pub Crawl for Marketing & Communications


XR & AI Pub Crawl for Marketing and Comms LIVE Monthly Event

The XR & AI Marketing Pub Crawl is a monthly community event for enterprise and corporate marketers and communications professionals looking to better understand immersive technologies.  Myself, and other guest speakers discuss the latest XR and AI marketing news, explore the latest immersive platforms and take a critical look at the work being done in the space today.

You can join our XR/AI Pub Crawl LIVE the third Friday of each month at 12 noon PT via Zoom. Joining live allows you to experience the technology, ask questions, and build relationships with some of the most innovative marketers in the industry. 

When: Third Friday of every month, 12 noon PT
Where: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82004075305?pwd=MnZkWExLeWQ5aVNndCtSZWFuU1hmdz09

Consider subscribing to the XR/AI Marketing Brief and stay up to date on the latest news, events, and community resources: 

Subscribe here: https://bit.ly/XRAIBrief

XR & AI Pub Crawl On-Demand

You can watch all of our prior events and interviews with XR and experiential marketing experts on my YouTube channel, enjoy!