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Published January 2023: cyber security state of the nation snapshot reports

In May 2022, 805 schools from across the United Kingdom took part in the second nationwide audit of cyber security in schools. The audit was run in partnership between the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC, part of GCHQ) and LGfL - the findings and analysis are now available below.

The reports below outline the threats facing schools today, the measures that are in place (or not!), how effective they are and how quickly schools have recovered from cyber-incidents. The second LGfL report includes further guidance and analysis from our experts and international partners, with next steps to strengthen protections across a sector, which is being increasingly being targeted.

The findings - two key reports

NCSC & LGfL - Main Findings

Cyber Security Schools  Audit 2022

LGfL & Partners - Further Analysis

Cybersecurity in schools - are we teaching and learning?


Thanks to all those who took part to help shape the UK's response to the threats schools face and help us equip you to meet your training needs. We would love to hear what you think of the reports and how you are using them to help keep your school secure. 

What should schools do next?

From NCSC:

Why not check out NCSC's cyber security school hub, which includes the NCSC cyber security training course for school staff which was designed using the findings of the 2019 audit, the CyberFirst programme for secondaries, the CyberSprinters game for Primaries and much more.

From LGfL:

LGfL offers free support to all schools in the country: this ranges from guidance and advice, to policy toolkits, security school reports and much more - find out more at Why not sign up for our newsletter too or follow us on Twitter to stay up to date with the latest news and releases.

LGfL subscribers and customers benefit from an extensive suite of licences for industry-leading cyber security tools, ranging from Sophos and Malwarebytes scanning tools, to phishing simulation, backup and recovery tools, vulnerability reports and much more.

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2019 Report Archive

If you would like to find out more about the first NCSC-LGfL audit which took place in 2019, the reports can be found below:



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