Software Architecture Hour with Neal Ford: The Future of Software with Martin Fowler

Video description

To meet the critical needs of modern business, software must now be able to react quickly to changes, allowing new features to be conceived, developed, and put into production rapidly. This requirement to respond fluently to changes has an important impact upon the architecture of a software system: software has to be built in such a way that it’s able to adapt to unexpected changes in features and can be regularly revised and refactored to meet a product’s goals.

Join us for a special conversation with Neal Ford and software development thought leader and ThoughtWorks chief scientist Martin Fowler. They’ll explore the interplay between the shift toward Agile thinking and the technical patterns and practices that make Agile software development practical. While the specifics of technology can change rapidly, the fundamental best practices and patterns you’ll learn are more stable and will allow you to respond more fluently to changes.

Neal and Martin spend a few minutes covering the trends in software architecture that are driving the need for change, then tell you what you need to know to stay ahead of the curve.

What you’ll learn and how you can apply it
  • Learn how to make Agile software development practical
  • See what’s coming next with software architecture
This recording of a live event is for you because…
  • You want to better understand what you can do to improve your software architecture.
  • You want to discover ways to adapt to unexpected changes in features.

Recommended follow-up:

Product information

  • Title: Software Architecture Hour with Neal Ford: The Future of Software with Martin Fowler
  • Author(s): Neal Ford, Martin Fowler
  • Release date: January 2022
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 0636920675563