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40 Best Sales Tools for Sales Managers

April 15, 2019

A sales manager carries the heavy burden of overseeing the branch that has the most direct impact on revenue.

With this in mind, sales managers are responsible for creating sales strategies, setting key performance indicators, and creating a motivational and positive team environment.

Sales operations and sales representatives teams rely heavily on a sturdy management system. The main goal of a sales manager is to effectively coach and monitor the performance of their salespeople. Managers balance mentorship with setting quotas, managing projects and setting overall sales expectations. Another aspect of management includes training and on-boarding. Statistics show that companies allocating more than 50% of their overall sales training budget to management training outperform their goal by 15%. (LevelEleven)

Based on all of the above, we have taken a deeper look at the products that are contributing to the growth in the sales management world.

40 best sales manager tools for 2019

To help you narrow down potential best sales tools for sales managers, we have ranked products by user satisfaction score as of March 20th, 2019. The ratings are taken across the categories most applicable to sales managers based on the 2019 Salestech Landscape:

  • Sales Coaching
  • Sales Analytics
  • Conversation Intelligence
  • Data Visualization
  • Sales Training and Onboarding
  • Sales Performance Management

These products alone have well over 20,000 validated user reviews on G2 as of March 20th, 2019, and represent a subset of the many sales tools listed on G2.

*Reviews have been edited for spelling, punctuation, grammar and clarity.

1gong logo. Gong 


Gong is a conversation intelligence tool that helps sales teams improve overall sales conversations in the form of phone calls, web conferences, and emails. It uses AI to understand how successful sales representatives communicate. Gong also shortens the sales on-boarding process with its coaching capabilities.

G2 Satisfaction Rating: 94

Category: Conversation Intelligence Software


  • Call summaries
  • Collaboration capabilities
  • Platform search
  • Team statistics

Is Gong right for you?  Read Reviews Now, FREE →

 clari logo2. Clari


Clari improves operational efficiency by using automation and AI to streamline pipeline analysis and forecasting data.

G2 Satisfaction Rating: 96

Category: Sales Analytics Software


  • Forecasting analytics
  • Data snapshotting
  • Real-time reporting

Is Clari right for you?  Read Reviews Now, FREE →

salesloft logo3. SalesLoft


SalesLoft is the conversation intelligence and sales engagement platform that helps users connect. It qualifies and converts target accounts into customers faster by intuitively scaling conversations effectively.

G2 Satisfaction Rating95

Category: Conversation Intelligence Software


  • Task management
  • Call recording
  • Analytics

Read SalesLoft user reviews, FREE →

insightsquared logo4. InsightSquared


InsightSquared helps sales operations professionals break the cycle of spreadsheet creation by equipping them with actionable, real-time intelligence on virtually all sales KPIs.

G2 Satisfaction Rating94

Category: Sales Analytics Software


  • Data visualization
  • Sales analytics
  • Mobile capabilities

Read InsightSquared user reviews, FREE →

klipfolio logo5. Klipfolio


Klipfolio is a self-service business intelligence platform that offers a real-time dashboard housing a visual analysis of business data and metrics.

G2 Satisfaction Rating93

Category: Data Visualization Software


  • Unified dashboard
  • Prebuilt templates
  • Mobile capabilities

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Lessonly logo6. Lessonly

Lessonly is training software that helps teams learn, practice, and do better work. The result is faster on-boarding, higher net promoter scores, more closed deals, and superior customer experience.

G2 Satisfaction Rating

Category: Sales Training Software and On-boarding Software


  • Screen recording
  • Reporting
  • Drag and drop lesson builder templates
  • Realistic chat practice

Browse Lessonly user reviews →

VanillaSoft logo7. VanillaSoft


VanillaSoft is a sales engagement platform that helps sales development teams engage a collective total of over 15 million contacts every month. Used as a standalone system, or in combination with existing traditional CRM systems, VanillaSoft empowers sales reps to respond to new leads within seconds, interact with leads more consistently and across more channels, and generate more qualified sales opportunities.

G2 Satisfaction Rating: 91

Category: Sales Performance Management Software


  • Auto-dialing
  • Lead tracking
  • Call recording
  • SMS marketing

Browse VanillaSoft user reviews →

databox logo8. Databox


Databox helps sales teams visualize performance trends and monitor progress toward team goals by showcasing metrics in the form of alerts and scorecards.

G2 Satisfaction Rating: 91

Category: Data Visualization Software


  • Strategy notifications
  • Appointment scheduling
  • Email tracking

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Gryphon Networks logo9. Gryphon Networks


Gryphon Networks captures all call activity, regardless of location or phone type, through innovative cloud-based telephony. The daily activity of a sales team allows managers to keep track of team performance. The sales performance data provides sales managers with peace of mind by offering accurate performance metrics on demand.

G2 Satisfaction Rating: 91

Category: Sales Performance Management Software


  • Call recording
  • Activity logging
  • Mobile capabilities
  • Scorecards

Is Gryphon Networks right for you?  Read Reviews Now, FREE →

Velocify logo10. Velocify Lead Manager


Velocify Lead Manager is a sales acceleration platform that helps sales teams prospect with more precision, accelerate lead engagement, and implement optimized workflows, ultimately helping sales teams find and convert more leads.

G2 Satisfaction Rating: 89

Category: Sales Performance Management Software


  • Lead capture and scoring
  • Real-time dashboard and reporting
  • Automated lead nurturing

Read Velocify Lead Manager user reviews, FREE →

Mindtickle Logo11. MindTickle


MindTickle is a sales readiness platform for onboarding, product training, and coaching that helps fast-growing companies to prepare their sales teams and partners in a scalable and effective way.

G2 Satisfaction Rating: 89


Category: Sales Training and On-boarding Software, Sales Performance Management Software


  • Gamification
  • Certifications
  • Engagement analytics

Read MindTickle user reviews, FREE →

Leveleleven logo12. LevelEleven


LevelEleven is a sales management system that is intended to help sales managers motivate, engage, and coach sales representatives. It includes gamification and CRM solutions that help sales managers and other managers keep their teams focused on the right things.

G2 Satisfaction Rating: 89

Category: Sales Performance Management Software


  • Scorecards
  • Gamification
  • Coaching templates
  • Goal management

Is LevelEleven right for you?  Read Reviews Now, FREE →

insidesales logo13. Predictive Playbooks Predictive Playbooks is a platform that helps users prospect, prioritize, and collaborate within one tool. It allows users to manage leads and accounts with personalized sales engagement methods.

G2 Satisfaction Rating: 87

Category: Sales Analytics Software


  • Strategy notifications
  • Appointment scheduling
  • Email tracking

Browse Predictive Playbooks user reviews →

visme logo14. Visme


Visme is an online data visualization tool that allows users to intuitively create interactive presentations and infographics within their browsers.

G2 Satisfaction Rating: 87

Category: Data Visualization Software


  • Collaboration capabilities
  • Customizable reports
  • Audience analytics

Is Visme right for you?  Read Reviews Now, FREE →

Showpad logo15. Showpad Coach (formerly LearnCore)


Showpad Coach is an AI speech analytics tool with a security-minded and privacy-compliant platform.

G2 Satisfaction Rating: 87

Category: Sales Training and On-boarding Software, Sales Coaching Software


  • Video recordings
  • Reporting and insights
  • Certifications
  • Gamification

Browse Showpad Coach user reviews →

grapher logo16. Grapher


Grapher is a graphing application with customizable graph templates for quick data visualization.

G2 Satisfaction Rating: 86

Category: Data Visualization Software


  • Customizable graphs
  • Collaboration capabilities
  • Task automation

Browse Grapher user reviews → logo17. is a business intelligence dashboard that helps small- and medium-sized businesses visualize and share business performance in real time by uniting data from hundreds of sources, including spreadsheets, databases, and SaaS applications.

G2 Satisfaction Rating: 86

Category: Data Visualization Software


  • Interactive dashboards
  • Mobile capabilities
  • Multiple data source connections

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Ambition logo18. Ambition


Ambition is a sales management platform that syncs data from key systems like Salesforce into a drag-and-drop UI that allows managers to create performance visualizations and insights across their entire sales organization.

G2 Satisfaction Rating: 84

Category: Sales Performance Management Software


  • Scorecards
  • Gamification
  • Interactive, real-time dashboard

Is Ambition right for you?  Read Reviews Now, FREE →

1Google Chart Tools logo9. Google Chart Tools


Google Chart Tools is a customizable data visualization tool that allows users to display live data on their websites.

G2 Satisfaction Rating: 83

Category: Data Visualization Software


  • Prebuilt templates
  • Interactive dashboard
  • Real-time data updates

Browse Google Chart Tools user reviews →

idashboards logo20. iDashboards


iDashboards is data visualization software with customizable and flexible dashboard solutions that easily integrate with key data sources, so users can quickly view and analyze performance metrics.

G2 Satisfaction Rating: 83


Category: Data Visualization Software


  • Interactive, customizable report-building tools
  • Automatic data updates

Is iDashboards right for you?  Read Reviews Now, FREE →

Leveljump logo21. LevelJump


LevelJump is a sales enablement and readiness solution. LevelJump reduces ramp-up time of new sales hires. It improves impact on revenue by attributing sales enablement programs, training, and coaching to metrics in Salesforce. Based on reviews, users particularly enjoy how easy it is to do business with LevelJump, as well as their quality of support.

G2 Satisfaction Rating: 83

Category: Sales Training and On-boarding Software


  • Content management
  • Knowledge base
  • Manager feedback

Is LevelJump right for you?  Read Reviews Now, FREE →

dashthis logo22. DashThis


DashThis provides an analytics dashboard that helps users create reports using data from a variety of sources and connected integrations. Sales representatives see major improvements in client relationships as well as quickening the sales process.

G2 Satisfaction Rating: 82

Category: Data Visualization Software


  • Unified dashboard
  • Prebuilt templates and widgets
  • Advanced customization

Browse DashThis user reviews →

Membrain logo23. Membrain


Membrain is a sales performance management tool for teams working with complex B2B sales. Sales reps can initiate prospecting campaigns, analyze sales trends, and close sales at a higher rate.

G2 Satisfaction Rating: 82

Category: Sales Performance Management Software


  • Pipeline management
  • Qualification and prospecting
  • Sales analytics

Is Membrain right for you?  Read Reviews Now, FREE →

Aviso logo24. Aviso


Aviso allows sales operations to stop relying on manually adding data to spreadsheets and manually creating reports. Aviso leverages real-time sales performance and data to forecast pipeline performance.

G2 Satisfaction Rating: 81

Category: Sales Analytics Software


  • Interactive dashboards
  • Lead scoring
  • Live forecasting
  • Gamification

Read Aviso user reviews, FREE →

chorus logo25. is a conversation intelligence platform that helps sales teams win more deals and coach reps to become top performers. Calls and video conferences are automatically recorded and accurately transcribed in real time.

G2 Satisfaction Rating: 81

Category: Sales Coaching Software, Conversation Intelligence Software


  • AI call reporting
  • Mobile capabilities
  • Call recording

Is right for you?  Read Reviews Now, FREE →

Spinify logo26. Spinify 

Spinify is a sales performance management tool that gamifies business activities for all target-based employees. It’s a great tool for sales managers to create competitions and leaderboards on any metric.

G2 Satisfaction Rating: 75

Category: Sales Performance Management Software


  • Competition templates
  • Team competitions
  • CRM integration

Browse Spinify user reviews →

Jiminny logo27. Jiminny


Jiminny is a sales coaching tool that incorporates web conferencing, a predictive dialer, and SMS tools, each built in a way that allows you to develop the skills of your team. The platform also integrates with your CRM tools to show you powerful insights on where to coach for the highest impact while saving your team hours of time on routine administrative tasks.

G2 Satisfaction Rating: 80

Category: Sales Coaching Software


  • Knowledge base
  • Playbook creation
  • Coaching materials

Browse Jiminny user reviews →

Hoopla logo28. Hoopla


Hoopla is sales performance management software that combines modern game mechanics, data analytics, and broadcast-quality video in a powerfully simple application that makes it easy for managers to motivate team performance and score more wins. Hoopla allows managers to  create contests, competitions, and leaderboards around any CRM metric, and broadcast live performance updates to TV, web and mobile screens throughout the company.

G2 Satisfaction Rating: 80

Category: Sales Performance Management Software


  • Competition templates
  • TV streaming
  • CRM integration

Browse Hoopla user reviews →

Salesforce sales analytics logo29. Salesforce Sales Analytics


Salesforce Sales Analytics is a tool that helps users analyze pipeline visibility, track team performance, and uncover opportunities to grow.

G2 Satisfaction Rating: 80

Category: Sales Analytics Software


  • Lead scoring
  • Interactive dashboards
  • Mobile capabilities
  • Prebuilt templates

Read Salesforce Sales Analytics user reviews, FREE →

Megalytic logo30. Megalytic


Megalytic is used by sales teams to make fast, insightful analytics reports.

G2 Satisfaction Rating: 76

Category: Data Visualization Software


  • Prebuilt templates
  • Automated data updates
  • Interactive dashboards

Browse Megalytic user reviews →

Sap lumira logo31. SAP Lumira


SAP Lumira is a business analytics solution that helps streamline transactions, data preparation, analysis, and action, to help sales teams make more informed decisions.

G2 Satisfaction Rating: 75

Category: Sales Analytics Software


  • Mobile capabilities
  • Live forecasting
  • Interactive dashboards

Read SAP Lumira user reviews, FREE →

Spotio Logo32. Spotio

is a sales analytics tool that allows sales teams to build pipelines, manage field sales, and generate leads. As a tool that tailors itself for field sales, the product has great features like territory management, Google Places integration, and sales route planning.

G2 Satisfaction Rating75 

Category: Sales Analytics Software


  • Sales prospecting
  • Sales enablement
  • Sales optimization

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Topopps logo33. TopOPPS

is a sales pipeline management and forecast predictability solution that leverages machine learning algorithms to automate the collection of CRM data, as well as bring clarity to the sales pipeline, alignment to the sales process, and accuracy to forecasts.

G2 Satisfaction Rating67

Category: Sales Analytics Software


  • Live forecasting
  • Opportunity scoring
  • Live pipeline management

Browse TopOPPS user reviews →

Hubspot Sales logo34. HubSpot Sales


HubSpot Sales Hub gives you a full suite of tools to boost your productivity, shorten deal cycles, and make your sales process more human-friendly. Sales reps can track engagement in sales activities and automate proper follow-ups so they can close their sales. HubSpot Sales was rated as one of the top 50 sales tools of 2019 by G2.

G2 Satisfaction Rating: 66

Category: Data Visualization Software


  • Lead intelligence
  • Email tracking
  • Live chat
  • Salesforce integration

Read HubSpot Sales user reviews, FREE →

Datahug logo35. Datahug 

is a sales optimization solution that enables sales teams to increase sales velocity, reduce pipeline risk, and abolish forecast calls by capturing and analyzing sales activity automatically from email, calendar, and CRM platforms.

G2 Satisfaction Rating66

Category: Sales Analytics Software, Sales Performance Management Software


  • Interactive dashboards
  • Lead scoring
  • Risk analytics

Read Datahug user reviews, FREE →

salesrabbit logo36. SalesRabbit

SalesRabbit is a sales enablement service and mobile CRM designed specifically for outside sales, including field sales, and door-to-door sales. It provides solutions for lead tracking, lead management, and all your other field sales and door-to-door sales needs.

G2 Satisfaction Rating: 64

Sales Performance Management Software


  • GPS tracking
  • Territory management
  • Leaderboards

Is SalesRabbit right for you?  Read Reviews Now, FREE →

Geckoboard logo37. Geckoboard

is a data visualization solution with live TV dashboards that focus on key measures of a sales team’s performance.

G2 Satisfaction Rating64

Data Visualization Software


  • Interactive dashboards
  • Prebuilt integrations
  • Real-time data
  • Filtering

Is Geckoboard right for you?  Read Reviews Now, FREE →

Slemma logo38. Slemma

is a reporting tool that enables users to view, analyze, and share all of their data – from data warehouses, data storage providers and cloud service solutions – in one place.

G2 Satisfaction Rating62

Category: Data Visualization Software


  • Prebuilt templates
  • Codeless integration
  • Filtering
  • Cross-device access and sharing

Read Slemma user reviews, FREE →

Google Data Studio logo39. Google Data Studio 

Google Data Studio
is a data visualization and reporting tool that lets users connect all their data into a customizable and informative report.

G2 Satisfaction Rating61

Category: Data Visualization Software


  • Data filtering and visualization
  • Predictive analytics
  • Real-time data updates

Read Google Data Studio user reviews, FREE →

Execvision logo40. ExecVision


ExecVision analyzes conversations. It provides the ability to identify what was said, the context of what was said, positive or negative reactions, and the phase of the conversation where it occurred. ExecVision then interprets and compares outcomes, giving you insight into what is and isn’t working, and differentiates top performers from everyone else.

G2 Satisfaction Rating: 49

Category: Conversation Intelligence Software


  • Call recording
  • In-call commenting
  • Mobile capabilities
  • Performance tracking

Browse ExecVision user reviews →

Managers manage better with the right tools

Between key performance metric tracking tools, coaching platforms and other management solutions, the values are endless when managers implement a solution that’s right for their business. Once you try out a tool or two, be sure to leave a review!

Do you want to maximize call tracking tactics for your sales team? Learn about what sales enablement is and how to properly align your sales departments.

Please note: Reviews have been edited for spelling, punctuation, grammar, and clarity.

40 Best Sales Tools for Sales Managers Here are the 40 best sales manager tools to help sales managers train their sales reps, analyze sales trends, and improve customer relationships.
Tricia Dempsey Tricia is a former research analyst focusing on office and design software. Tricia started at G2 in October 2018 after spending nearly five years in the competitive intelligence industry, which led to extensive market research knowledge and experience. She is currently maintaining the integrity of her space by building out new categories and writing data-driven content. Her coverage areas include office and design. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, attending concerts, and gaming.

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