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How to Make a Snapchat Group With Your Favorite Friends

January 4, 2019

What’s better than Snapchatting one of your friends? Snapchatting multiple of your friends – all at once.

Yep, it’s possible – group chats aren’t just for texting, they’re for Snapping too!

Are you ready to try it?

If you know the basics of how to use Snapchat already, this will be a breeze. I’m here to show you how to create a group chat with your Snapchat Friends – in just three easy steps!

So let’s get to it!

How to make a Snapchat group

Are you a visual learner? Here’s a step-by-step walkthrough on how to make a group chat on Snapchat:

1. Tap the chat bubble on the Snapchat Friends screen

Navigate to the Friends screen and tap the chat bubble in the top right corner of the screen.

snapchat friends screen


2. Create a new group chat

Tap ‘New Group’ on the top of the Snapchat Chat screen.

how to make a group on snapchat


3. Add Snapchat group members

Start typing in the names of the people you want to add to the Snapchat group chat (you can add up to 31 friends to a group chat). Once you’ve added your Snapchat Friends, name the group, and tap ‘Chat with Group’ when you’re finished.

how to make a group snapchat


Related: If you realize you aren't already Snapchat friends with someone you want to add to a group, you can quickly add them using their Snapcode

4. Snap, Chat, or video call your group!

You’ve now created a group Snapchat! You can Snap, Chat, call, or video call your friends all in one place. Pretty sweet, huh?

snapchat groups


How Snapchat groups work

Now that you’ve created a group chat, let me tell you a little bit about how they work:

  • Anyone in the group can view the Snaps and messages you send – once a member sees a Chat, their name will appear below.
snapchat group chat
  • Similar to Snapchat Stories, Chats sent to the group will be deleted automatically after 24 hours. So don’t miss what your friends have to say!
  • Unfortunately, you can’t use Snaps you send to the group chat to keep individual Snapstreaks alive – you will have to Snap those individual Snapchatters to keep streaks going strong.
  • If you’d like to edit the group name, add group chat members, change notification settings, or leave the Snapchat group, you can do so by tapping the three horizontal lines in the top left corner of the group chat screen and make the changes you want there. 
editing group snapchat
editing snapchat groups










Read more: The Complete Guide on How to Use Snapchat →

Create Snapchat groups with your friends!

You now know how to make a Snapchat group and all about how they work, so you can make as many group chats as you want!

Have a coworker clan? A group of friends from college? Buds from your basketball league? Create a group chat for each squad, you social butterfly.

Want to learn more about Snapchat? Check out our articles on:

How to Make a Snapchat Group With Your Favorite Friends Want to group chat on Snapchat? It's possible! Learn how to make a Snapchat group chat with your favorite friends – in just three easy steps!
Jordan Wahl Jordan Wahl is a former content manager at G2. She holds a BBA in Marketing from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. She loves anything that puts her in her creative space. including writing, art, and music.

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