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  • Member for 2 years, 7 months
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Can I ask a company for money in exchange for info on a bug
@feetwet It is surprising how many contradictory answers to a seemingly simple and real world question there are.
Can I ask a company for money in exchange for info on a bug
Made hypothetical rather than asking for legal advice. Removed "social security" tag.
Can a new subdivision be built off of an exiting private road when the only access to this new subdivision will be the private road?
@privateuser The owner of the existing private road may not be a resident on the existing private road.
Is it legal for employer to make getting paid for work contingent on completion of certain tasks?
I think this question could be improved by distinguishing between "make getting paid for work" [already performed] and granting employment/entering employment contract/requiring fulfilment of documentary requirements of a contract which is the question you are answering and I am sure the real world useful answer.
Is there any "incitement" type defence in copyright breach?
In the linked case the code in question in open source, eg. GPL'ed. I do not think this licence restricts the use of the code for training an AI at all.
Does a company have an obligation to attempt to answer a GDPR request if the requestor may not have provided sufficient identification information?
It is not completely clear to me what you have and what the individual is refusing to provide. What is "personal ID number"? Is this something you generate, and the individual may have lost? Is this a state issued ID number? Why is the individual refusing, and are there other reasonable methods of identification? I am pretty sure the answer does not depend on the actual uniqueness of the name.
Is there any "incitement" type defence in copyright breach?
@NateEldredge If the code was say GPL'ed just about anything but distributing derivative works is allowed without restrictions. The linked article is all about charges that were thrown out prior to trial. I think this was trained on GitHub code which was freely uploaded by the rights holders.
Does a company have an obligation to attempt to answer a GDPR request if the requestor may not have provided sufficient identification information?
"authenticating with you should not expose more private information, than you had before" Is this based on anything? I had assumed that this would be the case, but cannot find anything official saying so.
Will locked away in a dead person’s house
It is relevant if the body is still in the house or not.
How specific does the information need to be relating to personal information transfer between data controllers?
@Jen I could be wrong, but it seems to me that the fact that the request is included in the relatively famous "nightmare letter" gives a certain amount of authority to the information being requested is required by the GDPR.
How well is Substantial Part defined in copyright law?
@Trish Indeed, but that is a different question.
How well is Substantial Part defined in copyright law?
@quarague As I say in the question that woudl probably be the best I could hope for, but in the absence of that some authoritative writing I guess. Ot seems liek the sort of thing that comes up.
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