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David Siegel's user avatar
David Siegel's user avatar
David Siegel
  • Member for 6 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • Silver Spring, MD
84 votes

Can I legally make a website about boycotting a certain company?

75 votes

Landlord wants to switch my lease to a "Land contract" to "get back at the city"

72 votes

Is it against the constitution to require restaurants to only serve people with a vaccine certificate in the United States?

68 votes

What is the meaning of “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof” in the 14th amendment?

56 votes

Can women also go shirtless in public legally?

55 votes

Is it legally permitted to quote from legally restricted materials in US?

55 votes

Does someone in the U.S. illegally have the same rights in court as a U.S. citizen?

52 votes

Could a British monarch "go full dictator" if they wish to do so?

51 votes

Why do many "No Trespassing" signs say "POSTED"?

50 votes

Is it legal for a business to refuse service to a former customer in retribution for them leaving negative online reviews of the business?

49 votes

Does a private citizen in the US have the right to make a "Contact the Police" poster?

48 votes

Is it legal to physically wash money?

45 votes

Ordered to unlock my car trunk. May I lawfully refuse?

45 votes

May I bring weapons and/or defend myself when trespassing for a legal reason?

44 votes

Why isn't a draft (conscription) slavery?

44 votes

Could I write a "Parry Hotter" novel?

44 votes

What happens to Donald Trump if he refuses to turn over his financial records?

43 votes

Is it legal to go take my license plates off a car I sold, without realizing I should keep my plates?

42 votes

Adapt the oath of truth to a reasonable version?

41 votes

Is it legal for an oil company to charge customers a different price per gallon for the same oil?

41 votes

Could double jeopardy protect a murderer who bribed the judge and jury to be declared not guilty?

41 votes

Copyright a Land Feature?

41 votes

Do Legal Documents Require Signing In Standard Pen Colors?

41 votes

Law Firm with one lawyer and hundreds of legal experts who haven't passed the bar

40 votes

At what point is it "legal" to overthrow the government?

39 votes

What happens if the police discover evidence of a crime but did not have the proper warrants beforehand?

39 votes

Is a potential juror protected for what they say during jury selection?

39 votes

Is it legal to publish a ''copy" of the Constitution with fake text added?

39 votes

Stop, in the name of the law

39 votes

In fiction, is it legal to state a newspaper wrote an article when in fact it never did?

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