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Questions specific to England and Wales

4 votes

In the UK, can a private limited company have as its only shareholder a juridical person?

Yes Companies can own companies - that’s what subsidiaries are. On a practical level, you know this is true because you actually have an example. Companies House would not have allowed its registratio …
Dale M's user avatar
  • 215k
1 vote

What meant Lord Mansfield by 'form', 'turn parties around upon frivolous objections', and 'r...

He means this: "Equity regards substance rather than form." Equity will not permit justice to be withheld just because of a technicality. Formalities that frustrate justice will be disregarded and a …
Dale M's user avatar
  • 215k
1 vote

If one gives a witness statement and incriminates oneself in the process, will that incrimin...

Can it be used against you? Yes Will it be used against you? That depends on the discretion of the police/prosecutor. If they exercise their discretion to prosecute then they can and will use it as …
Dale M's user avatar
  • 215k
1 vote

How can laypeople investigate an airline's allegation of 'extraordinary circumstances'?

Slow down tiger, before you head off to court do you actually have a dispute? If you don’t, the court will quite rightly tell you to bugger off. If you do, then you know what it’s about. First, there …
Dale M's user avatar
  • 215k
2 votes

Does using English university’s complaints procedure estop Full Merits Review by a judge?

In general, the courts will not undertake a full merits based review of a matter that has been dealt with by an administrative body or a contractually agreed process. Parliament has decided that the b …
Dale M's user avatar
  • 215k
4 votes

When, if ever, can Contract Law assist victims or patients of medical malpractice?

Hardly ever While all doctors in private practice has a contract with each of their patients: For most practical purposes clinical negligence lawyers can forget about these. It is not that contractua …
Dale M's user avatar
  • 215k
3 votes

Why would a Solicitor Advocate QC still instruct QC and junior barristers?

Just because you can doesn’t mean you should I’m a professional electrical engineer and a licensed electrician. That means I can do electrical wiring but most electricians who do nothing else can do i …
Dale M's user avatar
  • 215k
2 votes

Is it hate speech or otherwise illegal to call a woman a bitch or a whore?

No england-and-wales Gender classification (generally - see below) are not covered by anti-hate speech statutes. Any communication which is threatening or abusive, and is intended to harass, alarm, or …
Dale M's user avatar
  • 215k
3 votes

Who can ask the judge to interpret a paragraph of his court judgement, in uk?

The appeals court has found that the county court judge made a decision that was consistent with the evidence that was presented at trial. As such, the decision is sound. It appears that the defendant …
Dale M's user avatar
  • 215k
3 votes

Why can a court always, irresistibly appoint a trustee?

The court can appoint a government trustee All common law governments have an office called something like the Public Trustee that can act as a trustee of last resort. They work to a schedule of fees …
Dale M's user avatar
  • 215k
4 votes

Under what law are Jews allowed to live in England nowadays?

Under several laws passed between 1835 and 1890. In 1890 all religious restrictions on Jews (or indeed on anyone of any given faith) were lifted for all offices in Britain except the monarch, The Lord …
Dale M's user avatar
  • 215k
3 votes

Does HM Courts and Tribunal Service profit from court fees for litigants unconnected to the UK?

Courts are a public service They run at a loss. Notwithstanding, just because a contract is under English law doesn’t mean it will be heard in an English court. Other nation’s courts will determine di …
Dale M's user avatar
  • 215k
2 votes

Legality of tearing down Israeli kidnapping victim posters

Fly-posting Under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 it is illegal to display an advertisement (a word that captures these posters) without permission punishable by a fine of £1,000 plus £100 a da …
Dale M's user avatar
  • 215k
2 votes

In English Construction Law, does a domestic client have a right to adjudication if the agre...

You have misconstrued the point but only slightly. The relevant provision is s106 of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996. 106 Provisions not applicable to contract with residen …
Dale M's user avatar
  • 215k
3 votes

How can you know if a newer statute is referencing another statute, if the newer statute doe...

What statute is s 11(4) of UCTA 1977 referencing? Any and all current statutes (already in force or that may be enacted in the future but before the event occurs) that bear on the reasonableness of …
Dale M's user avatar
  • 215k

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