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For questions specific to the United Kingdom. Note that the UK does not have a common legal system across its jurisdictions - consider using [scotland] or [england-and-wales] or [northern-ireland].

2 votes

Private car sale agreement with 6 months warranty

Is there a case for me ? Yes, you have a valid claim of breach of contract. Now spoken to seller they say warranty was only for car's tyres which obliviously not true as invoice is for car …
Iñaki Viggers's user avatar
1 vote

3-months notice period, but only 1 month notice-in lieu payment clause mentioned in the job ...

Although markedly unequal, the conditions you describe are compliant with section 86 of the UK Employment Rights Act of 1996. The contract subjects you to harsher conditions and penalties that nonethe …
Iñaki Viggers's user avatar
1 vote

UK Law - Working Contracts

(I am mindful that you accepted the other answer already, but it seems inaccurate and you should consider the following remarks) Duties for which you have never been trained are not necessarily withi …
Iñaki Viggers's user avatar
0 votes

What should happen if I break a housing contract?

Could I be forced to keep paying the rent for the whole year and still not allowed to live here? I am not knowledgeable of UK law, but I highly doubt that the recruiter's statement is accurate. F …
Iñaki Viggers's user avatar
3 votes

When does an agreement start and end? I need a definition of 2 weeks deadline in UK law

When does an agreement start and end? I need a definition of 2 weeks deadline in UK law I highly doubt UK law provides a definition for that. When material, that precision ought to be provided in -- …
Iñaki Viggers's user avatar
0 votes

Selling artwork or other creative material under a fake persona

Could a criminal or civil case be raised against the person who did this? No. Marketing is widely known to involve actors or presenters who are unrelated to the production of what is being advertise …
Iñaki Viggers's user avatar
1 vote

Signed off job as a freelancer, now wants more work

do i have to pay him back or do the work for free or do I have a strong case if things do get serious? If the client is able to produce the terms upon which you two agreed, one would need to know …
Iñaki Viggers's user avatar
4 votes

What does undertake means in the following context? Dos it means to start?

What does undertake means in the following context? A priori it means to perform [the contract], to do the construction work. There is no indication in that paragraph that all consents are required …
Iñaki Viggers's user avatar
0 votes

Resignation retraction denied because of replacement, but is not true

could this amount to constructive dismissal? Are there any employment laws being breached? No. Person A seemingly made his decision to resign without knowing about the company's alleged plans regard …
Iñaki Viggers's user avatar
1 vote

Could the UK "sue the EU" in a way which affects the Brexit settlement?

Could the UK “sue the EU” to alter the Brexit settlement? Is this possible? No. That's a mistaken and vexatious suggestion. No one who knows the basics of contract law would come up with that s …
Iñaki Viggers's user avatar
1 vote

Shouldn't a legal entity such as the council, which is asking you to respond to one of their...

This means that I am forced to do something which will cost me money. The entity cannot know beforehand who will comply with such requests (or how, in situations where online compliance is an opt …
Iñaki Viggers's user avatar
-1 votes

Am I bound by "this letter is confidential" boilerplate?

in their letter they say they will tell the judge about this offer if I still insist on going to court. Am I bound to keep their offer confidential? Except for the rather obvious would-be vio …
Iñaki Viggers's user avatar
1 vote

Non-compete clause in UK, where do I stand?

Am I safe to start work with the new company on the basis that I am not in breach due to point 2? This depends on whether you can persuasively argue that your work product is highly dependent on the …
Iñaki Viggers's user avatar
1 vote

Uncle Roger Brings Joy to the World or a Type Harrassment?

Can other Youtubers actually sue him in UK? Not really. I did not watch the entire first video, but freedom of expression protects the two excerpts you mention. Suggesting a supposed remedy for skin …
Iñaki Viggers's user avatar
46 votes

Is it duress if you feel you are forced to sign a contract by an employer?

If I did not sign promotion bonus document, my career would be over. Is this duress? No. The premise is hardly true or even logical, and what you describe falls short of duress. Not every imbalan …
Iñaki Viggers's user avatar

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