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Questions tagged [international]

For questions about the interaction of two or more sovereign states, including agreements and laws between them, and disputes of jurisdiction for civil or criminal matters.

14 votes
4 answers

What is the legal mechanism by which the GDPR might apply to a business with no presence in the EU?

My family has a small side business selling some things through the internet. As far as I know, we aren't likely to have any customers who are EU citizens, but it's certainly not outside the realm of ...
Ben Collins's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Sexting and age

This question is about sexting (a person sending a sexually explicit image of themself to a recipient by electronic means). When can the recipient get in trouble with the law if the person sending ...
Ohgreat's user avatar
  • 61
10 votes
1 answer

As of 2020, have any GDPR-related court judgements been successfully enforced on companies without presence in the EU?

The GDPR has been in effect for 2 years now and theoretically applies to any company on the planet which deals with personal data belonging to EU residents. But practically speaking, enforcing this ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

International sexting: how often is sexting overseas prosecuted? (Please read details)

I am asking for someone dear to me. This will be a hypothetical example. Hypothetically, if a 19 year old male (living overseas, say in Turkey) sexts/exchanges nudes with a female who says she is 18 ...
Alexander A's user avatar
19 votes
2 answers

Under which law the person who commits a crime on the moon gets prosecuted?

I can understand that if an astronaut attack an other astronaut inside a spaceship he/she will have to answer to the law of the country which owns the ship but what if the attack happened on the moon?
Ulkoma's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Which state has jurisdiction in a case of a murder in an airplane?

A murder happened in an airplane flying from country A to country B when crossing above country C. Who will have jurisdiction? Bonus question: What if countries A, B and C are members of the ...
Igor V.'s user avatar
  • 233
12 votes
2 answers

Claiming my own country

Let's say one day, as I sail across the pacific, I come across an uncharted island. This island is not anywhere near the borders of existing countries. It is unoccupied. Can I put up a flag on the ...
kevin's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

In which jurisdictions outside the EU can the GDPR be enforced?

The GDPR is a law the EU passed requiring businesses, even foreign businesses, to protect the privacy of EU citizens. Now of course, the EU's jurisdiction is not global, but the EU does have treaties ...
Christopher King's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

Using international waters to provide illicit activities near a country

Let's assume I have a ship flagged in a country where certain activities are legal but are not in most of other countries (like, for instance, drug use or prostitution are in Netherlands). Let's ...
gmauch's user avatar
  • 487
11 votes
1 answer

Is there a manslaughter version of genocide?

Snopes's article on the South Africa vs Israel genocide case explains that intent is an important element of genocide. Likewise, intent is an important element of murder. But we've also invented the ...
interfect's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Do international sanctions have an impact on Open Source Software?

Background Recently I was reading about embargoes and sanctions on Iran (also this link) and before Sudan, and it got me thinking about how they could impact Open Source Software. Sanctions being ...
PBCh's user avatar
  • 245
10 votes
5 answers

What are the detention without charge time limits?

In researching detention without charge, I find this accusation asserted at many countries as if each example is uniquely bad. However, surprisingly I can find no research paper or even informed ...
dotancohen's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Which country's jurisdiction applies on YouTube channels?

When a video is uploaded to YouTube, it is visible to the rest of the world, meaning YouTube displays it everywhere. Does this mean all countries' law applies to it? If the videos are in English and ...
savegoodlyfnotendorsanswerhere's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Is it possible for non-EU companies to avoid GDPR regulatory issues through filters and firewalls?

Background Most internet feeds are unfiltered. Everyone who has ever rented or set up a server knows malicious traffic comes in from all over the world, including the European Union (but mostly from ...
Paul's user avatar
  • 325
5 votes
2 answers

What would prevent me from creating my own nation?

Somehow related, but different: Claiming my own country Is it "legal" to buy a piece of land and claim it to be another country than before(either inventing a new one or migrating it to an already ...
Mystery's user avatar
  • 163
4 votes
2 answers

What is the relation between Trademarks and Domains?

For what I have read here, I understood that if I buy a domain of an already registered trademark (in which country, by the way?), I might have a problem at hands. But it is not clear to me what ...
PedroD's user avatar
  • 321
3 votes
1 answer

What does it mean for international law to be binding? What is the nature of obligation at international law?

A common critique of international law is expressed in propositions like: "international law is just a gentlemen's agreement," or "no one can enforce international law." What does ...
Jen's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Why is Julian Assange in jail?

Further to another question asked on these boards: Julian Assange was sentenced to 50 weeks for jumping bail on 1 May 2019 Presumably, his jail term began immediately upon sentencing, in which case he ...
OC2PS's user avatar
  • 178
3 votes
1 answer

Does the Israeli military have a legal right to shoot at anyone within the Gaza Strip that they suspect of being a member of Hamas?

In regard to the ground incursion of the Gaza Strip by the Israeli military, I would like to know if it is stated somewhere in either international law, or in Israel law, or in the Geneva Convention, ...
user57467's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

What happens if a piece of Literature falls within the Public Domain in one Territory but is Copyrighted within another Territory?

I am considering the use of some literature, for use on products on an e-commerce site. For the most part, the literature is classified as being in the public domain. Thus, free of copyright. For a ...
Craig's user avatar
  • 161
2 votes
2 answers

Are there any countries without copyright?

Are there any countries that do not recognize any form of copyright, and you could legally (for example) strip the DRM from a just-released movie and share it online? If so, what happens if I (a US ...
Someone's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Who has jurisdiction on an International flight in international airspace in a sexual assault case?

This question relates to a recent sexual assault case of a passenger on an airline from Newark, NJ to London, England as published at the Daily Mail. No details are available in this article as to the ...
kisspuska's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Limits of navy jurisdiction/authority in international waters

Once and then I read news about US navy stopping, searching and even sinking commercial vessels flowing non-US ensign (most recently Iranian). Sometimes news regard navy vessels not conforming to ...
abukaj's user avatar
  • 601
0 votes
3 answers

Tried for a crime committed in another country

I want to ask whether a country can try a citizen (or a PR) for a crime not committed under their jurisdiction, provided that such country has no extraterritorial jurisdiction over its own citizens or ...
abdul's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Are there established criteria for minimum number/fraction of kills to constitute genocide?

Suppose the state of Nowhereistan has subjects of different ethnic groups, including, say, a Million Somebodyites. One day, the government decides ceremoniously to randomly choose one Somebodyite and ...
einpoklum's user avatar
  • 627
28 votes
3 answers

How to discover/be aware of changes in law that might affect oneself personally?

I just stumbled upon this article, where it talks about a recent law change: Norway banned Russian citizens or companies from flying drones or other aircraft in the country on 28 February I can ...
berdario's user avatar
  • 391
18 votes
3 answers

Are foreign consulates located in the United States considered foreign territory when it comes to abortion laws?

My friend and I got into a debate whether a woman could step into a foreign consulate, take an abortion pill, then leave without fear of prosecution if abortion is illegal in the State where she ...
RobertF's user avatar
  • 283
16 votes
5 answers

What happens if you break a law in another country outside of that country?

Let's say I wanted to deliver a book that is banned in Bob's country. This book is not banned in my country. I understand that if I go to his country to deliver it, I may get arrested, because I'm ...
Cedric Martens's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Which jurisdiction applies in a vessel?

Consider an aircraft registered in country A. On a flight operated by an airliner based in country B, it carries passengers on a flight from country X to country Y. The flight path overflies airspace ...
kevin's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Where does outer space legally start?

Recently the Billionaire Space Race culminated with both Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson, doing what I can tell without any dispute, "going up" and "coming down". The claim that ...
Adil Mohammed's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

In USA, does private property go right up to the international border?

I was out hunting with a friend yesterday, and the land we were on borders Montana. We were keeping on the North side of the barb-wire fence we assumed was the border, but then we found one of the ...
ShemSeger's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

International standards on prisoners' right to vote

Are there any international standards or declarations/conventions on prisoners' right to vote?
abolishHumanCages's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Can I be arrested in my country's embassy abroad?

I am a Syrian refugee who escaped a war! In my country I am considered to have broken the law by doing this. I live in Romania and need to visit the embassy to renew my Syrian passport, as they ...
user8656's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

What is the legal basis of diplomatic immunity?

I'm guessing there was an intentional convention/treaty on universal diplomatic protocols (is it one of the Vienna conventions?) But suppose one sued or prosecuted a diplomat in a court of the host ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Does the Universal Declaration of Human Rights override the United States Constitution?

Does the Universal Declaration of Human Rights override the United States Constitution when it comes to the rights of civilians?
jronnieh's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Did they not require any kind of passport or identity when traveling between countries before the year 1914?

During World War I, European governments introduced border passport requirements for security reasons, and to control the emigration of people with useful skills. These controls remained in place ...
Shamonte F.'s user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Is it ever legally beneficial for a third party to use symbols indicating intellectual property (©, ℗, ®, ™, ℠)?

Background This question on Academia SE asks whether one should append a trademark symbol to trademarked software in academical writing, e.g. “Mathematica®”. In the answers and comments (e.g., here), ...
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Does legality of an computerized action depend on user location or computer location?

Now of days it's quite easy to have a computer in a completely different part of the world from where I'm located that I'm working on. This makes me wonder how 'criminality' is defined if the laws of ...
dsollen's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

If an AirBnB host doesn't disclose that it's not allowed, in which countries does a landlord have direct recourse against the *guest*?

So this question stems from an article on cbc, describing how it can happen that an AirBnB host rents an apartment in a block where short term rentals are forbidden. The article states that in some ...
Stilez's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

What makes a court able to assert jurisdiction over another sovereign state?

I just read this news where a US federal judge ordered North Korea to pay $500 million: Judge Howell ordered the payment, and wrote: "North Korea is liable for the torture, hostage taking, and ...
Greendrake's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Why don't US prosecutors press for imprisonment for crime in the banking industry?

In this article by The Guardian published two days ago they report: RBS bankers joked about destroying the US housing market after making millions by trading loans that staff described as "total ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Can online business in one country deny access via terms of service to entities in another country?

Can an American company state in their terms of service that if an entity is from a designated country they are not allowed to use the service? In other words would that be a legal and enforceable ...
Ole's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Excluding all people from the EU from my blog - is this allowed?

There's a new law from the European Union I simply cannot comply with (GDPR). Its way to complex, not even big companies can comply with it. I also don't know what google does with the data from my ...
user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Counterfeit vs. pirated goods

What is the difference if any between pirated, contraband and counterfeit goods? "Smugglers usually smuggle contraband into and out of a country for commercial gain" a shipping line can as well be ...
mykey's user avatar
  • 239
4 votes
1 answer

What gives rise to binding obligations at international law?

There are many international agreements, declarations, and norms. Which of these give rise to obligations that are binding on nation states at international law?
Jen's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

What happens if a murder occurs in space?

Let's say that there's a joint mission to the International Space Station, composed of American and British astronauts. They get along well for the first few days, but tensions grow, and eventually ...
Munesawagi's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How can Magnus Carlsen, a Norwegian, be sued for defamation by Hans Niemann in Missouri?

Hans Niemann is suing multiple people for defamation (full complaint): Among the defendants, Norwegian Magnus Carlsen is listed. I don't get how this is possible: they're two separate countries with ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Is the illegality of an action constrained to a country?

John is a citizen of country X. Doing action A is illegal in his country. He travels to country Y where action A is legal (officially legal, that is codified as being legal, not merely tolerated) and ...
WoJ's user avatar
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2 answers

When is misrepresentation and concealment allowed in negotiating contracts?

Suppose I, or a company I own, want to purchase a domain name from an existing owner. Am I allowed to blatantly lie about the interests I represent and why I want the domain? Can I, for example, buy ...
Parthian Shot's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to effectively search laws?

A common answer to problems and situations includes researching your state/country's law to check what are the consequences of a particular action. As a layman, it is difficult to do this research ...
Alain Jacomet Forte's user avatar

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