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Section 184 of the Canadian Criminal Code and Foreign Actors

This is inspired by recent events, but I will not be naming names. My understanding of section 184 is that people in Canada are allowed to intercept communications by any means provided that they ...
LegalNonExpert's user avatar
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What regulations is this person talking about?

I am studying at a US university, on a student loan from a UK company - funds are paid directly to the university. The loan provider already disbursed the loan amount to my university's finaid ...
spatial's user avatar
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How corrupt does a contract need to be for a country to invalidate it?

It is in the news that there is a case in the UK High Court regarding a contract between Process & Industrial Developments (P&ID) and the Nigerian state. It involved gas extraction, but the ...
User65535's user avatar
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Whiteboards availability in High courts and Supreme courts of USA and UK

Are Whiteboards available separately for the two lawyers in High courts and Supreme courts of USA and UK to explain their cases? If No, Do you recommend to have Whiteboards in the courts?
Prashant Akerkar's user avatar
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Do countries which ceased to exist de facto continue to "exist" de jure in some jurisidictions?

I.e. Russian Empire, which was obviously recognized by the UK and the US, ceased to exist de facto due to a revolution. It was de facto succesed by the USSR, but the USSR wasn't a legal succesor. ...
kandi's user avatar
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Telling to a different person of a very bad experience of someone

A graduate student in the UK told me about a really grave experience that they had in a different country. This experience has a long-lasting effect on their life and studies. However, I am not 100% ...
user46405's user avatar
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If I sell an item to someone in another country, whose laws apply?

If I sell a large item (example car/caravan/boat) from the UK in a private deal to a person in a country in the EU, which countries laws (apply in the event of a dispute)?
ConanTheGerbil's user avatar
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Is it legal to copy the KJV?

If I understand correctly, the King James Version of the Bible is copyrighted in the UK but nowhere else. I live in the US. If I upload a copy of it to my Web site (which is hosted in the US), is that ...
Someone's user avatar
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Is it true that the UK head of state does not require a passport to travel?

According to this Guardian quiz, the British monarch is not required to have a passport. The question asks "Which of these things does the Queen not need to have?" and gives the options: &...
terdon's user avatar
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Who has jurisdiction on an International flight in international airspace in a sexual assault case?

This question relates to a recent sexual assault case of a passenger on an airline from Newark, NJ to London, England as published at the Daily Mail. No details are available in this article as to the ...
kisspuska's user avatar
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Law enforcement requesting passwords from companies?

Could UK law enforcement enforce s.49 of RIPA 2000 on a company outside the UK, say Snapchat, Facebook, or Google, in order to retrieve a user's hashed password from their database to log into that ...
Am75's user avatar
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How is a person residing abroad subject to US law?

I am reading this press release of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of California. The attorney states that: Mason Sheppard, aka “Chaewon,” 19, of Bognor Regis, in the United ...
robertspierre's user avatar
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How to file a lawsuit against a Canadian national from the UK? [closed]

My uncle is a British national. Around 8 years back he helped his distant relative living in Canada who was in a financial difficulty by giving him a loan of approx £30K with an agreement that he will ...
tintin's user avatar
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Belgium's historical Charter for indefinite access to UK waters

In 1666 King Charles II issued the Fisheries Privilege Charter granting 50 fishermen from the city of Bruges ‘eternal access’ to British waters, and the EU are now trying to 'grandfather' this treaty. ...
Pat-S's user avatar
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Can Scotland secede without permission from London?

Can Scotland secede without permission from London, from the standpoint of international law? There's a thing called "the right of a people for self-determination". I wonder whether it's ...
Sergey Zolotarev's user avatar
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What is the legal & tax position of a UK person working remotely for UK firm, in non-UK locations, in Europe and globally?

This question is inspired by this question on I am mainly asking about a UK viewpoint, but am interested others (Europe, USA, commonwealth, etc), because at its root, this is ...
Stewart's user avatar
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If not pictures are exchanged at all, is it ok to have sexual conversations with people who are over the age of consent in their country over phone

If someone 18+ in the US wanted to have sexual conversations with someone who was 17 in the UK (over the legal age of consent) So long as no pictures are exchanged would it be ok to write a "...
Bokusa's user avatar
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Why are "over-the-air" TV channels considered more important to regulate compared to cable and satellite TV?

I've always heard this legal talk about "over-the-air" television. That is, TV channels that you get into your TV through having a once-ordinary (not sure people still have such things at all) antenna,...
Charlie White's user avatar
-1 votes
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A UK scammer frauded money from US victim

Could this US victim accuse this UK scammer? Since uk and us has different legislations, how should the victim accuse the scammer?
gudako's user avatar
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What might be the consequences of not declaring foreign student debt when applying for a mortgage abroad?

When moving to a foreign country I know of many people who have decided not to declare their foreign (United Kingdom) student debt. What might be the consequences for doing so and how might a provider ...
li x's user avatar
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Can international competitors discuss pricing strategies?

Coming up soon is the annual World Low Cost Airlines Congress, drawing in low cost carriers from around the world year on year. Sessions will discuss business models, pricing strategies, revenue ...
WBT's user avatar
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What can the government do with the Iranian tanker Grace 1 seized in Gibraltar?

The UK/Gibraltar has seized the Iranian oil tanker Grace 1 , for allegedly breaking EU sanctions and attempting to supply oil to Syria. On the assumption the seizure is legal and the accusations ...
Notts90's user avatar
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Can one be prosecuted for sexting a minor overseas?

Let's say a person(18yo) exchanges nudes with a 17yo (not a crime where I live) who is living in Britain where it would be a crime. Could the UK arrest and prosecute the person?
Pepega Clap's user avatar
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What are the implications of the Good Friday Agreement for customs controls?

After the Good Friday Agreement was concluded, customs and security controls between the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom were removed (From Wikipedia). The Irish border is one of the major ...
gerrit's user avatar
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How do we claim the estate of someone who died under a different name in a different country?

The father of my wife (from Germany) died in London 10 years ago, with a different name, but with the same family name (for example was born in Germany with the name Johannes Doe, and in London died ...
Gothiquo's user avatar
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Is agreeing in a pre nup to get divorced in Scotland legally binding?

Unfortunately one or both of you decide to divorce and you had agreed on a pre nup that you would get divorced in Scotland because you feel it handles divorce more fairly. At least one of you is ...
Malcolm Smith's user avatar
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Before his arrival at St Helena, was Napoleon legally a prisoner of war?

I would like to know whether in law Napoleon was a prisoner of war when he surrendered himself to the British after the Battle of Waterloo, did he retain that status up to the point when he was landed ...
user8654's user avatar
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Drinking on a flight to the US

Here is the situation: A person age 19 flies to the US from the UK. In the UK the legal drinking age is 18 but in the US it is 21. So are you allowed to drink on the flight?
NeverAsleep - AlwaysAwake's user avatar
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Article 9, ECHR question

Just doing some reading on human rights law, particularly article 9 and the case of R(on the application of Playfoot) v Millais School Governing Body (2007). I wanted to know if a specific ...
Anona anon's user avatar
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How to freelance in the UK without violating the terms of my visa?

I am a non-UK student studying in the UK. I have a visa and everything is pretty good, but my visa states that I can work no more than 20 hours per week. I don't want to have any problems, so how can ...
Anna-Lischen's user avatar