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3 votes
2 answers

Work-for-hire unpaid: who owns the IP?

Suppose X is a software developer, the only employee of sole proprietor Y. The contract is oral, "build an app like (famous app), earn $wage per week". Laws breached by this are outside the ...
Therac's user avatar
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Are online file converters legal?

Online file converter: Web-based tool or service that allows you to convert files from one format to another through the internet. Users upload a file in a specific format, it is converted on the site'...
anon's user avatar
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Under what conditions are 3rd party works automatically subject to the OGL 1.0a?

Are 3rd party creations that are "compatible with" D&D automatically subject to the OGL (OGL 1.0a for the purposes of all references in this question), or can they be published without ...
illustro's user avatar
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At what point is uploading a movie with heavy compression not copyright infringement?

My friend recently linked me a GIF of the entire Shrek movie in 60x60 resolution. At the time of writing this, it has 12 million views on imgur. This got me thinking, could a copyright holder ...
MarcusOtter's user avatar
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Copyright infringement on contents posted by website users

Someone has a website like YouTube, so registered users can post any videos. A user posted a video that is a copyright infringement. Can the copyright owner sue the website owner for this? I have read ...
SAMPro's user avatar
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Copyright infringement on my own designs

Can someone steal my website design and then after creating her/his own website sue me for copyright infringement? I have such a assumptions because of this: While it is easier to take action against ...
SAMPro's user avatar
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You use 1000 3D models in an animated movie, accidentally only one was not yours, then what?

So you record an animated movie in some software and spend hours and years working on it, but shoes on one of the characters were not your copyright and IP. What can the original owner now do? Can he ...
AlanDontAsk's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

If I don't patent my invention, how closely can a competitor copy my product?

Introduction: I had an idea for how to make a certain product much better. I'm currently in the prototyping stage for a product based on that idea. That idea (the solution to the problem of improving ...
Nobody's user avatar
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Have watermarks in digital downloads ever been used to prosecute uploaders?

Most digital downloads (music, ebooks) today are protected by watermarks. But I'm not aware of any high-profile cases where these watermarks have been used to prosecute uploaders of said works to e.g. ...
Martin Schröder's user avatar
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What's the meaning of "damages" of copyright infringement under a copyleft license?

As a general rule, civil suits for copyright violation exist to recover damages caused by the violation, and prevent future damage thereof. Under that standard, a rather novel form of copyright seems ...
TheEnvironmentalist's user avatar
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Any legal consequences using existing free product available for everyone

First of all, I want to say that my language used in the question might sound vague and incompetent, because it I'm not familiar with legal terminologies even in my native language. I have an idea ...
Nikola Despotoski's user avatar