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Questions tagged [germany]

Jurisdiction of Germany.

6 votes
3 answers

How can a person declaring bankruptcy afford a lawyer?

In most jurisdictions, a person overwhelmed by debt can declare a personal bankruptcy (for example, filing for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy in the United States, or for a Verbraucherinsolvenz in Germany). ...
sleske's user avatar
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Trading equity with cash without Notary public

Three co-founders A, B, and C come together to build a project (startup) and sign a founders' agreement. After few months, co-founder A would not want to continue, but based on the original founders' ...
DaveIdito's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Employer reduced working hours to 25%

I am employed in a startup that financially struggles and has decided to merge with another startup. As a result I have been informed that my working hours (as well as salary) will be reduced to 25% (...
Stefan's user avatar
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Living and working in Turkey and working remotely for a University in Germany

I'm an EU citizen, living and working full time in Turkey. Now, there is a possibility that I could also work remotely for a University in Germany. My question is: Should I pay taxes in Germany for my ...
user44871's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

What content is banned in Germany in WhatsApp profile pictures?

There is an image being published in the internets which shows that, allegedly, in German city of Paderborn having the letter Z and the Russian flag in your WhatsApp profile is a violation of section ...
Glory to Russia's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How is Ethanol categorized in the 12 BImSchV (Germans implementation of Seveso Directive)

The 12 BImSchV (essentially germany implementation of the Seveso III directive, as far as I understand) defines certain industrial or other plants as hazardous, according to the substances stored ...
mart's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Physical response to threatening behavior - still self-defense?

Assuming the following scenario: "I" asked a visitor to my home to return an item they had borrowed some time earlier. In response, they got angry and crowded me into a corner, acting very ...
Rory's user avatar
  • 11
3 votes
1 answer

Germany - spousal liability for suicide

Trigger warning - suicide. This is a throwaway account, because. I have a long term illness that is going to kill me in a nasty way - not in the next 5 to 10 years, but eventually. I live in Germany ...
John Doe's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Is the German embassy in London bound by British accessibility law like the Equality Act 2010?

Is the German embassy in London bound by the Equality Act 2010 and cabinet office guidance on medical mask wearing exemptions? The website explicitly state that in order to enter the Passport section ...
Dan's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Who is responsible for incapacitated persons house key?

I am a little confused as to who has the responsibility for looking after the key to the house of someone we know that tried to commit suicide. The events: Alice enters a coma I perform a wellness ...
Dan's user avatar
  • 31
0 votes
1 answer

Can I use images fetched by Google Image APIs to use as content images on my webapp?

I have a webapp where people can manage their packing plans for outdoor activities. In those packing plans they can add items like backpacks, boots, etc. They are also able to upload images for ...
xetra11's user avatar
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Are you allowed to forcefully remove someone from your property if they don't leave after being told to in Germany? [duplicate]

Is it legal to forcefully push or drag someone out of your property if they refuse to leave after being told to? I am talking strictly about Germany's laws.
Cosmin Miculita's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Is it okay to push someone off your property if you've told them to leave but still didn't. Germany

I was in a fight with an apartment mate of mine. I have told her to leave my room after she took the remote and turned off my tv, but she did not leave. So I pushed her out of my room, she then ...
Alex's user avatar
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Can you take action against a miserable pass-rate of an exam?

At my university (germany) recently this happend. The first exam had a failure-rate of 58% (265 paticipants), after the bound to pass was lowered. The second exam had a failure-rate of 93% (111 ...
DevilsAdvocado's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

What is required to maintain PR status in Germany?

I currently hold the German Permanent Resident status. I am taking up a job in a non-European country, but may get back to Germany at a later point (in a few years). Is it possible for me to maintain ...
Rahul Gopinath's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Meaning of "following the end of the month after next" on room contract?

My landlord has provided the following information to terminate the contract period on their website (under Accommodation FAQs at the bottom): What are the notice periods? As an exception, the ...
Awais Mirza's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Should I work more than the mentioned working days in my job contract?

I am working in German company and my job contract states following: Der Arbeitnehmer erhält für die unter vorstehend Ziff. II. näher bezeichnete Tätigkeit ein Bruttogehalt in Höhe von X Euro bei 21 ...
Rishik Mani's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Are google Reviews consider to be proof against owners of business?

I Want to be honest international students are treated very badly in Germany, I was learning in educational institutions and I was treated badly very rude staff and doesn't answer emails if you want ...
JustLookingforadvice's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Punishment for getting intoxicated in public

Recently I traveled to Germany with friends and got a bit too much drunk. While walking to my hotel I fell down and damaged my foot. Police approached me, checked my ID (I am from the EU), asked if I ...
AnTlr's user avatar
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-4 votes
2 answers

Why do some laws make saying "Heil Hitler" illegal when other laws allow freedom of political speach?

In the German Federal Republic is illegal to say "Heil Hitler" which is basically a restriction of laws relating to one's freedom of opinion, freedom of speach and political freedom. Why ...
Francisco Bytheway's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What is the official resignation date when the registered post was delivered on time, but when to a collection point

I quit on 25th February and sent a letter (tracking with signature) to the HR department since my contract says that the resignation should be in written format. The letter could not be delivered but ...
Deepika N's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to lend money to a friend in Germany with the possibility to enforce return if he doesn't pay back?

I hope the title itself is clear. I want to lend money to a friend, are there any legal ways that I can make some sort of a 'contract' for the return? What is the most practical way?
quantum's user avatar
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Company pays employees corona bonus for the previous year, but I've quit in January

My ex-company decided to pay its employees a bonus for the struggles with Corona in 2021. I've resigned from my job at that company in January 2022. They announced the bonus payment in February 2022, ...
user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Online Defamation in Germany after the Künast court victory

M F Whitaker asked a question which has since been closed because it asked for legal advice in a specific case. I believe that there are two questions of general interest in the closed posting. The ...
o.m.'s user avatar
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3 votes
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German Strafbefehl for Swiss Resident

M F Whitaker asked [a question] (appealing a penalty notice) which has since been closed because it asked for legal advice in a specific case. I believe that there are two questions of general ...
o.m.'s user avatar
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Can someone request to a Judge in your country to give a letter of appreciation for appearing as a witness?

Say a person X appeared as a witness in a case where the judge was presiding in a criminal case (Jugendstrafsache). The testimony of X was welcomed and appreciated highly by the prosecutor as well as ...
quantum's user avatar
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1 answer

Litigating personal injury in Germany due to lack of proper testing

I have read various articles that litigating for damages due to injury against medical professionals or clinics is an uphill battle. See here In simple terms, the case is as follows: A and B both got ...
quantum's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

limits of the imperative for defense of others

German Law mostly requires you to defend others that are in danger. In a situation where someone's life is attacked and your only possible way of helping is the use of (probably) deadly force, are you ...
overglow's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Is taking a screenshot or photograph of e.g. a third person's ebay's account as evidence legal?

Alice and Bob live in a flat together. Bob mentions to Alice, that he is buying and reselling merchandise but not reporting it to the tax office, because he does not want to register a business. One ...
infinitezero's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is affirmative hiring illegal in Germany?

Saw this ad: With the headline: "Women in Tech - all levels - at sustainable start-up (f/x) - Munich or ...
lalala's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

is it legal to take a service without paying for it?

I've been going to a gym for 2 years now, but have noticed that the gym has stopped taking the monthly fee from my bank account for some time now. I've been able to go to the gym normally though. ...
TheNewGuy's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Is any of the free law programs in Germany arranged or attendable online?

This question arose out of the answer given by Volker Siegel to this question. Is it possible to establish admission online to without personal attendance or attend online after regular admission? ...
kisspuska's user avatar
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43 votes
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In Germany, is it allowed for an employer to ask an employee to quit his job and threaten to find a critical error to end the contract immediately?

My employer threatened me verbally, saying that he/she will search and find a critical error, in order to end my employment contract immediately, if I don't end the employment relationship from my ...
Bojan's user avatar
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Can a foreigner from non-EU country rent out his/her apartment in Germany?

I travel a lot to Germany as a tourist. I was thinking of buying an apartment there. Germany laws do allow you to buy property even on tourist visa. But I was wondering if I could rent that property ...
Slartibartfast's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Energy provider retrospectively canceld contract, switching consumer to default provider. Who has to pay difference of energy prices?

The German energy provider Stromio went out of business and canceled all end consumer contracts on the 21st of December. However, due to 'technical reasons' the email notifying customers of this ...
Sim's user avatar
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Is it legal to rip ISOs/ROMs from physical game discs for use in a PC emulator?

I live in Germany. I own a Wii Console and related hardware, as well as some games in the form of physical discs. I would like to play those games (which I legally own on disk) on my PC using an ...
rafe's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How can I find whether a legal case has been filed against me in Germany?

I am a non-EU citizen who lived for a few years in Germany and left it a few years ago. My German landlord didn't pay my deposit back. When I contacted him by email about that, he responded by email ...
Coala's user avatar
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Can I expect a confirmation after returning the security deposit?

I live in Austria and own an apartment in a German city and this question is about tenants who moved out of this apartment. I recently transferred them the deposit minus some repair costs and asked ...
Hans's user avatar
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(Online) Dictionary for German legal terms

Where can I find a search engine or (online) dictionary which returns the definition and usage of a given term? Example: Search: [Fachkunde ] Returns Type Source ...
Jonas Stein's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is it legal for a medical doctor to prescribe 'alternative medicine' to an unsuspecting patient?

It has happened to someone I know that a doctor prescribed them homeopathic treatment without explaining what homeopathy is (or even mentioning the word). Is this legal? This was done by a licensed ...
Szabolcs's user avatar
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Family re-unification visa processing time

Is there anything in immigration law in Germany which enforces that a family re-unification visa process should be finished maximum in a defined interval? I am from Afghanistan and having EU Blue-Card....
yes-code-hobby's user avatar
1 vote
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Is it legal to earn money from YouTube as a BlueCard holder in Germany?

Suppose that Bob is a non-European living in Germany and has a blue card. He doesn't have a permanent residence yet, just a blue card. He also has a freelance tax number (for software engineering). Is ...
Kareem's user avatar
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File hosting user agrement [closed]

I want to host a small website on my server where friends (and friends of friends) can upload files to get a link so that other can download those files again. Exactly like a filehosting service. No ...
somedude32432's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Can a child do a citizen's arrest?

I'm really interested to know if it's legal in London (UK) and Germany for a child, say at 13 or even aged 8, to do a citizen's arrest? On an adult, if that makes a difference.
Heddy's user avatar
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5 votes
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What do I need to do after being shipped a wrong order?

I recently ordered a book online, which is print-on-demand. On arrival I noticed that they printed the wrong book. Only the cover says the correct title of the book, but the content is completely ...
Cornman's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Does Germany excercise extraterritorial jurisdiction over its citizens?

Let me describe you a hypothetical that motivates the subject question; a German citizen has been sent on an official government business overseas (let's say an ambassador outside of the EU). On this ...
i_prob_should_know_this's user avatar
2 votes
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Germany - Non EU Citizen with Blue Card employment looking to start Freelance on the side

I am a non EU citizen living in Germany with a Blue Card - not tied to an employer - and a Zusatzblatt that allows me to take up freelance activities. My Employer has no clauses in my contract that ...
irrelevantUser's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Do tenant need to sign damage documents after leaving their rented appartment?

when my landlord checked my room on my leaving day he claimed that my room wasn't clean (for example the mattress under the cover were dirty with black spots on them). but the thing is they were ...
JustLookingforadvice's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is it necessary to explicitly disclaim warranties on "private" sales?

When people in Germany and Austria sell their own second-hand goods (used clothing, toys, bicycles, etc.) via online classified ads or auctions, they almost always include a statement explicitly ...
Psychonaut's user avatar
2 votes
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Can we presents Secret recordings as proof to the police?

I recorded a call from my former roommate Who claims that I caused him to lose his deposit and he wants me to give it back (he apparently did some damage to the room we used to live in, and somehow ...
user39702's user avatar

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