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How many lawyers can one defendant have?

In the large-scale lawsuit against alleged "Reichsbürger" in Germany, it is reported that each defendant has 2 to 4 lawyers. Obviously, that complicates things not only for the accused, but ...
PMF's user avatar
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Is it illegal to act against the parents' wishes when taking care of a minor?

When taking care of a minor with permission of the parents, what is the legal force of any rules the parents set? For example, if I look after someone's child, and they tell me the child may not ...
sleske's user avatar
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At what point is it punishable to support a "criminal organisation"?

A friend said to me the other day that she was worried that she had supported the the "Last Generation" ("Letzte Generation") organization financially. The Last Generation often ...
Maik Lowrey's user avatar
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How to get official confirmation if anyone has filled a police complaint against me or not

My wife has alleged that she made a police complaint against me in Germany for a false domestic violence case. Is there a way to find out if any complaint has truly been filed against me or not if I ...
GoodKarma's user avatar
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Are parents liable to prosecution as soon as they know that their child has stolen something?

In Germany, children up to the age of 14 are not liable to prosecution. What happens when a child steals a sweet in the supermarket and the parents don't notice at first? Only when they get home do ...
Maik Lowrey's user avatar
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Is forcibly smearing someone with feces a crime, and which one?

In February 2023, a German ballet director forcibly smeared dog feces into the face of a journalist. The director said the journalist had written scathingly critical reviews of his work for years, and ...
sleske's user avatar
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Falsely accused of following someone in Germany

I am a foreigner living in Germany for some years. Unfortunately on one public holiday, I threw some bottles in nearby trash dedicated for glass where there were not many houses. I wore a latex gloves ...
A Sree's user avatar
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What happens if a Canadian is convicted (misdemeanour)in Europe? Is the Canadian government notified?

A Canadian person is convicted of a misdemeanour while in Germany. The person gets a criminal record in Germany. Will the information about the conviction be sent to Canada? Will it appear in the ...
KellyK's user avatar
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Countries with similar sexual offences Laws to Germany?

I will start by saying that my research into German law is incredibly limited, and I am just following news articles on the topic. I of course apologise if I have fallen for fake news! My ...
user5623335's user avatar
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What content is banned in Germany in WhatsApp profile pictures?

There is an image being published in the internets which shows that, allegedly, in German city of Paderborn having the letter Z and the Russian flag in your WhatsApp profile is a violation of section ...
Glory to Russia's user avatar
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Punishment for getting intoxicated in public

Recently I traveled to Germany with friends and got a bit too much drunk. While walking to my hotel I fell down and damaged my foot. Police approached me, checked my ID (I am from the EU), asked if I ...
AnTlr's user avatar
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Can we presents Secret recordings as proof to the police?

I recorded a call from my former roommate Who claims that I caused him to lose his deposit and he wants me to give it back (he apparently did some damage to the room we used to live in, and somehow ...
user39702's user avatar
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What are the laws for trespassing in Germany?

Bobbi, national or equivalent of Germany, after admitted to enter, refuses to leave from public (government) premises at the close of business hours despite being given due notice. What laws and ...
kisspuska's user avatar
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Blackmailing from Germany [closed]

I don’t know from where I should start but I am from Arabic Sudan and my Ex BF who lives in Germany is blackmailing me with private photos and videos he threat that he with post all over and send it ...
Rama's user avatar
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What are the penalties of making false police report in Germany?

my GF & I have discovered recently that our flatmate had made a false police report in Germany while she visited her partner there. In her report she told the police that her bag was stolen while ...
Altor29's user avatar
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Accused of criminal offence and then pay the fine but not convicted

Is it possible that one is accused of a criminal offence in Germany and ask to pay a fine and it was also mentioned that if the fine is paid in within the time limit the case will be discontinued and ...
Aragorn's user avatar
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What are my rights if someone makes a false police report against me in Germany?

My landlord (also a business owner) in Germany where I live accused me with tons of different type of accusations because he hates me personally, and he called the police on me—at least, I think he ...
NiceSHowMoe's user avatar
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Drink and riding (bicycle) offence in Germany

I am charged with a criminal offence in a drink-and-riding-a-bicycle case. I have received a letter mentioning the alcohol content 1.66 promile. I have accepted the charges and agreed to pay the fine. ...
Aragorn's user avatar
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What is the legal age for drinking alcohol in Germany? [duplicate]

I heard that in Germany you can buy low alcoholic drinks from 16 years old, and from 18 years old you can buy strong alcoholic drinks. What about drinking? If I buy for 14 year old alcohol. Will this ...
John Berden's user avatar
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Can you be convicted for being a murderer twice?

Germany has this weird specialty¹ in its criminal law's murder paragraph. While most paragraphs say something like “The person who does A is punished with B”, the murder paragraph (“Strafgesetzbuch § ...
Lukas Barth's user avatar
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Innocent until proven guilty in Germany?

My understanding was that German criminal proceedings are "private" (meaning secret, no one is allowed in except participants) and that the accused is assumed to be guilty until proven innocent, which ...
Cicero's user avatar
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Would Germany extradite someone for looking at blasphemous content online? Hypothetical question.

If someone watched or looked up something online that is offensive to a particular world religion, and he was in an "unfree" country and then he travelled to Germany, would Germany extradite him upon ...
Alexander A's user avatar
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In Germany, can an Individual press charges against a Newspaper for Libel?

So I've read the following: "You cannot publish untrue information about anyone or anything that could negatively affect that person or thing's reputation on your public blog. It doesn't matter if you ...
Eli S.'s user avatar
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Is it legal to give a friend money to avoid taxation in the UK?

A friend of mine owns a company in the UK. I live in Germany. He wants to transfer some money into my bank account in order to not pay as much tax when the taxation stuff is done, and afterwards, he ...
Semicolon's user avatar
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In Germany, is there a reward for reporting possible tax fraudsters or money launderers to the authorities?

I could well be wrong and I don't want to go into specifics here, but... Let's assume I know of a business that in reality generates a few hundred thousand euros in revenue and yet shows a P+L with ...
fiprojects's user avatar
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If under investigation for a minor incident, how do I answer immigration questions about my criminal history?

My friend caused a hit-and-run involving slight damage to another vehicle (allegedly and without her knowledge) and received a letter from police for investigation. She consulted a lawyer and carried ...
Anand's user avatar
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Were Nazi atrocities legal according the German law of the time?

I have recently had a discussion with a German who claims that Nuremberg trials were entirely based on ex-post-facto laws, and all the atrocities Nazis did were legal according to the Germany's and ...
Anixx's user avatar
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How do I file a criminal complaint in Germany?

How can I lay a criminal complaint before the governmental prosecutor according to § 158 (Strafanzeige; Strafantrag) StPO? Need I follow a particular format? where do I send it? Can I submit an ...
Amabile Scientius's user avatar
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What is the charge for minor hit and run?

A car scratches one parking and one standing car slightly (with less then 5mph speed) and drives off. Afterwards the police come and inspect the vehicle and take samples of the scratches. The person ...
asker's user avatar
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Is forceless groping illegal in Germany?

Is groping punishable in Germany? Assuming that no force is used, and all people involved are adults. Hypothetical case: Bob enters a bus and sits down next to Chuck. Both are adults, and they don’t ...
unor's user avatar
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Does any western European country prohibit its citizens from travelling to particular areas abroad?

In several countries, including European countries, there are public worries about citizens travelling to Syria. Although those press reports are not always precise, what is usually meant is people ...
gerrit's user avatar
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Is viewing pornographic content with questionable consent of depicted person illegal?

Many pornographic sites have a community that is uploading videos to the site. Some of the most well-known sites like and are an example for such websites. There are several ...
Anon's user avatar
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