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7 votes
4 answers

Can I sign a new contract before resigning from a job that has not yet started

I have accepted an offer and signed a contract that starts next month (from August). However, now, I have a new job offer that I prefer. I would like to accept it and sign a contract for this new ...
Alejandro's user avatar
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3 answers

Should I work more than the mentioned working days in my job contract?

I am working in German company and my job contract states following: Der Arbeitnehmer erhält für die unter vorstehend Ziff. II. näher bezeichnete Tätigkeit ein Bruttogehalt in Höhe von X Euro bei 21 ...
Rishik Mani's user avatar
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Is it legal to work more than more than 48 hours in EU with multiple jobs if one is a freelance job?

I am working full-time as an International research assistant (in a University Library) in Germany. A startup (based in London) asked me to work with them as a research consultant (a kind of ...
Alex Kujur's user avatar
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2 answers

Legality of employment contract clause - Training reimbursement

I have a German employment contract which stipulates that if I was to leave the company before a certain time, I would have to pay back (some of) the cost of training to the employer. In this case, ...
user87594's user avatar
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1 answer

Employer did not accept resignation in Germany

I'm currently working for a company in Germany and the notice period is two weeks. I sent my resignation via E-mail. They told me after 3 days that they did not accept it because I need to send it ...
iOSGeek's user avatar
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1 answer

I signed a second work contracts in Germany, without checking my first contract

I am working in a full-time job and I signed another part-time job for 10 hours per week with a university in Berlin. After I signed the part-time contract I found in my first contract that I have to ...
Ahmed Gamal's user avatar
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What is a 'arbeitnehmerueberlassung' German working contract?

I've been a contractor/consultant for years - I'm familiar with the issues tax authorities have across Europe with regards to consultants being considered as an employee or as a contractor but I have ...
fiprojects's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Is a verbal agreement to start the hiring process (i.e., "preparing the contract") binding?

Is a verbal agreement to start the hiring process with a German company in Germany binding by the German law? In other words, does one have to sign the contract once it is ready?
Magicien99's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

German Employment Law - Contractual penalties for not commencing a job

I have signed a contract with a German company, and one of the clauses says that if I am unable to start working for them, in the case of intentionally resigning, then they would charge me one month ...
HelloWorldGuy's user avatar