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How to prevent the govermnent from using my software?

I'd like to release my software on github, under a license that allows everyone except governmental organizations or institutes including the military to copy, modify and distribute it. Personally, I ...
Tom M's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is a license necessary to design a microarchitecture for the arm family of instruction set architectures?

In order to design a microarchitecture that uses the ARM instruction set architecture (ISA), one has to buy an "architectural license".[1] However, I don't understand by what mechanism ARM ...
Nils André's user avatar
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Is the use of fictional names from a video game in the source code subject to the copyright of the original work? [duplicate]

If I were to reproduce a large amount of names (of characters, abilities, locations, items, etc.) from a video game, then use these names in the source code of a new software being developed, would ...
user56510's user avatar
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Can titles of published papers be used for commercial purposes?

Let's say I want to sell t-shirts, and I want to include the title of famous scientific papers. I am also considering adding some other visuals to the shirt; in some cases let's say I would consider ...
EmmanuelB's user avatar
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Can I sneak around my copyleft obligations with adhesion contracts?

Some licenses, like the GPL, mandate that I license derivative works under the same license and not a more restrictive license. I believe this is called "copyleft". But say I want to have ...
interfect's user avatar
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Can a software license be conditional on the actions of others?

I recently had an idea for a "threshold conditional" software license that works like this: Any person/entity can purchase a license and gain the unconditional right to use the software any ...
blaineh's user avatar
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Commerical usage of sentence-transformers/multi-qa-mpnet-base-cos-v1 [closed]

We are trying to use a HuggingFace Embedding model - multi-qa-mpnet-base-cos-v1 for an internal Large Language Model powered application. While reading the documentation it says (not verbatim): For ...
cannot_mutably_borrow's user avatar
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What if someone published program on invalid license and then fixed it?

I saw repository on GitHub where someone had LICENSE file as below: Copyright year name Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in ...
Szyszka947's user avatar
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Is the non-applicability of copyright to software interfaces considered settled law?

In computer software, it's common for a system to expose an Application Programming Interface (API) for other software to interact with it. For example, a smart lightbulb might expose a SetBrightness(...
MooseBoys's user avatar
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Grant access to previous public research results including IPR for the purpose of future commercial exploitation

We are building a project of technology transfer. In the project, one partner is a university XXX; the main contact person who will work with us is a professor. Previously, the professor and his team ...
SoftTimur's user avatar
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Does BSD 3-clause extend to educational material

Problem I am looking to teach a web development course and to help teach JavaScript I wanted to use a package licensed under BSD 3-clause. I am unsure if using the library to teach with violates the ...
Kieran Wood's user avatar
31 votes
5 answers

Can you host a version of Wikipedia on your own domain and charge for it?

I am reading through these notes, trying to piece together a picture of what the rules/laws are regarding Wikipedia content: https://en....
Lance's user avatar
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Can the GPL3 and MIT license be applied to closed-source software?

I recently found software containing only binaries (no access to source code) being distributed and dual-licensed under the GPL3 ( and MIT (https://...
xabase6400's user avatar
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In the US, under what circumstances can I re-write code I previously wrote but do not own?

I write code for company X in the USA using popular technology Y. In the course of my job I end up developing a number of useful libraries/widgets/utilities for use within the Y ecosystem that have ...
Sasgorilla's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Am I at risk by storing or using software that violates copyright?

Imagine the following scenario: A software company copies code from some open source project and includes it in their own software without giving credit to the original authors, violating the open ...
user1807's user avatar
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