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Is it legal having two 40 hour jobs in 2 EU countries being non EU [closed]

I have a work permit in Sweden for 3+ years. I have received a job offer from another EU country. I want to work both jobs. Both jobs are 55k+ euro annually so I have no issues with minimum ...
Arthie's user avatar
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EU law - Ignoring revocation of access rights after completing the task [closed]

I would like to ask you very nicely for advice related to IT security and law. As a freelancer, if I provide a one-off service of programming to modify an information system, I will always ask the ...
klaucode's user avatar
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2 votes
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Do contracts require pages or clauses numbered?

A question asked by another member about missing pages in a lease brings to my mind the question of whether there is a legal requirement for contract pages to be numbered so that it is e.g. obvious ...
StephenG - Help Ukraine's user avatar
3 votes
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If a party does not fulfil an obligation of a clause, and the other party ignores the failure for a long time, is the clause still legally valid?

Say there's a clause (art. 14) that creates an obligation for party A, from which an obligation for party B follows. Say it looks like this: art.14. Every year, no later than six months after the end ...
Andrei's user avatar
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Interpretation of EU roaming obligations for non-EU states

Situation While travelling, I entered Andorra (not a member of the EU) and stayed there for 2 days. I was unaware that Andorra was not included in the list of countries in which EU-roaming is free. (...
charelf's user avatar
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8 votes
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Contract mentions an outdated law

I want to keep it short. I signed a contract on 01/12/2021 that mentioned in the Terms and Conditions that they adhere to the 531/2012 law. This law is now outdated, it says No longer in force, Date ...
charelf's user avatar
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How it is proven that an e-mail or text message (SMS) was not forged by the recipient?

Here, it was said that a text message is legally binding. But I am interesting in that what would happen when the sender says that the message was not sent by them. It is not a challenging problem to ...
jiwopene's user avatar
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Is an individual liable for administrative costs when backing out of an employment contract accepted via email?

A non-EU citizen accepted an offer of employment in writing via email for a company based in the Netherlands. They sent their passport and other documentation to the company to begin the process of ...
Anil's user avatar
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French postal service's monopoly on industrial contract communications - legal basis?

The government in France has a monopoly encouraged by law, whereby contracts can be opened digitally, but have to be cancelled through a signed paper letter paid to the government postal service. ...
bandybabboon's user avatar
0 votes
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Can you request a potential additional payment at own discretion?

Let's say you sell a service/activity to a customer for €150. Can you state something like this in your contact? An initial €150 payment must be payed upfront. An additional charge of €850 may apply ...
David Callanan's user avatar
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Can you refuse to pay back deposit at your own discretion?

Let's say a business provides some service/activity to a customer and charges them a $100 deposit on top of the service costs. This deposit is to cover damages or other actions that negatively affect ...
David Callanan's user avatar
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Can a company claim they acted in good faith in this situation?

Let's assume that Hacker Corp. offers a penetration testing service to other businesses, and ACME Corp. contacts Hacker Corp. to conduct a penetration test for some internal testing. Hacker Corp. ...
MechMK1's user avatar
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Is there any country where contract overrides law? [closed]

Why is contract not above law? Is there any country in the world where contract overrides law? If not, why not? What if both parties intend to sign and follow a contract that is against the law? My ...
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2 votes
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GDPR outside the web: no need to provide a privacy policy?

Consider a freelancer like a web developer, or a consultant, or a lawyer, etc. Their jobs involve, one way or another, handling some personal data: contents of databases, authentication data, private ...
reed's user avatar
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Is it legal to work more than more than 48 hours in EU with multiple jobs if one is a freelance job?

I am working full-time as an International research assistant (in a University Library) in Germany. A startup (based in London) asked me to work with them as a research consultant (a kind of ...
Alex Kujur's user avatar

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