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HereSimplistically, here in the UK it's rather clear that if someone - particularly a customer - acts on information you provided; more so in a professional capacity -then what goes wrong is your responsibility.

Logically, the same should be true everywhere but that'sand if it's not, the why of that is beyond me, for one.

Here in the UK it's rather clear that if someone - particularly a customer - acts on information you provided; more so in a professional capacity - what goes wrong is your responsibility.

Logically, the same should be true everywhere but that's is beyond me, for one

Simplistically, here in the UK it's rather clear that if a customer acts on information you provided; more so in a professional capacity then what goes wrong is your responsibility.

Logically, the same should be true everywhere and if it's not, the why of that is beyond me, for one.

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Here in the UK it's rather clear that if someone - particularly a customer - acts on information you provided; more so in a professional capacity - what goes wrong is your responsibility.

Logically, the same should be true everywhere but that's is beyond me, for one