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Can I use text or ideas from Youtube Comments in a book or online work?

I recently ran into an interesting back and forth between quite a few people in youtube comments and reply section, and it was the topic I'm interested in writing about wether: whether it would be a book or just post it online, I'm still not sure.

My question is at what point I mightMight possibly get sued for using their comments (it? It was quite a lot of people), I wasn't planning to put their name or picture or even put their comments word for word, but rather the main point and most importantly their experience in the subject matter (no personal information). AndIf I keep feeling if i accidentally put something that's way more specific than it should be, could one or more of these commenters are definitely going to sue me. So at? At what point does fair use stop being on my side  ?

And I'm sorry if i make this harder, because iI don't live in the USUS; I'm somewhere in south east asia, so does it apply differently depending on the country I live in that matter?? I'm assuming most of the people are americans. And in advance, Thank YouAmericans.

Youtube Comments

I recently ran into an interesting back and forth between quite a few people in youtube comments and reply section, and it was the topic I'm interested in writing about wether it would be a book or just post it online, I'm still not sure.

My question is at what point I might possibly get sued for using their comments (it was quite a lot of people), I wasn't planning to put their name or picture or even put their comments word for word, but rather the main point and most importantly their experience in the subject matter (no personal information). And I keep feeling if i accidentally put something that's way more specific than it should, one or more of these commenters are definitely going to sue me. So at what point fair use stop being on my side  ?

And I'm sorry if i make this harder, because i don't live in the US I'm somewhere in south east asia, so does it apply differently depending on the country I live in ? I'm assuming most of the people are americans. And in advance, Thank You.

Can I use text or ideas from Youtube Comments in a book or online work?

I recently ran into an interesting back and forth between quite a few people in youtube comments, and it was the topic I'm interested in writing about: whether it would be a book or just post it online, I'm still not sure.

Might possibly get sued for using their comments? It was quite a lot of people, I wasn't planning to put their name or picture or even put their comments word for word, but rather the main point and most importantly their experience in the subject matter (no personal information). If I accidentally put something that's way more specific than it should be, could one or more of these commenters sue me? At what point does fair use stop being on my side?

I don't live in the US; I'm somewhere in south east asia, does that matter?? I'm assuming most of the people are Americans.

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Youtube Comments

I recently ran into an interesting back and forth between quite a few people in youtube comments and reply section, and it was the topic I'm interested in writing about wether it would be a book or just post it online, I'm still not sure.

My question is at what point I might possibly get sued for using their comments (it was quite a lot of people), I wasn't planning to put their name or picture or even put their comments word for word, but rather the main point and most importantly their experience in the subject matter (no personal information). And I keep feeling if i accidentally put something that's way more specific than it should, one or more of these commenters are definitely going to sue me. So at what point fair use stop being on my side ?

And I'm sorry if i make this harder, because i don't live in the US I'm somewhere in south east asia, so does it apply differently depending on the country I live in ? I'm assuming most of the people are americans. And in advance, Thank You.