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Bumped by Community user
Bumped by Community user
take as a given that this would be copyright infringement for the purpose of the hypothetical
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For a game development/software engineering course that I am designing (in the public schools), I would like the final course activity to involve creating a game as a whole class over a long period. The course being created is not a game design class, so I would like to simply recreate an existing game, writing our own code from scratch, as a course activity.

Clearly, both the design and the art assets would belong to someone else. Importantly, our version of the game would never be released. We would be doing this purely as an academic exercise within the class.

Assume that, given the chosen game and the nature of the reproduction, this would otherwise be copyright infringement.

Would this fall under the fair use exception when done within this educational setting?

For a game development/software engineering course that I am designing (in the public schools), I would like the final course activity to involve creating a game as a whole class over a long period. The course being created is not a game design class, so I would like to simply recreate an existing game, writing our own code from scratch, as a course activity.

Clearly, both the design and the art assets would belong to someone else. Importantly, our version of the game would never be released. We would be doing this purely as an academic exercise within the class.

Would this fall under fair use?

For a game development/software engineering course that I am designing (in the public schools), I would like the final course activity to involve creating a game as a whole class over a long period. The course being created is not a game design class, so I would like to simply recreate an existing game, writing our own code from scratch, as a course activity.

Clearly, both the design and the art assets would belong to someone else. Importantly, our version of the game would never be released. We would be doing this purely as an academic exercise within the class.

Assume that, given the chosen game and the nature of the reproduction, this would otherwise be copyright infringement.

Would this fall under the fair use exception when done within this educational setting?

Bumped by Community user
Bumped by Community user
added 14 characters in body; edited title
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Ben I.
  • 325
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  • 9

Would reproducing a game infor a school class be fall within fair use?

For a game development/software engineering course that I am designing (publicin the public schools), I would like the final course activity to involve creating a game as a whole class over a long period. The course being designedcreated is not a game design class, so I would like to simply recreate an existing game, using entirelywriting our own code from scratch, as a course activity.

The game would never be released; it is certainly not our game. BothClearly, both the design and the art assets would belong to someone else. Importantly, our version of the game would never be released. We would be doing this purely as an educationalacademic exercise within the class.

Would this fall under fair use?

Would reproducing a game in a school class be fall within fair use?

For a game development/software engineering course that I am designing (public schools), I would like the final course activity to involve creating a game as a whole class over a long period. The course being designed is not a game design class, so I would like to simply recreate an existing game, using entirely our own code, as a course activity.

The game would never be released; it is certainly not our game. Both the design and the art assets would belong to someone else. We would be doing this purely as an educational exercise within the class.

Would this fall under fair use?

Would reproducing a game for a school class fall within fair use?

For a game development/software engineering course that I am designing (in the public schools), I would like the final course activity to involve creating a game as a whole class over a long period. The course being created is not a game design class, so I would like to simply recreate an existing game, writing our own code from scratch, as a course activity.

Clearly, both the design and the art assets would belong to someone else. Importantly, our version of the game would never be released. We would be doing this purely as an academic exercise within the class.

Would this fall under fair use?

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Ben I.
  • 325
  • 1
  • 9

Would reproducing a game in a school class be fall within fair use?

For a game development/software engineering course that I am designing (public schools), I would like the final course activity to involve creating a game as a whole class over a long period. The course being designed is not a game design class, so I would like to simply recreate an existing game, using entirely our own code, as a course activity.

The game would never be released; it is certainly not our game. Both the design and the art assets would belong to someone else. We would be doing this purely as an educational exercise within the class.

Would this fall under fair use?