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Is it legal for an end user to modify their view of the contentdisplay of a website content?

Several apps and sites like longform and readability offer users a "read view" of other people sites, which stripincludes stripping the content of ads and changechanging font etc to make the text easier to read. I am working on a similar concept and wanted to check what legal issues are involved with doing that.

Is it legal for an end user to modify their view of the content of a website?

Several apps and sites like longform and readability offer users a "read view" of other people sites which strip the content of ads and change font etc to make the text easier to read. I am working on a similar concept and wanted to check what legal issues are involved with doing that.

Is it legal to modify the display of website content?

Several apps and sites like longform and readability offer users a "read view" of other sites, which includes stripping the content of ads and changing font to make the text easier to read. I am working on a similar concept and wanted to check what legal issues are involved with doing that.

Is it legal for an end user to modify their view of someone elses webcontentthe content of a website?

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Is it legal to modify view of someone elses webcontent?

Several apps and sites like longform and readability offer users a "read view" of other people sites which strip the content of ads and change font etc to make the text easier to read. I am working on a similar concept and wanted to check what legal issues are involved with doing that.