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First off, you cannot booby trap your property, period. It is both illegal and tortuoustortious. But, as you noted, there are already questions/answers that deal with this issue.

First off, you cannot booby trap your property, period. It is both illegal and tortuous. But, as you noted, there are already questions/answers that deal with this issue.

First off, you cannot booby trap your property, period. It is both illegal and tortious. But, as you noted, there are already questions/answers that deal with this issue.

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First off, you cannot booby trap your property, period. It is both illegal and tortioustortuous. But, as you noted, there are already questions/answers that deal with this issue.

Sure enough, if the police get a no-knock search warrant, that in anand of itself is the Court order allowing entry by any means necessary. When the officers, there by right of law, breach the outer perimeter and stop at the warnings, they will not be seeking any other court orders to have you allow them "safe entry". Their warrant gives them all the right they need, as probable cause of crime and violent intent or intent to destroy evidence was already presented to a judge. If, in real life, you actually putput up signage goor state explicitly that they're being forewarned thatthat you intend to harm, trap? Name, maim, or otherwise make it unsafe to enter,enter; or that doing so will result in an attempt to destroy evidenceevidence, that is something they already have already assumed  (hence the seeking/granting and granting of the Nono-knock vs. a regular search and seizure.warrant). However, the signs, in and of them selfthemselves are not protected speech, but rather overt threats, and that would put you in a very precarious position indeed.

If the police get a "no knock" warrant (the most invasive, difficult to get warrants, whereby there is a grave risk of destruction of evidence or injury to persons), the police will ensure they have safe passage- they've come praisedprepared for dangerous entry long before your signs, but once they see them, you could rest assured they will take them as they are intended,: as a direct threat to their safety, and they will deploy a swatSWAT or other heavily armed entry team (who is usually there anyway for these dangerous entries). You could expect things like smoke/out canister and teargas, flashflash bangs, and heavily armed and well armored officers attempting to force you from your dwelling. Presumably, if you need to disarm traps to escape the situation, they can enter. Assuming you're home when they invade with chemical weapons, whether you come out or not, they will force you to disarm whatever booby trapping you may have in place that may destroy evidence, likely walking you in as their human shield in the event you're lying about any dangerous ones. That is probably your best case scenario. They may just decide to throw you through the perimeter once they get their hands on you, just to see what happens!

If you don't exit and are home or if you are lucky enough to be out, the bomb squad, ATF, and SWAT will converge on your property in less than typical means. Because from that sign,your warning they can assume some incendiary, or weapon relatedexplosive device exists, bringing it into the jurisdiction of other agencies. If they cannot disarm the trap, they would send a robot in first to set it off, or cut through your roof, or knock down a wall, whatever it takes to get in without using a typical means of ingress/egress, so as not to chance your trap. Regardless, you can rest assured that they will get in, and you will pay for the trap you set for law enforcement. Further, to whatever charges you'd have been faced with from evidence flowing from the original warrant, will now be added to with the addition ofadditional charges like attempted murder and attempted murder of a peace officer; if you have any roommates or known associates: conspiracy to do both of those things; attempted destruction of evidence, criminal interference with a police investigation  ...all all at a minimum. If anyone is actually harmed, your signage offers you no shield from criminal or tort liability, and you will be lucky to live through the experience once they get their hands on you. Police tend to not like being the targets of intentional maiming, dismemberment or death.

You have to understand that, according to this hypohypothetical, you are intentionally trying to harm law enforcement t, or destroy evidence of your dangerous criminal activity. These are not invaders, or intruders according to the law... Theylaw; they are the people whose job it is to I forceenforce the laws, collect the evidence ( ifif you weren't getting g arrested pursuantpursuant to the fruits of the warrant, you certainly would be at that point). The signs themselves would make excellent exhibits in the coming case of State v. youState v. you.

BTW: The only reason they have left John Joe Gray alone is that he knows the Henderson County Sheriff Ronny Brownlow, who has been told that the ATF, FBI, and State SWAT, would all be happy to enter and get or kill Mr. Gray if need be. Since the Sheriff never filed any federal charges, and has determined that he doesn't want to breach (and it's in his jurisdiction to determine this), the Sheriff, aware that Gray's entire family is holed up in the "compound", decided it's not worth going in. It's as well known as it is anomalous. When the police want in, and have the right to get in, they will get in. That Sheriff just decided it's not worthwhile.

First off, you cannot booby trap your property, period. It is both illegal and tortious. But, as you noted, there are already questions/answers that deal with this issue.

Sure enough, if the police get a no-knock search warrant, that in an of itself is the Court order allowing entry by any means necessary. When the officers, there by right of law, breach the outer perimeter and stop at the warnings, they will not be seeking any other court orders to have you allow them "safe entry". Their warrant gives them all the right they need, as probable cause of crime and violent intent or intent to destroy evidence was already presented to a judge. If, in real life, you actually put up signage go state explicitly that they're being forewarned that you intend to harm, trap? Name or otherwise make it unsafe to enter, or doing so will result in an attempt to destroy evidence, that is something they already have assumed  (hence the seeking/granting of the No-knock vs. a regular search and seizure.) However, the signs, in and of them self are not protected speech, but rather overt threats, and that would put you in a very precarious position indeed.

If the police get a "no knock" warrant (the most invasive, difficult to get warrants, whereby there is a grave risk of destruction of evidence or injury to persons), the police will ensure they have safe passage- they've come praised for dangerous entry long before your signs, but once they see them, you could rest assured they will take them as they are intended, as a direct threat to their safety, and they will deploy a swat or other heavily armed entry team (who is usually there anyway for these dangerous entries). You could expect things like smoke/out canister and teargas, flash bangs, and heavily armed and well armored officers attempting to force you from your dwelling. Presumably, if you need to disarm traps to escape the situation, they can enter. Assuming you're home when they invade with chemical weapons, whether you come out or not, they will force you to disarm whatever booby trapping you may have in place that may destroy evidence, likely walking you in as their human shield in the event you're lying about any dangerous ones. That is probably your best case scenario. They may just decide to throw you through the perimeter once they get their hands on you, just to see what happens!

If you don't exit and are home or if you are lucky enough to be out, the bomb squad, ATF, and SWAT will converge on your property in less than typical means. Because from that sign, they can assume some incendiary, or weapon related device exists, bringing it into the jurisdiction of other agencies. If they cannot disarm the trap, they would send a robot in first to set it off, or cut through your roof, or knock down a wall, whatever it takes to get in without using a typical means of ingress/egress, so as not to chance your trap. Regardless, you can rest assured that they will get in, and you will pay for the trap you set for law enforcement. Further, whatever charges you'd have been faced with from evidence flowing from the original warrant, will now be added to with the addition of charges like attempted murder and attempted murder of a peace officer; if you have any roommates or known associates: conspiracy to do both of those things; attempted destruction of evidence, criminal interference with a police investigation...all at a minimum. If anyone is actually harmed, your signage offers you no shield from criminal or tort liability, and you will be lucky to live through the experience once they get their hands on you. Police tend to not like being the targets of intentional maiming, dismemberment or death.

You have to understand that according to this hypo, you are intentionally trying to harm law enforcement t, or destroy evidence of your dangerous criminal activity. These are not invaders, or intruders according to the law... They are the people whose job it is to I force the laws, collect the evidence ( if you weren't getting g arrested pursuant to the fruits of the warrant, you certainly would be at that point). The signs themselves would make excellent exhibits in the coming case of State v. you.

BTW: The only reason they have left John Joe Gray alone is that he knows the Henderson County Sheriff Ronny Brownlow, who has been told that the ATF, FBI, State SWAT, would all be happy to enter and get or kill Mr. Gray if need be. Since the Sheriff never filed any federal charges, and has determined that he doesn't want to breach (and it's in his jurisdiction to determine this), the Sheriff, aware that Gray's entire family is holed up in the "compound", decided it's not worth going in. It's as well known as it is anomalous. When the police want in, and have the right to get in, they will get in. That Sheriff just decided it's not worthwhile.

First off, you cannot booby trap your property, period. It is both illegal and tortuous. But, as you noted, there are already questions/answers that deal with this issue.

Sure enough, if the police get a no-knock search warrant, that in and of itself is the Court order allowing entry by any means necessary. When the officers, there by right of law, breach the outer perimeter and stop at the warnings, they will not be seeking any other court orders to have you allow them "safe entry". Their warrant gives them all the right they need, as probable cause of crime and violent intent or intent to destroy evidence was already presented to a judge. If, in real life, you actually put up signage or state explicitly that they're being forewarned that you intend to harm, trap, maim, or otherwise make it unsafe to enter; or that doing so will result in an attempt to destroy evidence, that is something they have already assumed (hence the seeking and granting of the no-knock vs. a regular search warrant). However, the signs in and of themselves are not protected speech, but rather overt threats, and that would put you in a very precarious position indeed.

If the police get a "no knock" warrant (the most invasive, difficult to get warrants, whereby there is a grave risk of destruction of evidence or injury to persons), the police will ensure they have safe passage they've come prepared for dangerous entry long before your signs, but once they see them, you could rest assured they will take them as they are intended: as a direct threat to their safety, and they will deploy a SWAT or other heavily armed entry team (who is usually there anyway for these dangerous entries). You could expect things like smoke/out canister and teargas, flash bangs, and heavily armed and well armored officers attempting to force you from your dwelling. Presumably, if you need to disarm traps to escape the situation, they can enter. Assuming you're home when they invade with chemical weapons, whether you come out or not, they will force you to disarm whatever booby trapping you may have in place that may destroy evidence, likely walking you in as their human shield in the event you're lying about any dangerous ones. That is probably your best case scenario. They may just decide to throw you through the perimeter once they get their hands on you, just to see what happens!

If you don't exit and are home or if you are lucky enough to be out, the bomb squad, ATF, and SWAT will converge on your property in less than typical means. Because from your warning they can assume some incendiary or explosive device exists, bringing it into the jurisdiction of other agencies. If they cannot disarm the trap, they would send a robot in first to set it off, or cut through your roof, or knock down a wall whatever it takes to get in without using a typical means of ingress/egress, so as not to chance your trap. Regardless, you can rest assured that they will get in, and you will pay for the trap you set for law enforcement. Further, to whatever charges you'd have been faced with from evidence flowing from the original warrant will now be added additional charges like attempted murder of a peace officer; if you have any roommates or known associates: conspiracy to do those things; attempted destruction of evidence, criminal interference with a police investigation  ... all at a minimum. If anyone is actually harmed, your signage offers you no shield from criminal or tort liability, and you will be lucky to live through the experience once they get their hands on you. Police tend to not like being the targets of intentional maiming, dismemberment or death.

You have to understand that, according to this hypothetical, you are intentionally trying to harm law enforcement, or destroy evidence of your dangerous criminal activity. These are not invaders, or intruders according to the law; they are the people whose job it is to enforce the laws, collect the evidence (if you weren't getting arrested pursuant to the fruits of the warrant, you certainly would be at that point). The signs themselves would make excellent exhibits in the coming case of State v. you.

BTW: The only reason they have left John Joe Gray alone is that he knows the Henderson County Sheriff Ronny Brownlow, who has been told that the ATF, FBI, and State SWAT, would all be happy to enter and get or kill Mr. Gray if need be. Since the Sheriff never filed any federal charges, and has determined that he doesn't want to breach (and it's in his jurisdiction to determine this), the Sheriff, aware that Gray's entire family is holed up in the "compound", decided it's not worth going in. It's as well known as it is anomalous. When the police want in, and have the right to get in, they will get in. That Sheriff just decided it's not worthwhile.

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First off, you cannot booby trap your property, period. It is both illegal and tortuoustortious. But, as you noted, there are already questions/answers that deal with this issue.

Sure enough, if the police get a no-knock search warrant, that in an of itself is the Court order allowing entry by any means necessary. When the officers, there by right of law, breach the outer perimeter and stop at the warnings, they will not be seeking any otherother court orders to have you allow them "safe entry". Their warrant gives them all the right to legal entrythey need, as probable cause of crime and ifviolent intent or intent to destroy evidence was already presented to a judge. If, in real life, you are letting them know it'sactually put up signage go state explicitly that they're being forewarned that you intend to harm, trap? Name or otherwise make it unsafe to enter, or doing so will result in an attempt to destroy evidence evidence, that is something they already have assumed (hence the seeking/granting of the No-knock vs. a regular search and seizure.) However, the signs, in and of them self are not protected speech, but rather overt threats, and that would put you in a very precarious position indeed.

If the police get a "no knock" warrant (the most invasive, difficult to get warrants, whereby there is a grave risk of destruction of evidence or injury to persons), the police will ensure they have safe passage once they see- they've come praised for dangerous entry long before your signs. Once, but once they see them, you cancould rest assured they will take them as they are intended, as a direct threat to their safety, and they will deploy SWAT, who willa swat or other heavily armed entry team (who is usually there anyway for these dangerous entries). You could expect things like smoke bomb,/out canister and teargas, flash bangs, and flash bangheavily armed and well armored officers attempting to force you from your dwelling so that. Presumably, if you open upneed to disarm traps to escape in your own rightthe situation, thereby releasing any boobytrapsthey can enter. Assuming Assuming you're home when they invade with chemical weapons, whether you come out or not, they will then force you to disarm whatever booby trapping you may have in place that may destroy evidence, likely walking you in as their human shield in the event you're lying about any dangerous ones. That is probably your best case scenario. They may just decide to throw you through the perimeter once they get their hands on you, just to see what happens!

If you don't exit and are home or if you are lucky enough to be out, the bomb squad, ATF, and SWAT will converge on your property in less than typical means. Because from that sign, they can assume some incendiary, or weapon related device exists, bringing it into the jurisdiction of other agencies. If they cannot disarm the trap, they would send a robot in first to set it off, or cut through your roof, or knock down a wall, whatever it takes to get in without using a typical means of ingress/egress, so as not to chance your trap. Regardless, you can rest assured that they will get in, and you will pay for the trap you set for law enforcement. Further, whatever charges you'd have been faced with from evidence flowing from the original warrant, will now be added to with the addition of charges like attempted murder and attempted murder of a peace officer; if you have any roommates or known associates: conspiracy to do both of those things; attempted destruction of evidence, criminal interference with a police investigation...all at a minimum. If anyone is actually harmed, your signage offers you no shield from criminal or tort liability, and you will be lucky to live through the experience once they get their hands on you. Police tend to not like being the targets of intentional maiming, dismemberment or death.

You have to understand that according to this hypo, you are intentionally trying to harm law enforcement t, or destroy evidence of your dangerous criminal activity. These are not invaders, or intruders according to the law... They are the people whose job it is to I force the laws, collect the evidence ( if you weren't getting g arrested pursuant to the fruits of the warrant, you certainly would be at that point). The signs themselves would make excellent exhibits in the coming case of State v. you.

First off, you cannot booby trap your property, period. It is both illegal and tortuous. But, as you noted, there are already questions/answers that deal with this issue.

Sure enough, if the police get a no-knock search warrant, breach the outer perimeter and stop at the warnings, they will not be seeking any other court orders to have you allow them "safe entry". Their warrant gives them the right to legal entry, and if you are letting them know it's unsafe or will destroy evidence, that would put you in a very precarious position indeed.

If the police get a "no knock" warrant (the most invasive, difficult to get warrants, whereby there is a grave risk of destruction of evidence or injury to persons), the police will ensure they have safe passage once they see your signs. Once they see them, you can rest assured they will take them as they are intended, as a direct threat to their safety, and they will deploy SWAT, who will smoke bomb, teargas and flash bang your dwelling so that you open up to escape in your own right, thereby releasing any boobytraps. Assuming you're home when they invade with chemical weapons, they will then force you to disarm whatever booby trapping you may have in place that may destroy evidence, likely walking you in as their human shield in the event you're lying about any dangerous ones. That is probably your best case scenario. They may just decide to throw you through the perimeter once they get their hands on you, just to see what happens!

If you don't exit and are home or if you are lucky enough to be out, the bomb squad, ATF, and SWAT will converge on your property in less than typical means. Because from that sign, they can assume some incendiary, or weapon related device exists, bringing it into the jurisdiction of other agencies. If they cannot disarm the trap, they would send a robot in first to set it off, or cut through your roof, or knock down a wall, whatever it takes to get in without using a typical means of ingress/egress, so as not to chance your trap. Regardless, you can rest assured that they will get in, and you will pay for the trap you set for law enforcement. Further, whatever charges you'd have been faced with from evidence flowing from the original warrant, will now be added to with the addition of charges like attempted murder and attempted murder of a peace officer; if you have any roommates or known associates: conspiracy to do both of those things; attempted destruction of evidence, criminal interference with a police investigation...all at a minimum. If anyone is actually harmed, your signage offers you no shield from criminal or tort liability, and you will be lucky to live through the experience once they get their hands on you. Police tend to not like being the targets of intentional maiming, dismemberment or death.

First off, you cannot booby trap your property, period. It is both illegal and tortious. But, as you noted, there are already questions/answers that deal with this issue.

Sure enough, if the police get a no-knock search warrant, that in an of itself is the Court order allowing entry by any means necessary. When the officers, there by right of law, breach the outer perimeter and stop at the warnings, they will not be seeking any other court orders to have you allow them "safe entry". Their warrant gives them all the right they need, as probable cause of crime and violent intent or intent to destroy evidence was already presented to a judge. If, in real life, you actually put up signage go state explicitly that they're being forewarned that you intend to harm, trap? Name or otherwise make it unsafe to enter, or doing so will result in an attempt to destroy evidence, that is something they already have assumed (hence the seeking/granting of the No-knock vs. a regular search and seizure.) However, the signs, in and of them self are not protected speech, but rather overt threats, and that would put you in a very precarious position indeed.

If the police get a "no knock" warrant (the most invasive, difficult to get warrants, whereby there is a grave risk of destruction of evidence or injury to persons), the police will ensure they have safe passage- they've come praised for dangerous entry long before your signs, but once they see them, you could rest assured they will take them as they are intended, as a direct threat to their safety, and they will deploy a swat or other heavily armed entry team (who is usually there anyway for these dangerous entries). You could expect things like smoke/out canister and teargas, flash bangs, and heavily armed and well armored officers attempting to force you from your dwelling. Presumably, if you need to disarm traps to escape the situation, they can enter. Assuming you're home when they invade with chemical weapons, whether you come out or not, they will force you to disarm whatever booby trapping you may have in place that may destroy evidence, likely walking you in as their human shield in the event you're lying about any dangerous ones. That is probably your best case scenario. They may just decide to throw you through the perimeter once they get their hands on you, just to see what happens!

If you don't exit and are home or if you are lucky enough to be out, the bomb squad, ATF, and SWAT will converge on your property in less than typical means. Because from that sign, they can assume some incendiary, or weapon related device exists, bringing it into the jurisdiction of other agencies. If they cannot disarm the trap, they would send a robot in first to set it off, or cut through your roof, or knock down a wall, whatever it takes to get in without using a typical means of ingress/egress, so as not to chance your trap. Regardless, you can rest assured that they will get in, and you will pay for the trap you set for law enforcement. Further, whatever charges you'd have been faced with from evidence flowing from the original warrant, will now be added to with the addition of charges like attempted murder and attempted murder of a peace officer; if you have any roommates or known associates: conspiracy to do both of those things; attempted destruction of evidence, criminal interference with a police investigation...all at a minimum. If anyone is actually harmed, your signage offers you no shield from criminal or tort liability, and you will be lucky to live through the experience once they get their hands on you. Police tend to not like being the targets of intentional maiming, dismemberment or death.

You have to understand that according to this hypo, you are intentionally trying to harm law enforcement t, or destroy evidence of your dangerous criminal activity. These are not invaders, or intruders according to the law... They are the people whose job it is to I force the laws, collect the evidence ( if you weren't getting g arrested pursuant to the fruits of the warrant, you certainly would be at that point). The signs themselves would make excellent exhibits in the coming case of State v. you.

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