Ubuy Inc

Ubuy Inc

البيع بالتجزئة

Kuwait City، Kuwait ٧٬٢٠٤ متابع

نبذة عنا

Ubuy facilitates cross border eCommerce internationally. Cross borders virtually with Ubuy and shop within a variety of products exclusively from our worldwide markets. Exclusive and unattainable variety of products are only available at our website and delivered securely within 5-6 working days. Explore the variety of products from different worldwide markets such as the United States, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, China, Korea, and Japan with our unique search engine where it is guaranteed you will find what you’ve been looking for. Specialized for the ease of your comfort localized payment methods are available and securely attained. Our unique search engine is made to search more than millions of products just to guarantee that one product you have been looking for is found. Shop and enjoy our website and application available on App store and Google Play all at the least expense and comfort of your home. Ubuy Core Values: As we grew, it became more important to state and define our core values, in which we develop our brand and business strategy. These are our values that we live by: Deliver the Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Philosophy. Drive Change Be Creative Be Passionate Pursue Growth Do More With Less Customer Service Isn't Just A Department!

الموقع الإلكتروني
المجال المهني
البيع بالتجزئة
حجم الشركة
٢٠١ - ٥٠٠ من الموظفين
المقر الرئيسي
Kuwait City, Kuwait
شركة يملكها عدد قليل من الأشخاص
تم التأسيس
e-commerce، Logistics، و Payments

المواقع الجغرافية

موظفين في Ubuy Inc


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