Contribute to Kubuntu


Contribute by writing new software, packaging additional software, or fixing bugs in existing software. More information can be found in the wiki Development page.



Kubuntu releases new versions every 6 months and many testers are needed who can report or confirm problems. If you like to be on the cutting edge of Kubuntu, consider helping!. More information can be found in the wiki Testing page.



Help produce official documentation, share the solution to the problem, or check, proof and test other documents for accuracy. More information can be found in the wiki Documentation page.



Share your technical know-how with other users by joining email and discussion lists, or IRC (chat) channels and respond to users requests for help in forums. More information can be found in the wiki Support page.


Bug Squad

Help make Kubuntu even better by working with bug reports to ensure they’re complete, understandable and if possible, reproducible. Anyone can help! More information can be found in the wiki Bug Squad page.


Local Community (“LoCo”) Teams

Find and join an official LoCo team near you, or get advice on how to create a team in your local community. More information can be found in the wiki Local Community (“LoCo”) Teams page.


Donate to Kubuntu

Your donations help fund travel to developer meetings.

Everyone can contribute to Kubuntu whether you are a coder or a community builder. But if you would rather contribute by simply donating money we are happy to accept that as well.

Spending from Kubuntu funds so far has been on travel to Akademy, tablet and UEFI hardware, cloud computing for development and team shirts. See the KDE GB accounts for a complete list.

Our donations are handled by Emerge Open and With Support, the commercial support partner of Kubuntu, through the Kubuntu Paypal account.

Our money is held by KDE GB and decisions on spending are taken by the Kubuntu Council in line with its constitution.

To transfer directly to the KDE GB UK bank account contact for details.