KoNECT (Korea National Enterprise for Clinical Trials)

KoNECT (Korea National Enterprise for Clinical Trials)



KoNECT (Korea National Enterprise for Clinical Trials), established in 2007, is an affiliated organization to the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare, committed to the development of Korea's clinical trial infrastructure, and the promotion of its capabilities to attract more global trials to Korea. KoNECT supports all international pharmaceutical and biotech sponsors who plan to conduct clinical trials with Korea. Major services and features include: Provision of comprehensive clinical trial related information(e.g. Patient distribution data, clinical trial site and investigator information), One-Stop Shop services for clinical trial planning in Korea, a business center with administrative support (including arranging meetings with local partners, investigators etc.), rent of incubation offices, a Korean clinical trial interactive gallery and liaison service with clinical trial (investigator) networks. KoNECT is also the most well known training academy in Korea for clinical trial professionals(CRA, CRC, PI, Pharmacists etc,), running the various training programs throughout the year. Please visit us at http://konect.or.kr (http://en.konect.or.kr/ for English) or http://kcc.konect.or.kr (English) for more information. You can contact us at +82-2-398-5041 and kcc@konect.or.kr.

회사 규모
직원 11-50명

KoNECT (Korea National Enterprise for Clinical Trials) 직원

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