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MIT Events Calendar - Event Visibility

By default events in Localist are visible to all users of the events calendar. In certain cases it may be desired to restrict visibility, such as for department-only events. Localist offers a variety of options to control the visibility of events. These options are available at the bottom of the screen when you are creating or editing an event.

Note: Visibility options are only available to Event Administrators.

Details on event visibility are available on the Localist support site at Two options of likely interest to the MIT community are restricting events by Place Page Only, which only displays events on the landing page for that event's venue, and Widget Only, which will allow users to maintain their events in Localist but only display them on their own web site using the Localist Widget functionality.

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

July 02, 2018

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