Jan-Lukas Else

Thoughts of an IT expert

Better Webmention support on this blog

Published on in 💭 Thoughts
Updated on
Short link: https://b.jlel.se/s/65
⚠️ This entry is already over one year old. It may no longer be up to date. Opinions may have changed. When I wrote this post, I was only 20 years old!

A few days ago, I already added support for webmentions and microformats2 to this blog. Now I added a form at the end of every article, so you can submit your mentions more easily.

I’m so fascinated by the IndieWeb.

Yesterday, I also created a basic profile at the IndieWeb wiki. Someday I’d also like to join an IndieWeb event, to get to know other people who share a similar mindset.

Until then, I will try to further improve IndieWeb support on my blog and implement features that I think make sense to me.

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Jan-Lukas Else
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