Jan-Lukas Else

Thoughts of an IT expert

Webmention update

Published on in 💬 Micro
Short link: https://b.jlel.se/s/64
⚠️ This entry is already over one year old. It may no longer be up to date. Opinions may have changed. When I wrote this post, I was only 20 years old!

I’m now receiving webmentions myself and also show them as “interactions” on this blog.

I implemented webmention receiving into my Hugo backend. Mentions are stored as a simple json file per webmention in the “data” folder of my blog and then I’m using some Hugo magic (data templates) to render them in my theme.

By doing it this way, I don’t need any JavaScript to show interactions and I don’t need to rely on a 3rd party service (I used webmention.io) for receiving anymore.

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Jan-Lukas Else
Interactions & Comments