Archive for the ‘Certification’ Category

To celebrate the passing of my “VMware Certified Professional – Datacenter Virtualization” exam this week my lovely sister made me a Monster VM* cake and I thought it would be nice to bring this into the office so my colleagues could all try a slice!

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*What’s a Monster VM? Good question. Monster VM is a term used in the virtualisation world for a very high specification virtual machine which a few years ago would have been impossible to create virtually but with the latest advancements in this technology we can have VMs that can meet even the most demanding workloads, these are the Monster VMs. Monster VM can often be seen at events such as VMworld as in the below pictures.


Interestingly my sister got more praise than me, oh well you cannot win them all :)

My CTO also blogged about my success which you can read here. Thanks Tref!



Today I passed exam 70-236 which is the first exam I’ve taken since the shakeup. Having done my fair share of MCPs I was hoping that the MCTS series would be a little more practical but sadly this was not the case. In fact this exam was a test that seemed to focus on how well you know your Exchange PowerShell cmdlets, yes all 394 of them! Still a pass is a pass and with a score of 873/1000 I know I passed with room to spare.