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Jetpack Stats Dashboard Widget

The Jetpack Stats Dashboard Widget provides a compact overview of your site’s statistics.

The Stats dashboard widget is displayed by default on the WP Admin > Dashboard page when Jetpack Stats is active. It consists of a few important elements that offer valuable insights into your site’s performance at a glance.

To access the widget, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your site’s WP Admin.
  2. Navigate to Dashboard → Home.
  3. On the Dashboard screen, you should find the Jetpack Stats widget displayed in the first column. You can change the position of the widget by following the directions in this support documentation.

Note: The data shown in the widget is updated every 30 minutes.

Here’s a breakdown of each widget component:

The Jetpack Stats dashboard widget as it shows up on the WP Admin main Dashboard page.
The Jetpack Stats dashboard widget as it shows up on the WP Admin main Dashboard page.

Views and visitors bar chart

The bar chart displays a graphical representation of your site’s engagement metrics over the past 7 days. It is a snapshot of the same data shown on the views and visitors graph of the main Jetpack Stats Traffic dashboard.

It shows the number of views and visitors for each day, allowing you to identify trends and patterns in your site’s traffic. You can also choose to view data for the last 7 weeks, last 7 months, or last 7 years by selecting the corresponding tabs.

7-day highlights

This section follows the Views and Visitors bar chart and provides another snapshot of your site’s top posts and referrers with two sub-sections: Top Posts & Pages and Top Referrers.

The Top Posts & Pages section highlights the most viewed posts and pages in the last 7 days. It helps you identify the content that has recently resonated the most with your audience. The Top Referrers section displays a list of blogs, websites, and search engines that directed visitors to your site, enabling you to understand where your traffic has come from in the past few days.

Additional data

At the bottom of the widget, you’ll find information related to your site’s security. The “Total blocked login attempts” metric indicates the number of unauthorized login attempts that were prevented by Jetpack’s brute force protection module.

The “Total blocked spam comments” metric represents the number of spam comments detected and blocked by Akismet, Jetpack’s spam protection feature.

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