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Configure Jetpack Stats for Your Website

Get valuable insight into how visitors engage with your website. Adjust which page views are counted and who has access to your stats.

Access Jetpack Stats settings

To configure Jetpack Stats, follow these steps:

  1. Go to WP Admin.
  2. Navigate to Jetpack → Settings in the sidebar.
  3. Select the Traffic tab.
  4. Locate the Jetpack Stats section.

See a 48-hour traffic snapshot

Jetpack adds a small chart to your admin bar with a quick view of traffic over 48 hours. Your admin bar is the black horizontal bar that appears at the top of the screen when you are viewing your site as a logged-in user.

The bar can be activated or deactivated in your user profile by following these steps:

  1. Go to WP Admin.
  2. Navigate to Users → Profile.
  3. Locate the Toolbar option to activate or deactivate the admin bar.
  4. Click Update Profile to save changes.

To toggle the 48-hour traffic snapshot:

  1. Go to WP Admin.
  2. Navigate to Jetpack → Settings in the sidebar.
  3. Click Traffic.
  4. Scroll down to the Jetpack Stats section and expand it.
  5. Toggle the Include a small chart in your admin bar with a 48-hour traffic snapshot on or off, depending on your preference.

Manage what views are counted

By default, page views from logged-in users are not counted. Views from Administrators, Editors, Authors, Contributors, and logged-in Subscribers are ignored by stats by default. You can adjust that by including visits from logged-in users depending on their user role.

Steps to adjust counted views:

  1. Go to WP Admin.
  2. Navigate to Jetpack → Settings in the sidebar.
  3. Click Traffic.
  4. Scroll down to the Jetpack Stats section and expand it.
  5. Toggle the roles under Count logged-in page views from to turn each user role on or off according to your preferences.

Your website may have additional custom roles enabled by plugins or custom code.  All these roles will appear, so you turn them on or off to be counted towards stats.

Exclude specific IPs

To exclude visits from specific IPs, use the following code snippet:

	function ( $excluded_ips ) {
		$excluded_ips[] = 'your_IP_here'; 
		// if you want to add another IP uncomment the next line
		// $excluded_ips[] = 'another_IP_here'; 
        return $excluded_ips;

To exclude your own IP, you can find its value with a service such as

For more information on adding code snippets, see Add PHP Code Without Editing Files.

Manage who can see the stats

By default, only Administrators have access to Jetpack stats. However, you can grant view access to other user roles.

Steps to grant view access:

  1. Go to WP Admin and then Jetpack Settings in the sidebar. 
  2. Click Traffic.
  3. Scroll down to the Jetpack Stats section and expand it.
  4. Toggle the roles under Allow Jetpack Stats to be viewed by to turn each user role on or off according to your preferences.

Your site may also have custom roles enabled by plugins or custom code. All these roles will appear, so you can turn their stats viewing permissions on or off. Reader

By default, the Reader feed shows information on the post views.

Steps to toggle post views in Reader:

  1. Go to WP Admin.
  2. Navigate to Jetpack → Settings in the sidebar.
  3. Click Traffic.
  4. Scroll down to the Jetpack Stats section and expand it.
  5. Toggle the Reader setting to turn on or off the post views.

By following these steps and tips, you can effectively configure Jetpack Stats to suit your website’s needs, providing valuable insights and control over who can access your stats.

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