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Jetpack Stats: Ads Dashboard

The Jetpack Ads Traffic view provides statistics about ads served on your site and your earnings history. 

To see this dashboard, you must be enrolled in WordAds, and it must be enabled on your site following the steps outlined in this support guide.

On the “Ads” view, you can find your total earnings and paid amount, as well as ads served, average CPM, and revenue per time period. You can also filter your ads data to focus on daily, weekly, monthly, or annual stats.  

To access this view:

  1. Ensure WordAds is enabled.
  2. Go to your site’s WP Admin.
  3. Then, go to Jetpack → Stats
  4. Click the Ads tab.

Ads stats are collected once a day from the WordAds servers and are not updated in real time. Also, they are estimates and are subject to change. Your earnings are finalized the next month after they were earned.


Snapshot of total earnings and the amount paid
Snapshot of total earnings and amount paid

This is a snapshot of total earnings and the amount paid. Any outstanding amount is also shown here. 

Payments are sent on or about the last day of the following month, so the outstanding amount will show what your site has earned since the last payment. See the WordAds FAQs for more information.

Ads served, average CPM, and revenue charts

Chart showing show ads served, average CPM, and estimated revenue stats for selected time period.
Chart showing show ads served, average CPM, and estimated revenue stats for the selected time period.

These bar graphs show ads served, average CPM, and estimated revenue stats. Ads served as shown on this Stats page can be more accurately considered impression opportunities. In other words, these are attempts to show an ad. 

Interpreting average CPM

CPM is cost per thousand impressions or, more literally, cost per mile. Average CPM is an estimate based on past data that gives you an idea of how much you could be making if you continue doing what you are doing, and all factors like traffic, website demographics, niche, and so on remain the same. 

The average CPM can change, and there is no guarantee that it will stay the same. How much money you make from ads on your website can depend on various factors, such as the content you post, how often it is shared, and how users engage with it. Anything that affects the value of your website to advertisers can impact how much money you make.

Viewing a selected time period

Hovering over a bar shows the stats for that time period.
Hovering over a bar shows the stats for that time period.

Like the Traffic dashboard, the graph here shows different time periods, including days, weeks, months, and years. Similarly, the selected time period is highlighted in a different color, and the stats for that period will appear below the graph. Clicking on another bar in the graph will change the information below the graph to reflect the stats for that selected day, week, month, or year period.

If you hover your mouse over a bar on the chart, the ads served, average CPM, and revenue data for that time period will pop up, as shown above.

Earnings history

Each row on the Earnings history table shows earnings and ads served data per month.
Each row on the Earnings history table shows earnings and ads served data per month.

The Earnings history table shows a full history of your earnings since you enrolled in WordAds. Each row on the table shows earnings per month in addition to ads served that month. The last column tells the status of each earned amount, that is, whether it has been paid or not. Payments go out at the end of the month if they reach the minimum threshold.

Ads served refers to the number of ads we attempted to display on your site (page impressions multiplied by available ad slots). 

Not every ad served will result in a paid impression. This can happen when: 

  • A visitor is using an ad blocker, preventing ads from showing. 
  • A visitor leaves your site before ads can fully load in their browser. 
  • No advertisers bid higher than the minimum price required to display their ads. 

Note: Earnings fluctuate based on real-time bidding from advertisers.

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