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Display WordPress Posts Widget

The Display WordPress Posts widget lets you display up to ten recent posts from a site or a Jetpack-connected WordPress site.

Adding the Display WordPress Posts Widget

  1. To use this widget, you’ll first need to activate the Extra Sidebar Widgets feature.
  2. In your WP Admin, navigate to Appearance → Customize → Widgets.
  3. Click on the widget area you wish to display posts from a different WordPress site.
  4. Click the + button to search for available widgets.
  5. Search for “display”, and the Display WordPress Posts Widget should appear.

Customizing the Appearance

The widget displays the title of each post from the linked WordPress blog. Each title will link to the full post on the other site. There are several customization options in the widget:

  • Title: This is the title of the widget. It will appear at the top of the list of posts from the other site. If you leave this field blank, the widget will display only the title of the other WordPress site.
  • Blog URL: Enter the blog address, without https:// at the beginning. It will be stripped out if you include it.
  • Number of Posts to Display: Choose how many posts to display, up to ten.
  • Show Featured Image: Checking this box will display the Featured Image, if the post has one assigned.
  • Show Excerpts: Check this box to display an excerpt for each post.

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