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Blog Stats Widget

Display your website’s total number of views with the classic Blog Stats (Jetpack) Widget displays your blog’s total number of views.

Add the Blog Stats widget

The Blog Stats Widget is a classic widget and requires these steps to use:

  1. Install and activate the Classic Widgets plugin.
  2. Activate the Extra Sidebar Widgets feature under WP Admin → Jetpack → Settings → Writing.
  3. Navigate to Appearance → Customize → Widgets and add a Blog Stats (Jetpack) widget to any widget area.
  4. Once you add the widget, you’ll find customization options:
    • Title (optional): This text appears above the widget.
    • Pageview Description (optional): This text appears next to the hit count in the widget.

Troubleshoot Blog stats widget not updating

If your Blog Stats widget is not updating, it’s possible there is an expired transient that needs to be deleted. To fix it, follow these steps:

  1. Install the Transients Manager plugin*.
  2. Search for any transient that starts with jetpack_restapi_stats_cache_, followed by a random string of characters.
  3. After locating the transient, please delete it and re-check your Blog Stats widget again.

*Please note that Transients Manager is a third-party plugin. Since we are not the developers/owners, we cannot troubleshoot it, nor are we responsible for updating it.

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